Wednesday, October 15, 2003

atheism: A Cop Out

The latest headline comes out of Washington as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguements on why the Pledge Of Allegiance is un-constitutional. Point and case:

Three years ago, Sacramento, Calif., atheist Michael Newdow's pro se campaign to strike the words from the Pledge seemed merely quixotic. Now, the case is on the agenda for the nation's highest court, likely to be argued early next year amid an intense debate over issues of religion and patriotism in a time of war. - A/P

Except that this guy is obviously using atheism as a cop out. This is all about the Christians Vs. The People Who Hate God. A group of angry suburbanite pieces of garbage that haven't been vocal enough about other things they like to bitch about, such as, the war in Iraq. Now, they target Christians. And contrary to what the Liberal news media feeds you, most of us are pretty peaceful. We don't hang around outside abortion clinics with automatic weapons. Nor do we talk to our God on a two-way-radio.

The ultimate goal, however, is to eliminate religious expression from our country and slaughter thousands of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans and whoever else because the sophisticated so-called atheist believes we are the cause of all his problems. Step one: Get God eliminated from all government items from the Pledge to the twenty dollar bill.