Rock The Truth: American Warriors
Typical Liberal Rehtoric, failing to see the whole picture, and not really giving a damn how people might feel on the subject. It's clear, because he has his comments closed. You can't voice your disgust, or agreement - however misguided - with him. He can't even post real information about himself. Another one whining about how we should "cut and run". He links to a picture of a girl who lost her hubby in the war. A picture posted originally by the Boston Glob to exploit pain to further a cause who's time never came, and the clear-headed Christian disagrees with. But then, we are the hateful minority in the eyes of Liberalism.
This same clown, no doubt, buys into the "controlled demolition" conspiracy floating around the 9/11 terrorist attack. America sucks, we all deserve death. These people should be run out on a shutter. It starts with our fine Liberal congressmen who constantly berate our military. Many followers of Liberalism are sheep, and go whichever way they are turned, In response, I quote Abe Lincoln:
This same clown, no doubt, buys into the "controlled demolition" conspiracy floating around the 9/11 terrorist attack. America sucks, we all deserve death. These people should be run out on a shutter. It starts with our fine Liberal congressmen who constantly berate our military. Many followers of Liberalism are sheep, and go whichever way they are turned, In response, I quote Abe Lincoln:
"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartimes that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged."