Thursday, July 24, 2003

Cloning: What The Heck Are We Doing?

Dolly. The Jiffy Pop DNA Sheep. Cloning is the latest world wide hot-button that just won't go away. And as usual with Science, we are forging ahead without answering many questions. Such as, "If we do succeed in making a super-human clone, what will happen if he tear asses around the planet killing the rest of us?"

There is, of course, another side to this. Some would argue that since the clone is man made, it doesn't have a soul as God himself plays a roll in human creation. Those who are proponents of the theory of evolution, which has less fact around it than the evidence supporting the Shroud of Tourin was in fact what Jesus Chirst was wrapped in, will say God doesn't play a part in it.

Look, if your Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan, Buddahist, Hindu, etc. etc., you believe a God somehow has his hand in human life. And that means greater than half the planet believes in some sort of deity. Therefore, why the heck ARE we messing around with a devinely created plan?

This is typical of Science, forge ahead, forget the re-precussions. In the end, you'll probably find, do to lack of a soul, not one clone will survive. The soul is pretty much the life force behind your entire body. Anyone who worships a God or Goddess will tell you that.