Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Mistake Of Voting The Same.

For 100 years people have done the same thing over and over. "Boy this Democrat really pisses me off, I'm voting republican!" Then, 4 t0 8 years later, "Ugh. This Republican really irks me, I'm voting democrat."

Albert Einstein once said that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Most Americans still regard him as a genius, those who don't, no doubt, do so to support their political agenda. However, this is the current state of our voting masses. Insanity.

In 2000 they were fed-up with the Clinton Administration. In an act of outrage, they voted for the Republican Party. Eight years later, we find ourselves with the same group now vowing to vote Democrat despite the obvious and indisputable similarities between Barack Obama and Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, or more recently, Fidel Castro.

Everyone wants things like healthcare handled by the government. They angrily demand that the rich surrender profits to a government agency and be given to the "less fortunate", or as I prefer to call many of them, the lazy sheeple. None of these people, even when presented with hard facts, will admit the scary fact that some of the left wing ideals are in the 64 Points of Communism, which includes "Infiltrate one or both Political parties..." They outright deny that this is possible and call anyone who thinks it is, "Crazy".

The folly of voting the same way, the same pattern, for 100 years is that one becomes brainwashed into thinking anything else will be a waste despite the fact that during the early years of America, we were a 4 party system. Those who don't know history are not only doomed to repeat it, but miss out on some pretty undisputable facts that just may save their freedom.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Bob Barr - Your 3rd Choice For the Election.

Alot of people poo-poo the idea of a third party, dismissing it as a throw-away vote. Don't get me started, folks... This video will take you 48 minutes, but it just may give you a choice you didn't have before that you don't feel ashamed of making...