Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Web Bot Project And 2012.

Note from Vince: I mistakenly omitted my source for this article which is another blog: - While some of you may be displeased to find that this writer is a new-ager and in fact not a Christian source, I remind you that there are 6 prophecies regarding this date including Christianity and Islam. It may be important to bear in mind that God is trying to get our attention. The link to the site above does partake in some heavy discussion on items such as the Tarot. Visit there at your own discretion. If you are a fellow former Witch or practicer of other Magick, I advise avoiding the old ways or links to occultic practices. Cheers! -V

The date 2012 has been popping up alot lately suggesting a catostrophic world event could happen in that year. Recently, I uncovered an article that adds yet another "coincidence" to our already long list. That being another affirmation that 2012 may be a terrible year. The article posts many of the prophecys from different sources that all agree about 2012. Article follows.

The Web Bot Project and 2012

Maybe some of you have heard of The Web Bot Project, but for those of you who have not, it's quite intriguing.

The Web Bot Project, developed in the late 1990's, was created to assist in making stock market predictions.

The technology uses a system of spiders to crawl the Internet and search for keywords, much like a search engine does. When a keyword is located, the bot program takes a snapshot of the text preceding and following the keyword. This snapshot of text is sent to a central location where it is then filtered to define meaning.

But in 2001, bot operators began to notice that stock market predictions were not the only matters being accurately predicted by the program. They began to take notice of coincidence with occurrences and explored it further.

One of the first accurate predictions from the bot program took place in June of 2001. The program predicted that a life altering event would take place within the next 60-90 days. An occurrence of such proportion that it's effects would be felt worldwide. The program based it's prediction on "web chatter" which ultimately represents the collective unconscious of society.

Regrettably, the bot program's prediction proved accurate and the Twin Towers fell on 9/11/2001.

Here's where it starts to become very interesting. The bot program also predicts a worldwide calamity taking place in the year 2012. For those of you who study astrology, prophecies, and the like, you may already be familiar with this date.

The Mayans were considered great "seers" and built a society that focused it's studies on time, synchronicity, and consciousness. The Mayan calendar predicts that mankind will end in the year 2012. A period which also signifies the end of the current era in the Mayan calendar.

Similar predictions have been derived from the I Ching or China's "Book of Changes." The I Ching was written in 2800 B.C. and is revered to this day in China. A gentlemen by the name of Terrence McKenna studied the I Ching intensely and began to see a pattern emerging. From that pattern he produced a time line graph and called it the "Time Wave Zero" theory.

Terrence's time line derived from the I Ching ended in the year 2012 - December 21, 2012 to be exact. The winter solstice.

Even more intriguing is the fact that there is scientific evidence that points to a very rare astrological occurrence taking place the year of 2012. For milena, the Mayans believed in the existence of a dark rift in the center of the Milky Way and considered it fact. Only recently did modern scientists discover that it actually does exist.

In the center of our galaxy is a black hole. And in the year 2012, the sun and the earth will be in direct alignment with this black hole. Scientist speculate that magnetic shifts could take place as a result. In essence, the poles could reverse. The poles have shifted before, some 800 million years ago. Einstein suggested this pole shifting theory in 1955.

Now I'm sure many of you have heard of Merlin the magician. Merlin was a Celtic shaman that many of his day considered a "crazed man of the forest." As a result, during those times he was referred to as "Merlin the Wild." But what many don't realize is that Merlin was considered Europe's greatest oracle or "seer."

Merlin predicted that the planets will "run riot" through the constellations. Completely off their normal paths of rotation. Scientists speculate that if this were to happen, it would be a result of the earth changing it's rotation - or the poles shifting.

Merlin also predicted that the use of "talking stones" would be taking place during this time. For those of you who don't know, stone is the basis of our modern technology. Quartz in particular. Quartz technology is used in cell phones as well as computers. Silicone quartz stores information that can then be retrieved.

Another interesting side note to this, that I will be discussing in an upcoming post, is the use of quartz by the Mayans. The Mayans coveted what were known as the crystal skulls. Skulls carved from natural quartz crystal. They claimed the skulls "talked" to them and gave them information. Could it be that they actually did? Based on our knowledge of the capabilities of quartz crystal and it's uses for information storage and retrieval - it seems quite possible. Hewlett Packard studied the skulls in 1970 and their results were startling.

The Hopi Indian tribe, the oldest tribe in the United States, believed that the world has been created and destroyed four times previously. The Hopi's believe that we are on the brink of the Fifth World. They predicted that this occurrence would be preceded by submersion (rising waters), the sun getting hotter (global warming), and earth occurrences (hurricane's, tornadoes, and mass flooding).

The Hopi's also predicted that the world at this time would be criss-crossed by a spider web, which could be likened to the Internet. They believed that the end of the Fourth World would be followed by the beginning of the Fifth World. The evolution of life requires violence.

Seems that these beliefs are in line with the predictions made from one of the greatest book of prophecies ever written - the Bible. And the Book of Revelations, in particular, written by John the Apostle.

The History Channel created a special that touches on this very subject titled: Doomsday 2012, The End of Days. It further explores the significance of this date in ancient prophecies, texts, and writings.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Technology Will Kill Us All
The 2oth century brought us the two worst inventions in mankind's history. It's not the automobile nor the radio or even the television. The two worst inventions of the 20th century are the cell phone and the GPS Navigational System. Here's why.

The first is the cell phone. It used to be if someone couldn't reach you, they just couldn't reach you and would have to wait. Now these people call your phone at all hours, regardless of your location, ringing your phone everywhere from the car to church. And getting your voicemail will not suffice, if they can't reach you, they keep calling back until you answer. For me, I don't answer my phone and if you persist, I shut the phone off. I'm busy, deal with it. This small but influential invention has encouraged an already increasingly rude society to become even more rude and self centered. While some will argue it has allowed us to communicate even better, I argue it has done nothing but give us another item to lug around and be bothered with. We were fine without them and when the first came out they were simply a novelty. Now, not only do people insist they need them, but this "phone" isn't good enough unless it comes with an ob board MP3 Player, Internet access and a host of other things people don't need.

Navigational systems are bad, bad, bad, and anyone who argues they are good is not only insane, but he's fooling himself. Setting aside the idea that it makes it possible for "Big Brother" to track your every move, we now are slowly losing our ability to perform basic tasks like read a map or use a compass. Being reliant on technology for these kinds of tasks is just not a good idea, period.

Now, why are these two items evil? Well, both use GPS or "Global Positioning Systems" making the potential to turn them into human lo jack systems even greater. However, further than that, mankind is further losing his ability to survive. The more technology we allow to do work for us, right down to the laptop I am using to type this now, the less likely we are to survive in the event that this medium is disabled by an enemy. This, is a bad place to be.

What I've done to resist this: I refuse to give in to the navigational system craze. It's map or nothing for me. Let everyone else be baffled about how to plot a trip without a computer. Yes, I have a cell phone, but I got it for ME, not other people. If people insist on bugging me, off it goes. I simply won't be a slave to technology.

Also, I have antique radios along with radios with a backup hand-crank chargeable battery. TV? Nope. All I need is a shortwave with self sufficient abilities that can pick up long distance broadcasts. Survival also narrows down to learning basic skills such as making soap, candles, killing animals for food, and learning skills dead for over 100 years.

If we are end times people, we need to act like it. We need to re-learn the old ways, not completely abandon self sufficient skills making us completely dependant on technology. Such an answer is not a good one.