Thursday, October 16, 2003

Yankees Nation. Chew On This.

I'm sick of bandwagon fans, they really bug me. Outside of New York, I cannot believe for one minute, any NY Yankees fan is a genuine article. I think they are a bunch of phonies, following a team because it's record is a pretty safe bet for future games.

The Yankees have won more World Series bids than any other in the MLBA. So anyone routing for this team is going to be safe to assume that they will win more games than any other. Now they play my beloved Boston Red Sox. Unlike my New England counterparts who follow the Yankees because of Dynasty value, I've always been a red Sox fan - even in the bad times.

Bandwagon fans are a plague, worse than the ones to hit Egypt. They follow a lucky team, trying desperately to quote statistics about a team they wouldn't follow if it were dead last. These fans have no loyalty, even in the case of the Yankees. Were baseball to finally instill a salary cap, you'd see the Yankees be dropped from peoples "Favorites" list like a bad habit because now they'd be as even as the rest of the league and not this New York super power dynasty.

So don't call me singing the praises of the New York Yankees because I think you're full of crap. There is nothing to prove me wrong. Pick a team you like for better reasons than history alone, and stop plaguing my streets with NY shirts because you look like a tool.