Tuesday, September 23, 2003

A friend and I were talking about Liberals and how ridiculous they are and this came up. A story by Ben J. Mynh - Clever if I do say so myself. A little different for this page. Enjoy.

Duck And Moose: A Liberal View On Animals
Open scene, winter, a duck and a moose are sitting next to each other, both appear to be nothing more than bones and skin.
“Damn I’m hungry” The duck squawks.
“Yeah me too.” The moose agrees. “But since the human’s don’t hunt anymore, the population has gotten out of control.”
“Why have they stopped hunting us? We’ve been food for them since the beginning of time.”
“They used to take my kind’s pelts and make clothing and shelter out of them.”
“It’s like they’ve forgotten they are the ones responsible for the well being of the entire planet, which includes wildlife maintenance.”
“Maybe the humans expect us to stop having ‘relations’ with the females.” Moose says and the two look at each other for a moment before laughter takes a hold of them so hard they can no longer stay on their feet.
“There’s just not enough food to go around.” Duck says loosing the energy to continue laughing.
“Why don’t they hunt any more?!?” Moose exclaims exasperated.
“Yeah, I’d rather get shot than starve to death any day.”
“Yeah, it’s quicker.”
“And relatively painless.”
“HEY LOOK! A Human’s transportation! I can’t stand this anymore!” Duck says, gathering up the last of his strength and flaps his wings.
He flies off, soars around, and with a “Quack-ronimo!” He crashes headlong into the car. Screeching to a halt, the car stops. Two humans get out, pick up the duck and drive a way with it.
“Amazing” Moose says watching the car drive away with the dead duck, and pass another car traveling the opposite direction, heading for that same spot in the road.
“Well, it worked for him.” Moose says pawing the snowy ground. “I’m too hungry to argue with a quick death.”
Moose rears up and charges, top speed, toward the road. He’s charged at moving targets before, so he has the skill to aim correctly. He also has the timing just right to put him on the road, and in front of the car, one full second before the car will hit him. His hooves hit the tar, and he lowers his head and closes his eyes in anticipation.
The driver slams on the breaks, but not soon enough to keep from running head long into the moose. The car slams into the moose with such force, that both the moose and the car bounce off each other, and get thrown to either side of the road. The driver crashes through the windshield, and lands across the hood of his car, not moving.
“YOU STUPID IDIOT!” The moose shouts standing up, and charging the car again.
“Why in the hell were we ever afraid of you?” The moose rams the car several times, forcing it off the road. The driver, obviously dead, just flops off the hood of the car, and lays in the ditch.
The moose trots off the road indignantly muttering curses to all humans
“No wonder you stopped hunting us, you no good, son of a person.”
The next day the moose is sitting in the same spot, reading a news paper with the headline: “No seatbelt causes man’s death in freak car accident.”
“Stupid humans.” Moose says looking up to see a car he recognizes pulling to a stop along the same stretch of road. Two people get out holding a box. They walk into the woods a little ways, and open the box. Out falls a duck with it’s wing in a sling. Quickly the two humans walk back to their car and drive away.
Sighing, the duck ambles up to the moose and the two friends look at each other for a moment.
“How was I to know they were animal activists?” Duck says.
The end