Sunday, October 05, 2008

Bob Barr - Your 3rd Choice For the Election.

Alot of people poo-poo the idea of a third party, dismissing it as a throw-away vote. Don't get me started, folks... This video will take you 48 minutes, but it just may give you a choice you didn't have before that you don't feel ashamed of making...


Woolfey said...

I'll tell you ...all three of you out there.. I used to be a die hard Libertarian party supporter. Until I saw their open borders Utopian society stuff. Bob Barr seems to have taken them and slapped their stoner asses around and given them a focus outside of making the policies of NORML the policies of the land while ignoring the REAL problems that the Big Box Parties have given us WITH THE HELP OF BUSY/LAZY Americans who can't be arsed to become involved... Yeah I know that while they are hard at work folks aren't allowed to call their Congressroaches and not 1 in 20 is smart enough to realize that e-mail works 24/7 and most phones on the Washington switchboard have voice mail on 24/7 as well... and does anyone in the wretched self created shithole of a future third world banana republic realize that the US government still does this thing called the US postal service??? One of the few functions that the federal government can get right??? Write Your Congressroach!!!! Put some money down !!! make a difference!!!!! I really despise everything the Messiah Obama stands for... I was never excited about the Republican party with Johnny MacAmnesty as the head until I saw the gun toting hockey mom who has way more than the 143 days of experience that the DemonRat candidate has for president,,, Or the Plagiarist he has for Vice president who was one of the primary executors of the Omnibus grime bill of 1996 the 1400 page document that supposedly put 1000 more cops on the street and made an incredible amount of TOOLS illegal instead of prosecuting folks misusing those tools... In fact an honest person reading that document will realize that NONE of the statutes brought forth by this document apply to a person with a criminal record... ONLY a person without one...
This guy (Barr) is someone I could support... and in the burgeoning third world cesspool I live in (MassiveChewShits_) I have the luxury of voting for whomever I want because the combined IQ of the electorate of this state (Barely into double digits) makes it impossible for this states' vote to go for a non socialist candidate... Remember the election of 1972??? The entire country voted for Nixon except for the socialist state of MassiveChewShits which supported George McGovern... a person who was almost as frightening then as the Messianic one is today... a person who in fact is the reason for the DemonRats super delegate process...
It would be great to see Barr or perhaps Chuck Baldwin at the debates so that the American pubic could see someone who isn't just sucking the corpolitical dick for campaign money.. It would be great to have a massive awakening of the electorate and see a real candidate in the white house ... Not that is would make much difference with a Demonrat con-trolled congress...