Morons With Signs
Election time is only 2 weeks or so away as I write this, and everywhere people are holding signs for "Senator Douchebag" and "Representative Pinhead". I fail to understand this phenomenon every time I see it. Yet, every election time there they are whether it be local, state, or national elections. Do these unpaid volunteers expect a sign to sway a vote? I certainly hope not. I don't want to live in a country of people who vote at the prompting of a sign.
This one particular couple comes to mind. They have been standing in the same spot, breakfast, lunch, and dinner time for 4 weeks. Rain or shine. They aren't being paid, and they are standing out in rain and sun for this guy who probably doesn't even know who they are. It's come to my attention that these may be his parents, in which case, the dedication makes sense. I'd hate to think anyone would donate any and all free time to a cause such as this one.