Yankees Nation. Chew On This.
I'm sick of bandwagon fans, they really bug me. Outside of New York, I cannot believe for one minute, any NY Yankees fan is a genuine article. I think they are a bunch of phonies, following a team because it's record is a pretty safe bet for future games.
The Yankees have won more World Series bids than any other in the MLBA. So anyone routing for this team is going to be safe to assume that they will win more games than any other. Now they play my beloved Boston Red Sox. Unlike my New England counterparts who follow the Yankees because of Dynasty value, I've always been a red Sox fan - even in the bad times.
Bandwagon fans are a plague, worse than the ones to hit Egypt. They follow a lucky team, trying desperately to quote statistics about a team they wouldn't follow if it were dead last. These fans have no loyalty, even in the case of the Yankees. Were baseball to finally instill a salary cap, you'd see the Yankees be dropped from peoples "Favorites" list like a bad habit because now they'd be as even as the rest of the league and not this New York super power dynasty.
So don't call me singing the praises of the New York Yankees because I think you're full of crap. There is nothing to prove me wrong. Pick a team you like for better reasons than history alone, and stop plaguing my streets with NY shirts because you look like a tool.
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
atheism: A Cop Out
The latest headline comes out of Washington as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguements on why the Pledge Of Allegiance is un-constitutional. Point and case:
Three years ago, Sacramento, Calif., atheist Michael Newdow's pro se campaign to strike the words from the Pledge seemed merely quixotic. Now, the case is on the agenda for the nation's highest court, likely to be argued early next year amid an intense debate over issues of religion and patriotism in a time of war. - A/P
Except that this guy is obviously using atheism as a cop out. This is all about the Christians Vs. The People Who Hate God. A group of angry suburbanite pieces of garbage that haven't been vocal enough about other things they like to bitch about, such as, the war in Iraq. Now, they target Christians. And contrary to what the Liberal news media feeds you, most of us are pretty peaceful. We don't hang around outside abortion clinics with automatic weapons. Nor do we talk to our God on a two-way-radio.
The ultimate goal, however, is to eliminate religious expression from our country and slaughter thousands of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans and whoever else because the sophisticated so-called atheist believes we are the cause of all his problems. Step one: Get God eliminated from all government items from the Pledge to the twenty dollar bill.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2003
Upcoming Elections Part 1: Mud Flinging
It's amazing. Every 3 years we start the whole presidential process again. And every 3 years we get the same load of horse crap. Delivered straight to your door and dumped on your head - courtesy of the screws who want your vote. They assault our televisions with hate laced ads intended to make the other guy look bad. And all courtesy of your friendly first amendment.
Well fine. I'll accept the first amendment argument, but I'm going to counter with a little logic.
Yeah, you can call the other guys losers and liars, but you're wasting your thirty seconds to one minute of airtime on an ad campaign that causes the voters to switch stations. I've yet to speak with one person who says, "Oh man! I just loved Ted Kennedy's ad against his opponent where he calls him a liar and a hypocrite. That got my vote!"
Yet every time we vote we are molested by these heartless, pointless, angry, and utterly childish smear campaigns created by people who don't have anything better to do than sit around thinking of ways to try and make the other guy look like a pile of refuse. In the end, we know nothing of the guy who paid for the ad. How can we vote for anyone when we don't know what anyone stands for?
The point of the whole electoral process is to give your platform interests, not ring the fight bell and come out swinging. The first time a guy runs a clean campaign, will be the first time the majority of the country votes for him - because it will be the first time.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 2:20 PM 0 comments