Sunday, May 08, 2005

I Mean, Come On...

Can someone explain why we are all up in arms about a Runaway Bride? And I mean a GOOD answer? While we have Racists protesting a Holocaust memorial in Boston, a free-for-all at the Mexico boarder, and Liberals saying parents have no right to know if their 13 year old daughter is getting an abortion, the media wants to worry about a runaway bride?

I realize that this country is really fascinated with everyone else's business and can't keep out noses out of it all, but in the grand scheme of things, a runaway bride is the least of our problems. Who cares? She got cold feet, she was NOT the reason a missing person investigation was launched (her rich father did that one), and she didn't murder anyone.

She got scared when she saw her face on the 6:00 news. Hell, I would too. Don't think I'd say I was abducted by anyone unless I could come up with something really good like, "...I was abducted by 3 Swiss business men and taken on board a Japanese submarine in Lake Michigan..."

I don't care what this girl did. Not my problem. I'm more concerned with Liberal pinheads deciding I'm not in charge of my kid anymore...