Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Foot Print of the American Chicken.

"War! Huh! Good God, ya'll, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!"

"Sending in five brigades amounts to no more than combating the symptoms, if it remains at such a gesture. This will not correct a failing policy. Bush is proposing more of the same and avoiding what is most important: a change of course with a view to security and stability." - RSC HANDELSBLAD
"US President Bush's speech... reminded us of former President Nixon... Increasing US troop numbers in Iraq is a risky bet. Does the president still intend to close his eyes to this reality? The United States was forced to make a dishonourable withdrawal in the end of the Vietnam War. Will the country not repeat its failure in Iraq as well?" -ASAHI SHIMBUN
Let's remind ourselves that the reason we didn't get much accomplished in Viet Nam, and the reason we do not now has nothing to do with Bush, but rather, the socialist manifesto. "War must be, as everything else is now, politically correct." Hmm. The last time I checked the very idea of war is politically incorrect. How exactly does one take the idea of slaughtering thousands of your enemy in order to prevent him from terrorizing the world, and make it politically correct?

The Peace crowd has always, and will always, miss the primary reason for war. So those same people will still wake up tomorrow in a country where they can strap on their sandals, pack their hemp tote bag, grab their latte, and protest anything. They forget that because people die in the interest of freedom, they are allowed to protest. They would, no doubt, complain were we in danger of losing the same freedoms because we decided to replace all 50 stars with 50 peace signs and never fight a battle again, were taken away and we did nothing to stop it. A country overrun with people who bring peace to the forefront of their ideals, and make it priority over all else, even defending their own freedom, will soon be overcome.

Further, they completely, and quite rudely, forget the sacrifice left on the alter of freedom made by our brave men and women by dismissing all of their efforts as needless and pointless. As for me, I cannot get out of my head the shouts of "Thank you Mr. Bush!" when the tanks first rolled into Baghdad.


Woolfey said...

I'm 55. I am having severe flashbacks. People I thought were fairly conservative are sounding like the same folks who wanted all the benefits of American life in the 60's but thought they were above the draft. But not competent enough to keep their grades up. or smart enough to register as conscientious objectors where they could have served in a non combatant role.
I saw the Footprint t-shirt then and I"m sure the sign of the inverted broken cross that Paul was crucified upon and people have said was semaphore for Nuclear disarmament, or several other things that it was claimed to be will be brought back the children of the children who flew it then and have never grown up.. Truth is it was held tightly by folks who didn't think that they owed their country anything.. taxes service or even respect.
A true conscientious objector would be glad to participate in some level of service and now when the draft is only now a threat held up by the folks who cowered from it years ago as a "playing ground leveler" so the the "chicken hawks' will think twice before sending the bush daughters off to war, A real statement of objection would be to join a service organization to help folks home or abroad to show your ability to change the world instead of trying to fix everything by "Hating Bush" and not offering any solution. I"m not a fan of a lot of things that happened since 9-11 but I an not a total ostrich. I worked for companies in the 70's that shipped industrial products to Iran and am not going to buy for a minute the "Truth" that there were no WMD in Iraq. the truth is that if you scratch the surface of any big corpolitical organization you'll find stuff going to all sorts of places that it shouldn't have . and thousands of dead Kurds in northern Iraq should be evidence of this Kind gentle leader of Iraq would have used anything he had against anyone who would have opposed him. Am I happy that things played out as they have??? not really. But. ask yourself this..

Who was really the first president of this country?? Not who you might think.. read up on it. this country had 8 presidents before George Washington.. Each serving a one year term. During that time all sorts of tories and other types of folks who liked being subjects of britain fought like crazy to upset the new government. Which finally emerged 8 years later.. EIGHT YEARS!!!!! now this was in a country where a larger majority wanted the new government. So why does it surprise folks that in a country where Depending on which news source you suck up to while ignoring all others.. Where maybe 50% of its people want our style of government has taken 3 1/2 years to get Iraq to where is is...

Derek "aflack" Gray said...

AMEN BROTHER! Once again You have hit the nail on the head! I am proud to serve my two short tours in Iraq and would be proud to do it again! Why you might ask? Becuase I was apart of something far greater than myself! Or I can put it the way the Governer of the Anbar Province said after 32 assisination attempts and 16 attacks on his home! When asked why he would risk so much for the sake of a job? he replied "Becuase there is nothing greater than serving my country" and THATS WHY WE WILL WIN IN IRAQ!