Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Small Town Politics

Last night, my town passed Proposition 2 1/2 override. In 1984 Masschusetts passed Proposition 2 1/2 to protect citizens from having the towns raise property tax to obscene levels. And every year since, towns across the Bay State have done everything they can to get voters to approve an override.

How? They use, in layman's terms; Scare Tactics. "We'll lose the schools music and arts programs, we'll have to lay off the grounds keeper at the local cemetary..." Only my town was threatening to nearly shut down all together. Well, no offense Mr. Hilliger, but I still say the lot of you are full of crap. The figures don't add up, and the answer you have has too many holes.

If 2.5 didn't pass, property value would drop and next year the town would actually collect less property tax than this year. I have to doubt even Hilliger is so dumb as to allow that to happen. So either the selectmen were all full of crap, or they really intended to shut the town down and didn't think about the long term downward spiral this would cause. I tend to lean towards the first choice.

One could argue, "Well, we gave you the facts in the mail." Well, the facts were lacking, severely. Way too many holes. "Well, we invited you to the informational session." Where you no doubt intimidated the hell out of anyone who challenged you and gave the same run around you gave everyone in the mail. Most people are not financial guru's and have a limit to what they know budget wise. And with a little carefully planned arguing, you could convince them of anything.

Well, congrats. You passed it. I have to ask, though. During the "Booming Bill Clinton Years" - why did you issue simmilar scare tactics, such as loss of school programs and road up keep during winter months? These were booming economic years, what was your excuse then? Maybe whoever was in office then, just couldn't balance the stupid budget. And if they are still in office, why? Are voters buying all the empty re-election promises?