Once Again, The Evil File Sharer Focus Of Nation-Wide Man Hunt
Oh, brother. Here we go again. http://www.msnbc.com/news/940397.asp - Yep, Congress is managing to alienate thousands of registered voters by trying to incriminate them for file sharing. Oh this helps you get re-elected, piss the music fan off.
Once again, RIAA - the most evil organization on the planet (second only to Al-Queda) is pulling marianette strings in the senate and trying to make mp3 lovers look like the next Jeffery Dahlmer. Now I realize not every senator is corrupt, but, honestly, where do you think this comes from?
This makes music buyers more and more bitter and guarantees the major labels with LOSE this battle. And I weep for a nation that makes file sharing the next "Prohibition". Give me a break.
If congress wants to nail someone, go after the greedy, corrupt, and disgusting American Record labels and put all the criminals in those organizations behind bars.
Friday, July 18, 2003
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Beacon Hill: Let's Get Junk Food Out Of Schools! But, Eh, Keep Sending 'Em Government Peanut Butter.
Ok, this has become a thorn in my side. Let's get junk food out of schools. Hmm. Does that mean we are effectively closing cafeterias? The answer is no. The heavily processed cafeteria food loaded with those evil trans fatty acids will still be there. Most kids I know are smart enough not to eat this garbage. Now, if you're a hair net donning cafeteria employee, relax. I know it's nothing you've done. The food is governent supplied. And the last time I checked "Canned Pork" was not at the top of the food pyramid.
Mass produced cafeteria food makes members of goverment agencies trying to get people in our nation to eat more healthy by informing them of the trans fat content in their box of pork rinds look arrogant when the food they've been supplying our kids since the 50's remains unchanged. When it is possible to order a few healthy items from Wendy's that are significantly healthier than the meatloaf brick your kids are eating at the school, well, there's a problem.
So why are people on this quest to rid the nation of fat people by telling us about trans-fat when the food we serve our kids we wouldn't hand out to pets!
It's great we want to lose the twinkie machine from the school. But when does it become Uncle Sam's right to do this? Instead, schools should tell venders: "Nix the coke machine and the junk food. Put in a nice Veryfine machine and healtheir snacking foods." You're nuts if you think kids won't use it.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
High Speed Car Chases
You know those really cool cop chase tv shows? You know, where many of the idiot criminals end their life in a ball of flames much to the amusement of the viewer at home? Well, one happened to pass through my town of Lancaster yesterday. Evidently, this clown threatened to kill his pregnant wife, and, when he was turned in, ran like a punk. Hmm. Big suprise. A man who threatened to kill his pregnant wife is a wuss.
So the cops finally nailed him in the neighboring town of Leominster where he maticulously rested his car (more like buried it) in someone's brick based house. He had worn his front right tire down to the rim a while back and had run at least through all of Clinton and Lancaster on it.
This seems to be a growing trend in our country. Hot headed, spineless losers who sell drugs, steal cars for joyrides, and threaten to kill people, run when the cops come looking for them. And nine times out of 10, they get caught.
The cops must have incredible restraint, because, truth be told, if you just made me chase you through 5 towns, when I finally get you, I'm going to want to cave in your skull with a shovel. Especially with all the havoc you wrecked.
Major hats off need to be given to police for keeping their cool. I think if most of us were in a chase and toting a nine milimeter, well, once we caught the loser, we'd shoot first, ask questions later.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Once Again, Politicians Try To Prove They Are In Control, Not Voters
Beacon Hill lawmakers substantially weakened the new English immersion law before it even took effect - prompting Gov. Mitt Romney and the law's backers to howl yesterday, that politicians are once again trampling the voters' will.
Are we suprised? Seriously. Why is it most politicians have a reputatation as being money hoarding, back slapping, dirt-bags? Well, um, - er - because they are!!!
Hey stupid, the people voted in favor of English immersion in a landslide vote. Your over riding it will not help your lazy ass get back into office. How dumb are you people over on Beacon Hill? Do you really think we voted you into offce to just overturn all of our votes? That's a good way to no get re-elected, my friend.
