Friday, August 20, 2004

The 7 Deadly Sins Of America Part 1

Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

And America is VERY prideful. Only this particular sin is devoted entirely to Government. Face it. The Democrats are cocky because they think they can think for everyone else. Their idea, it would seem, is America as a Communism. Where Uncle Sam tells you what's in your best interest, and Christianity is more of a nuisance than a help along with it's "wormy God." Republicans are prideful because they believe in a Capitalist society where the non-businessman gets buried alive and it doesn't really matter if they do, because they can always leave.

It is a keen observation that can be made that when America turned from a very devoted attention to God, it started to go right into the toilet. Like it or not Christianity does bring order without any kind of communistic - or - ahem - socialistic rule imposed on people. Sure, non-believers bitch that Christianity sucks and they hate bible thumpers, but they fail to make note of the fact that while this was the way of the majority, you didn't have socialists telling you where to put your money, if you were allowed to drink or smoke, or what kind of food you were allowed to eat.

"Um, Vince, this is dangerously close to preaching."

No, file this under ironic musings. Yes, I'm making a point. Take it or leave it. No one is forced to read this page, they come here of their own power. I didn't appear anywhere and say "Repaint! And thin no more!" - Err... "Repent! And sin no more!" because it's not my job NOR my right to judge other people.