Friday, July 25, 2003

The Nationwide Media Frenzy That IS Kobe Bryant

Sure it's easy for us all to point our fingers at the alleged victim and yell, "Gold Digger!" And, truth be known, she may very well be. When it comes to a high profile celebrity, you have to question the validity of the claim in all cases. Many of these women are modern day Jezebels. Lure someone into a pit of sexual deviancy, then afterwards, break out the onion, cry like a baby, and cry wolf.

Except one has to ask the question, "What if she was raped?"

Now fans of basketball, and more importantly, Kobe Bryant, say Kobe's not capable of such a seditious act. Further, this girl is just another money seeking foul thing who wants an easy buck.

The real problem are a few idiots who don't get what justice is all about. One: Tom Lychis. 2: A web site called "Binary Report."

Lychis is a moran to start with. He is a shock jock somewhere on the west coast who teaches you a "fool proof method for gettng laid", so his motivations are already bad. Tom went on the air and told everyone the girls name. Following the media rule of thumb, I won't reveal her name, although I do know who she is, and further, her phone number, email, and where she lives.

The second zilch is a site called "Binary Report". This site appears to be set up with the sole purpose of telling you what a tramp Kobe's accuser is.

Look, in this case especially, it is absolutely necessary to let justice do it's work. Some will argue that Kobe can't get a fair trial because of his popularity. Maybe so, but if there is no proof to this accusation, and it is her word against his, the case will be tough to prove.

My opinion? Kobe f'ed up, big time. He comitted adultry, and got caught. If this girl is doing this to pocket some coin, well, then yes, she's a gold digging godless daughter of Jezebel who in the end will face final judgement with a court that doesn't cut plea bargains.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Cloning: What The Heck Are We Doing?

Dolly. The Jiffy Pop DNA Sheep. Cloning is the latest world wide hot-button that just won't go away. And as usual with Science, we are forging ahead without answering many questions. Such as, "If we do succeed in making a super-human clone, what will happen if he tear asses around the planet killing the rest of us?"

There is, of course, another side to this. Some would argue that since the clone is man made, it doesn't have a soul as God himself plays a roll in human creation. Those who are proponents of the theory of evolution, which has less fact around it than the evidence supporting the Shroud of Tourin was in fact what Jesus Chirst was wrapped in, will say God doesn't play a part in it.

Look, if your Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan, Buddahist, Hindu, etc. etc., you believe a God somehow has his hand in human life. And that means greater than half the planet believes in some sort of deity. Therefore, why the heck ARE we messing around with a devinely created plan?

This is typical of Science, forge ahead, forget the re-precussions. In the end, you'll probably find, do to lack of a soul, not one clone will survive. The soul is pretty much the life force behind your entire body. Anyone who worships a God or Goddess will tell you that.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Outreach From Rock Band Viewed as "Blood Money"

I remember it well. The "Station" nightclub fire. I was in Rhode Island the night of the fire - at a different club - and naturally, everyone thought I had been at the Station.

I was rocked by the news, however. Great White is considered a Hair Band, or as I would say, from the Classic Metal genre that ruled the 1980's, so it got my attention. Jack Russell appeared on the news, shaken, stirred, and devestated by what had happened.

And of course, everyone started pointing fingers. Families of people killed in the fire all started opening their wallets looking to collect from someone and the first fingers were pointed at the club and the band. How dumb were these people. "We're gonna get every dime you got, pal." WAIT.

Great White's time in the spotlight was somewhere in the late 1980's, and so was their time of monatary prosperity. So the typical "it hurts make it feel better with a big wad of cash" claim faded over the months. Charges may still be brought on the band if it is determined they were largely at fault for the pyro-technics display being setup without permission.

So now the band wants to do a tour and raise money for "The Station Family Fund", which is expected to bring in $5000.00 to $15,000.00 a week for the cause and this angry suburbanite, while tearing her hair out at the roots exlaimed, "It's the most horrible thing I've heard. There's no way we're going to accept any money from Great White. It's blood money. They caused the deaths of all these people."

Let me get this straight, Jack Russel is trying to atone any guilt and fault he may have by touring and donating all the proceeds and all this un-forgiving wench can do is badmouth his efforts?! This woman should crawl into a hole and stay there. There is no use for un-forgiving people in this country when someone offers both an apology and an effort to correct the situation. What a disgusting, vile human being this woman is. The people who died in the fire would accept both expressions and would want to see the band come out ok on the other side, or have you forgotten that? There is the chance fire will break out in any over crowded club and people will die, it's a chance you take going out. Yes, these were un-usual circumstances, but the risk is always the same.

Get over yourself you arrogant woman.

By the way, before any of you half reading idiots get all upset over my writing, swallow this: I'm not saying this wasn't an awful and totally avoidable incident set off by a bunch of careless people. But there is also no room for un-forgiveness here. Remember, the band lost someone as well.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Vince To Beacon Hill: Ehh. Sorry, MCAS Ain't Workin'

So this article pops up in the Boston Herald, and it shows how bloody frustrated most of the kids are who failed MCAS. More than half aren't checking in for a retake.

And no wonder. The test alleged to weed out stupid teachers instead might be taking a rather harsh effect on the people it intends to help. I wonder if the 8% who fail have learning disabilities?

A written test isn't crafted for a non-academic learner, and they do exist, by the way. It's not a copout.

I can't explain what happened and why we need this joke of a test anyway, but I think it happened somewhere between the 1950's and the 1990's when we started thinking a four-year degree was ALL that mattered when selecting teachers. Now we have a handful of good teachers and a trashbag full of really awful people who know how to pass a college final.

Now, it is possible to hire compassionate, loving teachers. My friend Rebecca is one. But for the most part, school officials are more impressed with credentials, not compassion. "Wow, a master's from Yale. Impressive." Is more than likely uttered more than, "This woman worked for four years with this kid to make sure he passed Math."

So MCAS doesn't work. And the more enligtened bunch of us have known there were holes in this test bigger than some of the craters on the moon. Beacon Hill doesn't seem to get that some things can't be evaluated in a written test. To this day I can't pass a written exam on anything. And if I can't, there must be others effected the same way.

Monday, July 21, 2003

RIAA Brings In 1000 "Criminals"

On Friday the lobby group that works on behalf of the large, mostly foreign-owned, music conglomerates that own the music copyrights and distribution channels confirmed that it was serving subpoenas at the rate of 75 a day on US citizens for the crime of sharing the music they love. See this website for the whole article.

Oh, brother. What a joke of an organization the RIAA is. But the news is not all bad. Now Kazza and Grokster are working on "Cloaking Devices". So while "he RIAA is beside itself with glee: and boasted that a thousand music-lovers had already been busted," file sharing is about to strike back, giving the RIAA the punk-stick.

And they deserve it. If a congressman seeking re-election gets up and prosecutes 1000 voters who said they didn't support his views on a single issue, he may lose 1000 people who would have voted for him anyway. So that's 1000 less votes he will receive. Likewise, that is 1000 less CDs the music industry will sell in the future for multiple reasons. 1.)The people are more than likely disgusted with this seedy organization. 2.)They'll be broke if the RIAA wins.

And it is ridiculous to think that KaZaa users don't buy a single album. Most use file sharing to determine whether a CD is worth buying to begin with. Due to "cheaters", a group of file sharers who either run low bandwidth, carry small libraries, or cut downloads, it is nearly impossible in most cases to download entire albums.

Personally, I have used file sharing to download songs by artists who don't get played in the U.S. (because of the RIAA who control MOST radio media), and later purchased the album.

In the end, the music fan will win. KaZaa will beat the RIAA and we'll be back at square one.