Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Partial Birth Human Slaughtering

Ahh, another day of tuning in talk shows and hearing Liberal minded women who want to Slaughter already born babies because, "Dammit, it's my right!" Hey lady... Screw you and your rights... If you don't respect human life, you don't deserve one yourself, much less an abortion...

I suppose you could argue the age old debate about when life actually occurs... I believe, incidentally, upon conception. However, no human on this entire planet has the right, nor the authority to say, "Now that the baby has seen daylight, pierce it's skull with a dagger, because, dammit, it's my right to want that done! It's my body."

Hey lady, shut your arrogant hole. I'll concede (for now) the dumb argument that during the fetal stage YOU think the baby is some kind of cocoon that's not living... However, when that thing exits your body via either caesarian section OR natural child birth, game over. You get nothing, Good day ma'am.

This selfish game of women calling the shots for reasons of pure selfishness and arrogance has got to stop. They hide behind the mask of "freedom" so they can go out and sleep with 400 men, get knocked up, and then just "remove" the problem manually. How about this: How about no sex if you can't handle the responsibility?

However, The Honorable Judge Wench decided George W. Bush was being some in-human monster by saying that a halfway born baby cannot be murdered with a pair of scissors because that's just murder. You know, I'm none to happy with Bushy Bushy these days, but GOOD CALL.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Voting Time Again

Oh goodie. Time to throw my vote away. How excited am I? Not very. No matter who I vote for, someone thinks I am throwing my vote away. Vote for Bush, then I want a power hungry dictator in office. Vote for Kerry, then I like guys who can't make up their minds about anything.

But here's the catch. I don't vote for either. Oh, I do vote. Only with my vote, I get both the left AND the right saying I'm wasting my vote.

I guess since the Libertarian party doesn't garner a ton of votes, some think it's the same as not voting at all. I have a different opinion.

Voting for someone I can't stomach would be throwing my vote away. So am I really throwing my vote away? No, not really. Throwing my vote away would be to listen to a Liberal or Conservative minded person who thinks Kerry is a re-incarnation of Muhammad and Bush is the Messiah.