Bullies: Snot Nosed Little Brats.
Whenever I turn on the news and I hear about some kid threatening to shoot someone and getting arrested for it, I get very irritated. Not because the kid was violent or even had evil thoughts, but because some parents don't get it. Bullying is not the result of anothers child's in-ability to fight for himself. It's bad parenting by the bullies parents.
Bullies usually have no self-esteem. They find a weaker link and exploit them on a daily basis. It gives them a high and makes them feel like king of the mountain. But their high is a false one on another's expense. And in today's society, the victim is fighting back.
He loads himself up with heavy artillery. Not because it's the answer, but because the circumstance makes him snap. He can't take anymore. The "abuse cylinder" has hit maximum capacity and gone into meltdown. And then everybody says their shocked.
Teachers don't intervene, officials don't intervene, and parents don't intervene. It is the job of every parent to make sure their kid is not tormenting someone at school every day. But because we are the "teletubbies" generation, we shirk our responsibility in child raising, and this is the end result. Kids taking out their hurt on other kids.
Friday, October 10, 2003
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Musical Differences.
People are adamant about what they listen to until it reaches ludicrous levels. Teenagers get into fights over it, sometimes, even physical ones. Doing wedding over the summer as a DJ I experienced first hand the human stupidity that arises when a group of people can't agree on a genre. It's ridiculous. People conduct themselves as a bunch of 5 year olds with a toy taken away that they wanted.
People walked off the dance floor in a huff when the wrong song was played, making comments such as "This song really blows," as loud as they could to ensure the DJ could hear them. Except their DJ was Vince Wylde and he didn't give a sh** because the majority of people were dancing.
What happened 150 years ago to people when your choices were either Bluegrass or Classical? You liked one or the other. And in most cases, it was to your advantage to choose both because there simply weren't hundreds of sub-genres to choose from.
I think it's our society filled with self-righteous know-it-all lunatics who think they are God's gift to the rest of us. They act like a bunch of pompous asses and make scenes like the one mentioned above because they think they are saying something. Instead, they are ruining someone else's good time because the music isn't to their tastes. This also seems to go hand-in-hand with people who always think the sound is too loud and will make 2 visits to the DJ stand an hour to remind you to "please turn it down." Hey lady, you didn't shell out the money to pay for this, so sit down, and deal with it. You only get married once.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
What Happens When Someone Doesn't Agree?!
Right now the first 3 months of Revolver (formerly The Soapbox) are making their way around a girls dorm at a College in Massachusetts as a proof-reading and feedback project. Evidently, it's creating quite a bit of controversy. And now doubt, some of those girls now log into this very page to see what I have to say.
They read my works and then discuss it at Dinner. Ok. Never thought of myself as dinner conversation BUT... I know the question has been asked - "What if someone doesn't agree?" Well, I thought people simply bowed down and worshiped at the throne of Vince Wylde...
Ok. Fair enough question. As a radio personality I know I'm not always right. And I have to be open to other viewpoints if I'm going to make a show out of it. But I will never agree with someone when the topic is a challenge to my own personal morals or beliefs. One of the topics that created intense controversy was my attacking the Episcopalian church for electing a gay minister. As a Christian, this challenges what I know about the church. It's making a compromise via the bible - and if you call yourself a God-fearing organization, you cannot do this.
I do not hate gays, nor do I break out the shovel and go gay hunting on weekends. It isn't like that. I believe like it or not, they are integrating our society and we can either accept it or lose our minds, commit ugly hate crimes, and ultimately, land in prison.
What I do have a problem with is them trying to change what the bible says which I quoted. For note it was, 1Co 6:9 Don't you know that wicked people won't inherit the kingdom of God? Stop deceiving yourselves! People who continue to commit sexual sins, who worship false gods, those who commit adultery, homosexuals,
1Co 6:10 or thieves, those who are greedy or drunk, who use abusive language, or who rob people will not inherit the kingdom of God.
My argument is completely logical. If the handbook for an organization says, "When you come to work, please be dressed in the company uniform," then everyone will comply. Unlike long hair and fast food, this is not sex discrimination, it's a team policy to get everyone to look like they are working together.
As such, you cannot expect a religious order to rip pages out of a writing that is a total of 10,000 years old. If you passed the Christian bible around the country to do this very thing, you would have an empty book when it came back. If you do any of these things, you compromise your own faith.
That was my point, and unless I'm being misled by my readings and insight, it's very hard to argue with it.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Crappy HMOs, Bad Company Benefits, And The Rich Idiots Responsible.
I'm so sick of hearing people tell me how their benefits just changed and their co-pay just went up to a lucrative amount for E.R. visits. Most people in this country can't afford a $200.00 co-pay because they don't drive a Hum-V, buy gold candle sticks, and they can't afford to wipe their butts with one hundred dollar bills.
The problem is, with our toilet of an economy everyone is cutting expenses. People are losing jobs by the hundreds, benefits are being slashed to what the companies can afford OR they are axing benefits programs all together. And HMOs aren't helping because every day they raise their rates to pay for the CEO's new F-1 McClaren he just had to buy to go with the other 36 cars in his driveway.
Well guess what. I'm sick of paying for ALL the CEO's ridiculous lifestyles which are beyond greed. They are a representation of what happens when you simply have too much money lying around. You want more. And as a result you inflict your greed on the people under you who struggle to make ends meet.
Yes, it's safe to say capitalism has turned into a beast that cannot be fed. Should we try another option? If you ask THIS personality, he says, "Yes." However, Socialism, Communism and all the other existing "isms" are not the answer. We need to make a new system because this one could self destruct.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 06, 2003
News Ticker Added. Scroll Down For Latest Headlines.
When I'm In Charge Vol. 1
When I'm in charge, people who drive recklessly and rudely in traffic will have their licenses revoked for a minimum of 15 years.
I'm not kidding. This past weekend alone I ran into people who speed excessively, assume the right of way in a situation where they shouldn't, and cut people off leaving no room for error potentially endangering other people's lives. I've found when you're forced to give up your car for any length of time, you tend to appreciate it more when you get it back.
Except some are slow learners. You have to really deal them a swift hand of intense justice in order for them to get the message. In Massachusetts, it's no secret that people don't give a crap. You're in their way, get the hell out of the way. They will cut you off, tailgate, even do 3 lane no signal switches in order to get around you. They are almost always the reason an SUV was totaled beyond recognition in an accident where "excessive speed was a factor".
I'm tired of suburbanite yuppie pieces of filth running people down in their Jaguar because they have a busy life and need to get from point a to point b in 12 minutes when they really need about 30 to get there.
And drunk drivers? I think we all need a 3 strikes and your out law. That's right, if your license is revoked twice, the third time, you don't get it back. EVER. You take the damn bus.
I suppose some will accuse me of being far to radical for this topic. But ask yourself this: Who's rights are more important? A six figure making ingrate who drives way to fast and aggressively everywhere he goes? Or your own son or daughter who might be killed by this tool?
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:58 AM 0 comments