Thursday, July 31, 2003

Kansas Woman A Piece Of Garbage For Playing Cruel Joke Posing As Missing Daughter

Where these people come from and who they think they are I will never know. But if you read The Herald's Article that reveals that Donna Walker was committing a hoax, you realize there are some real wastes of life out there.

Who the heck are these people? The man that has been on the news, filled with a new sense of hope that his daughter who was abducted at age 8 may be alive, was devestated on last nights newcast. He fell apart on the air, overcome by grief.

Man, someone should beat this woman with a shovel. Maybe it will knock some sense into her. And if this was just another cruel joke for her, well, then upgrade your weapon to a backhoe.

I have no use and zero tolerance for people who would commit such a foul act. And if any of you out there actually think this is funny, God have mercy on you - because I wouldn't.

The most time Donna Walker will see is 3 years. Man. Give her life! Make this digusting pile of refuse stay in prison. There are murderers who have long since reformed I would let out before this piece of trash.

This disgusts me.