Don't Fool Yourself, Hilary Will Run
Ok, now it's time for me to piss off all the democraps and un-informed idiots in this country. As the title states, Hilary will run. Trust me. She's got an ace up her sleeve and she's going to play it.
The problem is: Hilary is a control freak bent on running the show. Are we ready for a woman president? The numbers say yes, but we'd rather have a black president first. Unless, of course, it's Hilary Clinton. The we all rush out to the polls, pen in hand. Are we nuts?!
Hilary will not be a good president based on the fact that she is so insanely head strong. You think George W. was bad? Wait until this one gets into office. I can't predict what she'll do with the country, but I know it won't be good based on the Clinton's over all moral track record. "It Takes A Village" never ceases to piss me off...
I would strongly advise anyone who calls themselves a voter to statistically research any canidate before voting and know what they stand for. This isn't a friggin' popularity contest, these people control the fate of the free world. And we don't want a trigger happy, anti-Christian in office who will drive this country further down the toilet than it already is.
Friday, September 05, 2003
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Music Buying Websites Missing The Boat
I've been carousing the web the past few days looking into buying music where I can download only the songs I want. I've found something out. The nasty dragon known as the RIAA has it's evil little paws in this as well. Go to this website, and read EVERYTHING. Especially how many times you can burn the song, transfer the song, and on how many computers the song can exist. Hey Junior, once I lay my .99 down, what I can do with it on my own media and how many times I can do it is none of your concern. And stop making it all WMA, that's f'ing irritating!!!! The format of choice is MPfriggin3!!!
Man this pisses me off. The RIAA just doesn't get it. They don't control the media, I do. Once I buy it, it's my damn right to make as many mix CDs as I want. And I also don't do media on the same computer I surf from, so all these limitations are leaving a percentage of the population out to pasture.
They need to remember, there is always a way. While WMA is un-friendly with most software I have, it can be converted to the trusty old MP3. Also, if you burn a WMA file onto a DATA CDR, it becomes Read-Only, which means it can't log all of this stupid data that tells it how many times I've done what where with it.
So until they give me what I want, my money goes to sites like where once you have membership, the music is your to mix as you wish, wherever you wish. Maybe the RIAA will catch on someday, but with their track record, I doubt it. Remember these greedy bastards - they are suing $750,000.00 per copywrite infringment on kids who probably work at Burger King.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
More Traffic Stuff
Since most of us hate other people in traffic, I feel I can never exhaust this topic. In my town, the newest thing is for people passing through to try and beat the cops. Except they won't.
My girlfriend was going home the other day, doing the speed limit up Rt. 117, which happens to be 35MPH. Except that nobody wants to do it. Most want a minimum speed of 45MPH. Well, beware, because there are people like me in traffic with a radar detector, and I'm going to use it to set you up if you're bullying other people.
Here's how to nail an aggressive driver. Play chicken with him. If he wants you to go faster, do it. When the detector goes off, start slowing significantly as the signal increases. You want the idiot behind you to pass you un-knowingly which causes him to blow by the cop.
I've done this a half a dozen times with extreme success. All 6 people got stopped. At least 4 got tickets, not warnings. You see, when your on good terms with the local boys in blue, it's easy to attain this information.
Most of all, if you are an aggressive speeding driver, watch yourself. Because people like me are going to set you up all the time.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
Minnesota Teenager Being Made Scape Goat
Does this really suprise anyone? We can't find the guys who actually wrote the worm, so we're going to make an example out of this kid. Read the article at Yahoo News. Except the point won't be made because technically, you've got the wrong guy. Now I hate to defend anyone who's even dabbled in virus writing, but this is really dumb.
Yeah, ok. Jeffrey Lee Parson made modifications to the worm. And who out of the group of us doesn't want to take a sucker punch at Microsoft for all the problems that plague windows platforms. Personally, I've had to re-install Windows ME at least 30 times over the past 2 years because it just crashed.
But, they've got the wrong man. The guy who wrote the MSBlaster worm is still on the loose (if you can call it that, it's only a computer for crying out loud, not the Earth's Oxygen supply). So what point is making an example out of Jeffrey going to make? How about absolutley zero.
We should really look at how dependent we are becoming on computers. And with the crack team of savvy motivated individuals at Microsoft, that scares the crap out of me. They can't seem to write a piece of software that doesn't screw up one way or another.
So I'm not sure if exploiting Jeffrey Parson will help. In fact, it just looks dumb when the FBI makes an example out of a kid who may be able to hack another program but not write his own. The message will no doubt be lost that, "This is what will happen if we catch you." The FBI doesn't seem interested in taking the case beyond Jeffrey. They seem to be wrapping it up.
Man, I'm glad it's not the planet's Oxygen supply if that's the case...
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 01, 2003
Critics Are Idiots
Whenever a movie gets rave reviews, it amazes me anyone goes to see the movie. Point and case. Critics slammed Terminator 3. They hated it. They called it weak, plotless and awful. And guess what? It went out and kicked ass in the box office. Sure, maybe it didn’t dominate, but it did really well, and the critics just moved on. So when Freddy Vs. Jason, they said, “Fans will go out to see this because it’s a cult film.”
The art of critiquing movies has gone right down the toilet in recent years. Critics don’t know what’s going on. They are clueless. Things come out of Hollywood that are phenomenal that the critics give no credit.
In our society any idiot who has a journalism degree and a pen thinks he or she is qualified to bash a few movies because it doesn’t fit the mold of what they think is classic. I suppose now the both Bob Hope and Frank Sinatra are dead, we’ll never make everyone happy.
People never compare originality, they always use backwards comparisons where they take a movie like T-3 and put it up against the Maltese Falcon. Except that the movies are from two separate decades and not comparable.
But we must accept this. The more indignant our journalists get, the more jaded the reviews will be. Sooner or later, a critic will put a liberal spin on why “Blade III” is exactly why we need to make Political Correctness a law.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 11:01 AM 0 comments