The Rapist that IS State Appointed Child Support
Since I am very angry about this and it's fresh on my mind, I am going to do tomorrow's blog a day early. But, since most of you have already read today's, you will see this on time tomorrow. That being said...
I only bring up this topic because I received a phone call from my ex saying that she decided to get a state order for child support where she lives because without one, the state won't send her assistance. I have a major bone to pic with all the raping lawyers and judges who are behind these stupid laws.
First the laws:
You MUST pay whatever the state says they think you can afford OR you go to jail until you pay. While in jail, you can't make money so when you get out you can't pay SO you go BACK to jail. A disgusting vicious circle that gets worse and worse.
Women are made to be the victims in these situations. Lawyers and judges go after men as though they just molested a 12 year old and stick it to them in every way they can. There is no exception. You MUST pay what WE say you do or we give you the guillotine. Shoot - they'd give us unmarried dads the chair if they could. These people will ruin an individual's life over a measley monetary issue just because they think they're making a point.
And don't fool yourself and say, "Well, women run into the same thing if a Dad has custody." NO THEY DON'T. It's a load of bull. Judges go very easy (for the most part) on women who are not in custody. They cut them breaks, lower payment amounts, and all kinds of other exceptions. It's a sexest system designed to make men out to be monsters. Granted, in my eyes, having a child out of wedlock is selfish to begin with as two people obviously don't want to make a commitment to each other for one reason or another, but both parties are wrong and only one is punished. The man.
I'm sick of this being the way it's done. It's an ugly cut-throat procedure run by the government to punish someone for knocking up someone else's daughter (before you argue with this, remember, we're ALL someone's son or daughter). It needs the hand of a Libertarian in it to adjust the laws so men don't get kicked around like the woman had nothing to do with it. Because if she DID he'd be in jail for rape.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Posted by Vince Wylde at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Federal Court BLOCKS Do Not Call List
Someone please tell me this judge doesn't really have his head this far up his ass. For the complete story, you can go To MSNBC.
Holy S. Is this clown serious? The whole damn country shakes it's fist and says, "Stop calling me at dinner!" and this clown stands up and says, "Too bad, your phone line is NOT a right to privacy!" Where did this drone come from? And why is he in a high court?!
Telemarketing firms are run by disgusting people who do disgusting things in ways that would horrify you if they were practiced by your kid calling a friend. And yet, until now, we've allowed them free reign to call us, put us on hold to "...please wait for the next available operator." Who doesn't get annoyed by telemarketers regardless of when they call. We didn't ask for it, they just got our number out of a pool and placed the call after having an automatic dialer check the number about 100 times first (that's why you get all those hangups from an "Out Of Area" number.)
Telemarketing has long been a vile industry run by people who don't care how they make the sale, as long as they make the sale, and now the outcry from the public about how invasive this is has finally got the US Government to react. So when a Federal Court Judge decided this is an overstepping of bounds when the public majority asked for it, well, he's over-stepping his bounds. Put a sock in it, Junior. You're just big business' tool, being used to tighten the already stripped screws in the backs of the public.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Internet Terrorists
No, they don't fly planes into ISPs, but they do pick fights with people, threaten to do things they would never get up and do and probably have a huge collection of teen porn on their hard drive. The internet Terrorist. Brainless, spineless and loud mouthed.
Most of these guys can't even argue at a formidable level. They spew "mom" jokes, s-bombs, f-bombs and c-bombs, which when all they are used in a tirade, are kind of pointless. Point and case: Yesterday I was in a live NHL draft. A guy whose screen name was starscream_74 (he's on yahoo let him have it) started the draft calling me a name when I asked if there was anyone there (a question that was valid since many times people don't show up and the computer picks all of the players for them).
This got ugly. I was calling him a drone who's mind was controlled by the American Music Industry and he could only manage to say classic metal musicians were all homos who did various activities with their mouths. Finally I'd had it.
I said, "If metal musicians are such homos then I dare you to go to this web site (plug the mighty Spit Like This here) and email Lord Zion and tell him how bad he sucks, you bloody townie." (Crap, I'm even starting to sound like Z...)
Now obviously this is very juvenile BUT... The argument ENDED there. I know he checked the site, I know he saw the band, and I KNOW it intimidated the hell out of him.
Why did I do this? For the sake of screwing with his very minimalsitic mind. He couldn't argue to save his own life. You could tell he did this all of the time and probably got off on getting a rise out of other people only I had the last laugh in the end.
Point of fact: Every mindless drone on the internet who partakes of "internet terrorism" is a guy who hasn't had a date since the Beatles last tour. So pay them no mind unless you're like me and very good at screwing with their heads.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:31 AM 0 comments
A friend and I were talking about Liberals and how ridiculous they are and this came up. A story by Ben J. Mynh - Clever if I do say so myself. A little different for this page. Enjoy.
Duck And Moose: A Liberal View On Animals
Open scene, winter, a duck and a moose are sitting next to each other, both appear to be nothing more than bones and skin.
“Damn I’m hungry” The duck squawks.
“Yeah me too.” The moose agrees. “But since the human’s don’t hunt anymore, the population has gotten out of control.”
“Why have they stopped hunting us? We’ve been food for them since the beginning of time.”
“They used to take my kind’s pelts and make clothing and shelter out of them.”
“It’s like they’ve forgotten they are the ones responsible for the well being of the entire planet, which includes wildlife maintenance.”
“Maybe the humans expect us to stop having ‘relations’ with the females.” Moose says and the two look at each other for a moment before laughter takes a hold of them so hard they can no longer stay on their feet.
“There’s just not enough food to go around.” Duck says loosing the energy to continue laughing.
“Why don’t they hunt any more?!?” Moose exclaims exasperated.
