Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Privacy Invaded Again! "Ban urged on cell calls while driving"

January 12, 2009

WASHINGTON - A national safety group is advocating a total ban on cellphone use while driving, saying the practice is clearly dangerous and leads to fatalities.

States should ban drivers from using hand-held and hands-free cellphones, and businesses should prohibit employees from using cellphones while driving on the job, the congressionally chartered National Safety Council says, taking those positions for the first time. The group's president, Janet Froetscher, likened talking on cellphones to drunken driving, saying cellphone use increases the risk of a crash fourfold. "When our friends have been drinking, we take the car keys away. It's time to take the cellphone away," Froetscher said.

No state currently bans all cellphone use while driving. Six states - California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Utah, and Washington - and the District of Columbia ban the use of hand-held cellphones behind the wheel, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Also, 17 states and the district restrict or ban cellphone use by novice drivers.

Massachusetts does not ban cellphone use while driving, but Brookline is among several communities nationwide with local laws banning the practice.

Froetscher said the council examined more than 50 scientific studies before reaching its decision. One was a study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis that estimates 6 percent of vehicle crashes, causing about 2,600 deaths and 12,000 serious injuries a year, are attributable to cellphone use. Hands-free cellphones are just as risky as hand-held phones, because the mind is distracted, she added.

John Walls, vice president of CTIA-The Wireless Association, a cellphone trade group, objected to a complete ban. He said there are many instances where the ability to make a phone call while driving helps protect safety. "We think that you can sensibly and safely use a cellphone to make a brief call," Walls said.


Maybe I slept through the Stalin swearing in ceremony, but I don't think so. Until the North American Union becomes public knowledge, we are still a democracy, and Washingtonoids cannot pass a ban like this without voter consensus. It's against the constitution, period. This is a clear violation of right to privacy laws and the natural procedure of democracy in general. If the people don't want this protection, for the same reason Christians shouldn't introduce possible legislation to ban gay marriage, you shouldn't ban cell phone use either.

However, the pendulum doesn't swing both ways if there is a Communist agenda at stake. The real struggle here is one of power. These people dream so drunkenly of Communist enslavement, that their own double standard being blown in their face doesn't even phase them. It's about destroying freedom and enslaving millions so your wallet can get fatter and you can chase God from the country. Such a pointless endeavor from a group of people who don't want any religious groups telling gays they can't get married.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Answers To Questions About Socialism

"Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security." - Benjamin Franklin.

"I don't like the income tax. Every time we talk about these taxes we get around to the idea of 'from each according to his capacity and to each according to his needs'. That's socialism. It's written into the Communist Manifesto. Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return receives a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what's happening to him." - T. Coleman Andrews, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, May 25, 1956 in U.S.
News & World Report

"Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." - George Washington

"Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy." - Winston Churchill

"To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, 'the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.
'" - Thomas Jefferson

"Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom; socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude." - Alexis de Tocqueville, Discours pronounce a l'assemblee constituante le 12 septembre 1848 sur la question du droit at travail

"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an Anti-communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan

"Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good." - Ayn Rand

"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." - Thomas Sowell

And the quote the government wants you to believe was never uttered:

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world." - Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Open Letter to the ACLU and Liberals Everywhere:

I had to write you folks and let you know as a STAUNCH Libertarian, I am not fooled. According to Websters:


Com"mu*nism.., n. [F. communisme, fr. commun common.]

A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.

Note the definition says "distributing all wealth equally to all...". What you stand for, what Obama Stands for, is Communism. Denial of this is irresponsible, and ignorant. In September 1959 Kruschev was visiting Roswell Garst in Coon Rapids, Iowa, he said to Garst: "You Americans are so Naive. We won't try to take over, we will keep introducing little bits of Socialism until one day you realize all you have, now, is Communism."

You hate America. You hate Liberty. You hate Christians. You hate the unborn. The fear mongers are now on the left side of the aisle.

I am not fooled. I know who you are, I know what you stand for, and unfortunately for you, I am well versed in my history.

When you finally get your way and have a totalitarian regime in charge of America, I am one of the first you will have to execute. I will not be silent and I will not renounce my faith.

Do your worst. My soul is immortal. You may win this earthly battle, but you will lose the spiritual war.


