Friday, December 19, 2003

Snowbound II: Idiots With Sport Utility Vehicles.

Another thing that irks me is the moron with the SUV. Not to be sexist, but most of the time it's a woman driver, and not because I think they suck as drivers, but because they are the group buying these gas guzzlers. No matter where I am going, if I wait long enough, I'll have some bitch in her friggin' Lincoln Navigator, hubs locked and in four wheel drive, right up my ass in a snow storm. Why? Well, because stupid, she's invincible in that thing, didn't you know?

Men will drive their 4X4 pickups just as aggressively, only seem not to tailgate. Most of the time they'll catch up with someone and give them a good 4 car lengths because they realize something the Navigator driver is completely clueless about: Four wheel drive is great in the snow, but it doesn't stop any better than two-wheel-drive.

So imagine my smug smile when someone has planted their full size SUV in the woods because they couldn't stop, and went right off the road. Oh, these people almost never get hurt, that's a given, and therefore, never learn to stop driving like an ass. I suppose it's a good thing that these people are behind me driving like Richard Petty in the snow and not in front. If they f up, then they lose ground, and if I'm behind them, I'll probably get tangled up.

The other side of the equation are the people terrified by frozen water falling from the sky. I recently got stuck in the early stages of a storm behind someone going so slow, my speedometer didn't even register a speed. I was 3rd in line from this tool, and the line trailed off behind me in a sea of cars. I can't imagine how bad it was.

I suppose both parties should just stay home when it snows. Neither can seem to drive with any discernment, and neither seems to give a crap about other people on the road, either they shove their car right up your ass and try to change your sexual preference, or they drive insanely slow, and won't pull over to let people - who by the way are making them more nervous and drive even slower - pass to be on their way.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

The "Bad Boy" Affliction

Today my topic is something I don't think I've ever approached: Girls. Specifically, the American girl with the blonde hair who lived next door to you her whole life and you never had the nerve to ask her out until just last year only to find out she prefers "Bad Boys". Why? Well, she wants to tame one. Yeah, then a few months later you run into her again, she's got a butt steak slapped on her eye and is wearing a cast on her leg. It's obvious someone is kicking the crap out of her. Hmm. Must be that "bad boy". Couldn't tame him, eh?

This is a growing trend among twenty-something American women. Wanting to tame the bad boy. Now, speaking as someone many view as this bad boy, I want to make it clear that there's a fine line between "Bad Boy" and "Ex-Con Material". See, some bad boys are just loud mouthed arrogant assholes. They won't pick a fight with someone their own size because they'd probably lose. They latch on to un-suspecting women, beat them daily, and convince them their whole family will be hurt or dead if they say anything.

Many women are too scared to get out of this situation. Sadly, they often turn up face-down in a ditch with evidence of a strangling looming about. Sure the guy gets caught, but, what does it matter, she's dead. Yeah, you could argue that "He'll never hurt anyone again," but a life was still lost.

Speaking from experience, I can tell you that these guys run like cowards when caught. They have no back-bone at all, and therefore, are not a bad boy. Just a loser with a big mouth. A real "rebel" wouldn't hit a women, he'd more likely hunt down wife beaters and give them a nice physical lesson about the real world.

Yet, women continue to pick these guys, who by the way, often cheat with other women, while beating the hell out of the woman they claim to love. Hmm... Time to re-think the bad boy thing, wouldn't you say?

Thanks to the ever so Funky Space Kat for this link... Help For Domestic Abuse Victims.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Snowbound Idiots Rushing To The Supermarket.

It never fails. Even if good old Hal Burling (random Meterologist name) says we might get a passing snow squall, people rush to the store and make a mad dash for the deli. You know, just in case the planet gets snow bound and we are screwed for a month. Oh, except we don't live in Alaska, and if we did, we'd be able to handle the conditions and get out for food and water supplies.

I'll grant that Massachusetts is not known for it's predictable weather, but that being said, it's also not known for being disastrous either. I can't remember a time in my life where we were so snowed in, it was a situation of perpetual doom. No, not even the "Blizzard Of '78".

But any supermarket clerk will tell you, it's ridiculous to the point of pure lunacy the way people rush to the store at even the slightest mention of a single snow flake. "Holy S, I need Bread, Meat, Batteries and Milk!" -Yeah, except Milk spoils in a warm fridge, unless of course you happen to run a generator and I'm not even going to get into how ridiculous that notion is.