Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Claire McNamara Needs To Dissapear.

(CBS4) LANCASTER The widow of a volunteer Lancaster firefighter might sue several towns that responded to the fire in which her husband was killed.

Claire McNamara has notified six communities she may go ahead with wrongful death suits.

McNamara previously led a successful fight to get death benefits for families of volunteer firefighters in Massachusetts.

Martin McNamara was killed fighting a fire in Lancaster in November 2003. But his family was not allowed to collect death benefits, because he was a volunteer. Town voters then rejected a tax override that would have given Claire McNamara and her family an annuity.

With help from Governor Romney, she took her fight statewide. Last month, he signed a law which gave them a $650,000 annuity and guarantees death benefits to families of volunteer firefighters.

Lancaster was reportedly one of the towns being eyed as possible targets of a wrongful death lawsuit. But Claire McNamara’s lawyer said workers compensation laws prohibit that because her husband was a town employee.

Some residents are upset by talk of a suit because they worked hard to obtain benefits for McNamara's family.

Only now:
Lawyer says town of Lancaster can't be sued

WPRI Fox 12 LANCASTER, Mass. The town of Lancaster cannot be sued if the widow of a firefighter pursues wrongful death suits.

Right smack dab in the middle of this obvious money grabbing scheme, Claire forgot how firefighters came from not just from around the area, but around the nation when her heroic husband perished in the fire that fateful night in 2003. Claire has used this tradgedy as a get rich scheme and caused a good town with good people to have it's name drug through dirt.

Last year, Boston Rock affiliate WAAF, responding to news reports - sorry - half assed and poorly reasearched LIBERAL PROPAGANDA - bombarded the town of Lancaster with hate riddled rhetoric and sent one Mistress Carrie (not even 1/10th as badass as our own Mistress Lisa) to raise money for the already quite comfortable Claire McNamara who refuses to disclose the total dollar amount she has received both in public and private donations. The arguement from Mistress Carrie was, "He was a firefighter, you should worship him and his wife because of it." Shut up you mindless bitch, do some research on the town bio next time.

Here it is: Lancaster is roughly 50% tax exempt. Between a college in town plus all of the property they own, and the large number of churches in town, the slack is expected to be picked up the other 50% who own real estate and land. Every year the town has a crisis in the budget and pushes proposition 2 1/2 override. Sometimes people vote for it, sometimes against.

When Claire's situation came to the board, and they put it up for a vote rather than taking the responsibility for the decision for themselves, they put everyone in an awkward position. The next day, the papers all read headlines similar to: "Lancaster to McNamara Widow: Go to Hell", "REJECTED", "Not This Time, Bitch!", among other hateful and totally false headlines. What happened?

Well, they had just passed another Prop 2.5, property tax has also been raised, people were paying through the nose. This was just one more thing. You can only tax people so much before they run out of money, and, contrary to popular belief, Lancaster is not inhabited by the wealthy. The petty cash fund had run dry for most citizens. Between the fact that Claire wouldn't state how much money had been donated to her and her family and town politics that are quite unlike anything else anywhere, people had a foul taste in their mouth and felt they were being scammed.

Now this week, they get notice. Firefighters in 6 towns were bitch slapped by Claire. People who bent over backwards the Christmas of Marty's death, pouring heaps of gifts and contributions onto the McNamara kids so they could have a merry Christmas despite the grief have now all been slapped by a woman who is again and again proving she is selfish and a gold digging piece of filth.

Her Lawyer tried to divert blame to himself, being a lawyer he is used to it, but everyone sees through this. Even Claire's own family are asking themselves, "Why is she doing this?!" Why indeed.

Tune into Rant Radio Thursday, for I will take her Lawyer to the mat. The time has come for the good people of Lancaster to stop being crapped on by this ingrateful woman.