Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Free State Project

The rebellion against Stalin-Esque Government Begins! Ironically, there is something (supposidly) in our Constitution that prohibits the over-throwing of government. So change it. I suppose there might be a fine line in there, but really, do you just let government do exactly what our fore-fathers DIDN'T want, and become a super-power?

The problem with the view on the Libertarian ideal is that most people napped through U.S. History and forgot that our country was raised on the principal of a free society with limited government and think we (the Libertarians) are all on crack...

The Democrats and Republicans alike view this as a major threat because the Republicans will no longer get rich, and the Democrats will no longer become powerful...

The way our forefathers intended it.


Woolfey said...

No need to change anything... one of the biggest reasons for the second amendment is to provide folks the ability to overthrow an oppressive gummint... You have to go through the federalist papers and other tomes of the day to follow this reasoning but I have been drug through it more than once...
This is the biggest reason Socialists want firearms out of the hands of private citizens...
I am not handy to my collection of writings of these days but I will be in storage over the weakened unless someone wants to pay me for working for them... I have spent enough time debating this,,, If I get a chance to make a little money I'm taking it...

Woolfey said...

No need to change anything... one of the biggest reasons for the second amendment is to provide folks the ability to overthrow an oppressive gummint... You have to go through the federalist papers and other tomes of the day to follow this reasoning but I have been drug through it more than once...
This is the biggest reason Socialists want firearms out of the hands of private citizens...
I am not handy to my collection of writings of these days but I will be in storage over the weakened unless someone wants to pay me for working for them... I have spent enough time debating this,,, If I get a chance to make a little money I'm taking it...

Woolfey said...

No need to change anything... one of the biggest reasons for the second amendment is to provide folks the ability to overthrow an oppressive gummint... You have to go through the federalist papers and other tomes of the day to follow this reasoning but I have been drug through it more than once...
This is the biggest reason Socialists want firearms out of the hands of private citizens...
I am not handy to my collection of writings of these days but I will be in storage over the weakened unless someone wants to pay me for working for them... I have spent enough time debating this,,, If I get a chance to make a little money I'm taking it...