Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Crappy HMOs, Bad Company Benefits, And The Rich Idiots Responsible.

I'm so sick of hearing people tell me how their benefits just changed and their co-pay just went up to a lucrative amount for E.R. visits. Most people in this country can't afford a $200.00 co-pay because they don't drive a Hum-V, buy gold candle sticks, and they can't afford to wipe their butts with one hundred dollar bills.

The problem is, with our toilet of an economy everyone is cutting expenses. People are losing jobs by the hundreds, benefits are being slashed to what the companies can afford OR they are axing benefits programs all together. And HMOs aren't helping because every day they raise their rates to pay for the CEO's new F-1 McClaren he just had to buy to go with the other 36 cars in his driveway.

Well guess what. I'm sick of paying for ALL the CEO's ridiculous lifestyles which are beyond greed. They are a representation of what happens when you simply have too much money lying around. You want more. And as a result you inflict your greed on the people under you who struggle to make ends meet.

Yes, it's safe to say capitalism has turned into a beast that cannot be fed. Should we try another option? If you ask THIS personality, he says, "Yes." However, Socialism, Communism and all the other existing "isms" are not the answer. We need to make a new system because this one could self destruct.