Wednesday, September 24, 2003

The Rapist that IS State Appointed Child Support

Since I am very angry about this and it's fresh on my mind, I am going to do tomorrow's blog a day early. But, since most of you have already read today's, you will see this on time tomorrow. That being said...

I only bring up this topic because I received a phone call from my ex saying that she decided to get a state order for child support where she lives because without one, the state won't send her assistance. I have a major bone to pic with all the raping lawyers and judges who are behind these stupid laws.

First the laws:

You MUST pay whatever the state says they think you can afford OR you go to jail until you pay. While in jail, you can't make money so when you get out you can't pay SO you go BACK to jail. A disgusting vicious circle that gets worse and worse.

Women are made to be the victims in these situations. Lawyers and judges go after men as though they just molested a 12 year old and stick it to them in every way they can. There is no exception. You MUST pay what WE say you do or we give you the guillotine. Shoot - they'd give us unmarried dads the chair if they could. These people will ruin an individual's life over a measley monetary issue just because they think they're making a point.

And don't fool yourself and say, "Well, women run into the same thing if a Dad has custody." NO THEY DON'T. It's a load of bull. Judges go very easy (for the most part) on women who are not in custody. They cut them breaks, lower payment amounts, and all kinds of other exceptions. It's a sexest system designed to make men out to be monsters. Granted, in my eyes, having a child out of wedlock is selfish to begin with as two people obviously don't want to make a commitment to each other for one reason or another, but both parties are wrong and only one is punished. The man.

I'm sick of this being the way it's done. It's an ugly cut-throat procedure run by the government to punish someone for knocking up someone else's daughter (before you argue with this, remember, we're ALL someone's son or daughter). It needs the hand of a Libertarian in it to adjust the laws so men don't get kicked around like the woman had nothing to do with it. Because if she DID he'd be in jail for rape.