“Yeah, I’d rather get shot than starve to death any day.”
“Yeah, it’s quicker.”
“And relatively painless.”
“HEY LOOK! A Human’s transportation! I can’t stand this anymore!” Duck says, gathering up the last of his strength and flaps his wings.
He flies off, soars around, and with a “Quack-ronimo!” He crashes headlong into the car. Screeching to a halt, the car stops. Two humans get out, pick up the duck and drive a way with it.
“Amazing” Moose says watching the car drive away with the dead duck, and pass another car traveling the opposite direction, heading for that same spot in the road.
“Well, it worked for him.” Moose says pawing the snowy ground. “I’m too hungry to argue with a quick death.”
Moose rears up and charges, top speed, toward the road. He’s charged at moving targets before, so he has the skill to aim correctly. He also has the timing just right to put him on the road, and in front of the car, one full second before the car will hit him. His hooves hit the tar, and he lowers his head and closes his eyes in anticipation.
The driver slams on the breaks, but not soon enough to keep from running head long into the moose. The car slams into the moose with such force, that both the moose and the car bounce off each other, and get thrown to either side of the road. The driver crashes through the windshield, and lands across the hood of his car, not moving.
“YOU STUPID IDIOT!” The moose shouts standing up, and charging the car again.
“Why in the hell were we ever afraid of you?” The moose rams the car several times, forcing it off the road. The driver, obviously dead, just flops off the hood of the car, and lays in the ditch.
The moose trots off the road indignantly muttering curses to all humans
“No wonder you stopped hunting us, you no good, son of a person.”
The next day the moose is sitting in the same spot, reading a news paper with the headline: “No seatbelt causes man’s death in freak car accident.”
“Stupid humans.” Moose says looking up to see a car he recognizes pulling to a stop along the same stretch of road. Two people get out holding a box. They walk into the woods a little ways, and open the box. Out falls a duck with it’s wing in a sling. Quickly the two humans walk back to their car and drive away.
Sighing, the duck ambles up to the moose and the two friends look at each other for a moment.
“How was I to know they were animal activists?” Duck says.
The end
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2003
Today I'm Angry With The Airlines.
Once again the incompetence and total lack of common sense on the part of this country has pissed me off. Evidently, while making her trek out to school in Washington state, airport security hunted down my girlfriend, stripped searched her and went through all of her belongings (minus the strip search, but the bastards may as well have done it).
In the process they X-Rayed her stuff including her PC erasing her hard drive (X-Ray Degauze hard drives because of their powerful technology) leaving her without a computer for School! Dammit! You people are so clueless!!!!
Yeah, we still have the same crack squad of savvy motivated individuals manning the helm of airport security except now they have more responsibility and they still can't handle the little they did have. And don't tell me the added military presence (if it's even still there) is helping. This is all just bull.
Now one may argue that anyone can hi-jack a plane and kill people so therefore everyone should be profiled, not just people on temporary visas to this country. But this lunacy is killing the airline industry's profits because people are sick of the nonsense. Why does an 85 year old woman need to be strip-searched? Because her "description" fits the profile?
Profile: Doesn't Travel Much. Rapid monetary exchange through bank accounts. Has several lay-overs.
Oh, they forget to bring age into it... 85 years old!!!!! She's not hi-jacking a plane, and you know it! Yet, because we are so damn politically correct in this country, we'll keep bending the elderly, college students and dangerous handicapped people over a chair and breaking out the latex glove because, "Dammit, we just cannot afford to profile one race!"
Posted by Vince Wylde at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Liberals Vs. Conservatives - Would Everyone Please Just Shut The Hell Up!
Ok, Sunday blogs are a new one for me, but since I've been lacking in my daily blog responsibilities, I figured a new thing was welcome.
I happened to pass by Al Franken's new Book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right." This title, is of course, BULL. Al Franken comes off as a spoiled little know-it-all. Not that I'm defending Ann Coulter (Treason). But by virtue of the fact that she is against Liberals puts her way ahead of the race when paired with Al Franken.
But why is it nobody gets it. Ann is off, Al is way off... It's sparked interest for me to write my own book. Remember "Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Stupid Idiot"? What if I wrote a book called "Al Franken Should Shut The Hell Up," and a sequel called, "Ann Coulter: While A Pretty Smile Is Poison From The Heart".
This is the fact. Until one of these two geniuses realizes what's really going on, all either book will be is a clever little opinion and anything but a solution. "Well, gee, you big loud mouthed arrogant little loser. What IS the solution, and for that matter, problem?"
Public Enemy # 1: The Rage That Is Political Correctness. -Man I am so sick of Soccer Moms who don the protest sign and flood the streets in support of political correctness. They are double minded when it comes to this issue. It's not ok for us to use Proactive Intelligence Screening, (a euphemism for Racially Profiling - or picking out the group of people who routinely terrorize us and harassing them constantly at the airport rather than making little old ladies from North Dakota face a wall while we search their inner cavities) BUT it's ok for a man to be portrayed as a buffoon on the commercials during breaks that occur on the 6:00 news. Hey, wench, it either goes both ways, or it doesn't.
Public Enemy # 2: Guns. -I'm sick of the Left trying to take my .44 away. If every passenger on all the flights hijacked on 9-11 had a gun, the planes would not have made it to New York. True, discharging a firearm on a plane will more than likely cause the plane to crash, but then maybe only 150 people would have died instead of 3000.
I'm not even going to touch Al Franken on either of these because he's a snot nosed little tool. Ann has not addressed either, and if you ask me, these are the biggest issues ruining our country. So maybe I should don pen in hand, and let everyone know what I think... Does it matter I don't have a four-year degree? Oh yeah, either does Al Franken.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:39 PM 0 comments