Monday, September 22, 2003

Today I'm Angry With The Airlines.

Once again the incompetence and total lack of common sense on the part of this country has pissed me off. Evidently, while making her trek out to school in Washington state, airport security hunted down my girlfriend, stripped searched her and went through all of her belongings (minus the strip search, but the bastards may as well have done it).

In the process they X-Rayed her stuff including her PC erasing her hard drive (X-Ray Degauze hard drives because of their powerful technology) leaving her without a computer for School! Dammit! You people are so clueless!!!!

Yeah, we still have the same crack squad of savvy motivated individuals manning the helm of airport security except now they have more responsibility and they still can't handle the little they did have. And don't tell me the added military presence (if it's even still there) is helping. This is all just bull.

Now one may argue that anyone can hi-jack a plane and kill people so therefore everyone should be profiled, not just people on temporary visas to this country. But this lunacy is killing the airline industry's profits because people are sick of the nonsense. Why does an 85 year old woman need to be strip-searched? Because her "description" fits the profile?

Profile: Doesn't Travel Much. Rapid monetary exchange through bank accounts. Has several lay-overs.

Oh, they forget to bring age into it... 85 years old!!!!! She's not hi-jacking a plane, and you know it! Yet, because we are so damn politically correct in this country, we'll keep bending the elderly, college students and dangerous handicapped people over a chair and breaking out the latex glove because, "Dammit, we just cannot afford to profile one race!"