Friday, September 05, 2003

Don't Fool Yourself, Hilary Will Run

Ok, now it's time for me to piss off all the democraps and un-informed idiots in this country. As the title states, Hilary will run. Trust me. She's got an ace up her sleeve and she's going to play it.

The problem is: Hilary is a control freak bent on running the show. Are we ready for a woman president? The numbers say yes, but we'd rather have a black president first. Unless, of course, it's Hilary Clinton. The we all rush out to the polls, pen in hand. Are we nuts?!

Hilary will not be a good president based on the fact that she is so insanely head strong. You think George W. was bad? Wait until this one gets into office. I can't predict what she'll do with the country, but I know it won't be good based on the Clinton's over all moral track record. "It Takes A Village" never ceases to piss me off...

I would strongly advise anyone who calls themselves a voter to statistically research any canidate before voting and know what they stand for. This isn't a friggin' popularity contest, these people control the fate of the free world. And we don't want a trigger happy, anti-Christian in office who will drive this country further down the toilet than it already is.