But what do you expect from a bunch of underhanded, seedy idiots who plague our TV screens every 2 years (the 4 and 4 that intersect with each other for governor and president)?
This is getting so old. We're nuts if we let this slide.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Media May Be Causing Rise In Child Abductions / Rapes
Oh sure. We can blame all the NAMBLA like organizations, but did you ever consider that maybe the media might be contributing to the cause? Think about it. What didn't you know about either Molly Bish's or Elizabeth Smart's abduction? You knew when and where both were abducted, how the abducter did it, and how exactly he did it.
Why? News coverage. Panels and panels of experts detailing every inch of the event - and for what? A ratings pop, of course. If the news media gives a crap about kids and what happens, they would simply state the name, post a picture and activate "Amber Alert."
Instead, we could all probably all orchestrate our own abduction if we paid attention.
Mr. Creepy isn't necessarily Mr. Insane. It doesn't always work that way. First of all, often on internet cases, a 40 something man will "befriend" a 13 year old girl. Once he gains her trust through a series of online meetings , they meet in person. Say, at a mall or something. After a few times of this, he may suggest he help the already confused young teenage girl who can't seem to approach adulthood fast enough that he "help her into womanhood." Naturally, this means she have sex for the first time. And who better than an older man who knows how to "get her through it."
These men study news stories about cops carousing the internet as 14 year old girls, and sadly, many of them know how to weed out a cop. The media doesn't help with all the information about child abduction cases it gives out. And it's misleading to think that all cases are abductions. Some are "consensual" situations where the child actually is lead to believe this is a good thing for them and agrees to it. A child may be statutorily raped for years and never abducted.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2003
The Living Dead Workers On The Grave Yard Shift
Ah, the nightshift. Blue Collars breaking 2 hours in for coffee, newspapers with day old news, and a cigarette. 4 Hours in for a sandwich or really smelly Vietnamise fish (it's probably delicious but it smells like ass, no offense!) Companies started a 3rd shift to increase production, and ultimately, profits. Except they aren't. MSNBC says, and I quote:
Turns out that the all-night shift might not be such a bargain after all. A new study from Lexington (Mass.) consultancy Circadian Technologies, which advises the nation’s largest companies on how to manage their extended-hours operations, estimates that maintaining the practice may be costing companies a steep $206 billion annually — $8,600 per worker.
Oh, it gets better, read on:
The reason: No matter how many espressos night workers might belt back, their bodies are telling them it’s time to sleep just when their employers need them to be the most productive. Graveyard-shift workers make five times as many serious mistakes and are 20 percent more likely to suffer severe accidents, Circadian found.
Spending the first 12 years of my life working jobs as the one described I can attest to these truths. I started experiencing a sleep disorder. Dizziness, low grade narcalepsy (I would nod of in strange places and not remember how I got there.) I had to axe the 3rd shift because of this and employers were intntolerant with their "New employees MUST work 3rd shift during their trial period" policies. I can't tell you how many times I was turned down because one of these clowns couldn't read a doctor's note.
Since then the Narcalepsy has subsided, and I don't have dizzy spells. But 3rd shift jobs remain despite the protesting of the medical industry. What's worse, in some cases companies don't seem to understand what effective communication is all about. I remember one particular company I worked a whole week for. Not One person on the floor spoke English as his first English. Hell, they couldn't even manage English as a second language unless the phrase "No speak English" became a qualified phrase. They were actually in charge and trying to tell me, an English only speaking guy, what I was doing wrong, in Spanish!!! Needless to say, by the end of the week, I was discharged from employment. The explanation I was given was, "You're not following instruction." Yeah, well, stupid, hire someone that's bi-lingual at least!
Look, the hard facts are: Third shift doesn't work. Production is down, profits are down, expenses are up and accidents are up. Kill it. Think of another way.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:07 AM 0 comments