I'm really beat down... I watched this between trying to poorly multitask several things.. I was led to a video produced by Randall Terry about "that ones" stand on abortion... Which is basically to stand on a heap of bloodied dead fetuses and be a hero to these self centered females who think that ROE V WADE (pronounced ROWVEEWADE all one word) is the most important right in the known universe... the right to murder an unborn human because it is inconvenient... and when I saw this pile of former human parts, all I could think was "because these lives were ended for convenience by self centered people not being "Punished by having a baby" there is a certainty that these souls won't grow up to be supporters of the next "that one" and be further damaging to my country. I have been hit by loving liberals so much I"m starting to think like them. I'm really not happy with myself. The points in this video are really spot on... and the history will bear them out... I hope folks keep their history books because the new Reich is scouring the internet hoping to remove all traces of proof that "That One " is less than perfect///
Vince Wylde is a blogger, Podcaster, lover of WWII, Antique Radios, Heavy Metal, really old Jazz and other various Americana. He is a Libertarian and Demon Hunter having studied Demonology from the Christian Perspective, and Spiritual Warfare. He currently lives in Worcester, Massachusetts working full time, participating in Streetside Evangelism as the intercessor or Demon Hunter, and witnesses to the Goth Community.
I'm really beat down... I watched this between trying to poorly multitask several things.. I was led to a video produced by Randall Terry about "that ones" stand on abortion... Which is basically to stand on a heap of bloodied dead fetuses and be a hero to these self centered females who think that ROE V WADE (pronounced ROWVEEWADE all one word) is the most important right in the known universe... the right to murder an unborn human because it is inconvenient... and when I saw this pile of former human parts, all I could think was "because these lives were ended for convenience by self centered people not being "Punished by having a baby" there is a certainty that these souls won't grow up to be supporters of the next "that one" and be further damaging to my country. I have been hit by loving liberals so much I"m starting to think like them. I'm really not happy with myself.
The points in this video are really spot on... and the history will bear them out... I hope folks keep their history books because the new Reich is scouring the internet hoping to remove all traces of proof that "That One " is less than perfect///
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