Monday, November 10, 2008

The Obama Healthcare Solution

Everyone complains about healthcare. So a while back, Duval Patrick signed into law a plan in Massachusetts that required residents to have healthcare or be fined heavily. Not a solution, more like a band aid for a major laceration. The lower income groups still really don't have healthcare. They just have a $200.00 a month money pit that offers them real no coverage.

At $200.00 a month, you basically have around a $1000.00 deductable, meaning all fees are yours to pay until the $1000.00 has been spent from your pocket. If you're living paycheck to paycheck, this scenario doesn't work as you don't have the money to spend to begin with. So you go to the hospital during an emergency, don't pay the emergency room fee (which in many plans is in addition to the deductable), and money for your deductable later being billed for an amount that will go into collections. Sounds like the same scenario without imposed healthcare? It is.

Also, in a plan this cheap that you are footing the bill for on your own as your employer is Uncle Fred's Pizza, your surgical coverage is almost nill, your co-pays for medications and office visits are insane, and some things simply aren't covered.

This is a better choice? This is change? Obama had better realize quickly that the Duval Patrick system of healthcare is nothing more than a band aid where a tourniquet is required. How about a minimal healthcare system where a reduced fee is payed per month for the economically challenged that is easier on the wallet and does not have un-covered areas. You can't completely socialize our healthcare without un-employing millions of people.

Change means different ideas, not re-hashed bad ones that didn't accomplish anything. Let's see what you are made of, Obama.

Monday, November 03, 2008

The TRUTH About Obama's Socialist Message

Those who are ignorant to history,
Are cursed to repeat it.

Don't repeat the vote of Early 20th century USSR, China, and Mid Century Cuba.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Facts About Barack Obama

Since some of you insist on blindly voting for Obama, let's review a few facts about him.

1. His legal citizenship has never been proven before a Judge with hard, tangible evidence reviewed by credible sources in no way linked to the left wing.

2. He preaches communism. EG: Redistribution of wealth. Don't believe me? If you actually give a crap and aren't voting for Obama just out of anger for the other side, read on:


Com"mu*nism.., n. [F. communisme, fr. commun common.]

A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.

-Communism. (n.d.). Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary.
Retrieved November 01, 2008, from Dictionary. com website:

3. We simply know too little about Obama. His records have been sealed, as I posted in an earlier bulletin, and there are 4 lawsuits against him challenging his legal citizenship. He has ignored all 4.

Of those of you voting for Obama, I can break down your reasons simply.

1. Angry with the right wing. And, as the rotten pattern of this country goes, instead of looking at the other 12 parties running, you vote with "the other guy" on the other side of the aisle, too afraid to give your vote to someone who might actually be qualified.

2. You have a view of self-entitlement. "I deserve." Sorry, my friends. You deserve squat. If you don't work, you don't eat. It's biblical.

3.You want Communism. And this, I can only gather, stems from the hatred of America, and for that, you get no sympathy.

Now, for those of you who were oblivious to the facts I just posted, will you still vote for him? Logic would denote you couldn't possibly because you may be handing the keys of the country over to a closet future 3rd world dictator. Is being angry with the right wing worth it? Is a free meal worth it?

No way.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama Like Famous Communists?

Evidently, this woman doesn't know history, and further strong-arms you into a leftist account on her website before she allows comment. Typical.


Let me see if I have this straight.

A McCain Campaign office has a poster comparing Obama to horrendous figures like Hitler and Mussolini - and also mocks youth voters - in plain view for who knows how long, yet the Chairman is surprised and "speechless"? And his solution is to move the person behind it to another office to keep working for the campaign?

Way to tamp down the crazy rhetoric...

The AD:

Who else called for change in this fashion? Each and every one called upon youth movements.

Karl Marx. Joseph Stalin. Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini. Fidel Castro.

Of those 5 people, 3 are Communists. It becomes indisputable to anyone who knows any history that soft Communism is clearly the message of the Obama Campaign. Particularly the recent clear emergence of the message to Joe the Plumber, "I'm taking your money you earned through hard work, and giving it to some lazy bum who has been living off of the welfare system and has no desire to get off of it." This is how 3rd world countries end up 3rd world countries. Through policies that create dictators.

I'm sorry, Pam, but this man is at least a Communist. Which gives him enormous potential to be a 3rd World Dictator. And this also makes him a traitor to American Liberty.