Sunday, September 23, 2007

Reverse Racism

This week proved to me something you would think was unheard of in this country since the press refuses to report it. Reverse Racism.

Thousands of demonstrators descended on the town Thursday in support of six black teens charged with beating a white classmate. The alleged attack occurred three months ago, when a trio of white teens hung nooses in a tree on their high school grounds, a symbolic reference to lynching which infuriated the black community. Police claim the youths charged retaliated on one of those who participated in the unfunny prank and initially charged them with attempted murder. The accusation was reduced for all but one to battery, with another charged as a juvenile.

But when the white teens who supposedly instigated the event were only suspended from school without being charged with anything, Jena became a city divided, as accusations of racism began to echo through its formerly silent streets.

After this story broke, the racial tension in America became like a barrel of TNT. No one can condone the act of the racists who placed the nooses on the tree in Jena. However, it showed that when faced with racial conflict, any human is capable of stooping to his nemesis' lowest common denominator.

Saturday, while working, I was called into the office. Evidently, a customer went to management and accused myself and a co-worker of saying after work we were going to "head to a bar and beat the shit out of some black people." The accusation was an outright lie, and the obvious result of the steaming racial tension in our country over this event in Jena. Someone becoming judge, jury, and jailer attacking what he perceived as his enemy, a couple of white people.

Only one problem here. My co-worker is a Jewish man who was arrested many times in the 60's marching for civil rights. As for myself, I'm a born again believer of Jesus Christ who has partnered with many races while following Christ. Folks from Trinidad, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil - the list goes on and on. Would an outright racist be so open to partnership with races from across the board?

Nevertheless, my employer investigates because policy requires it.

I would advise the people of all races to not be so quick to judge their brother because the pigment of their skin may be different. It's stooping to the level of your enemy, the racist who quite frankly doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. To hate because of color or difference in culture is not only small-minded, but it's so archaic, it's not even funny.


Bruno said...

In my opinion, The Jena 6 incident has been played up by the media just the way the Duke Lacrosse hoax has been. And it has turned into an inquisition of White people.

Last Year in Davenport, a similar incident took place except this time, it was young Blacks who assaulted whites because they wanted to make a "Black-only Bus Stop". On of the White student had his jaw broken. This wasn't played up by the media...

Also, I don't agree with your use of the expression "reverse racism". I think it's more appropriate to talk about "anti-white racism". the "reverse racism" expression actually promotes racist stereotypes against white people. Saying "reverse racism" implies there is a "norm" in racism (white people's racism toward other racial groups) and that racism is, somehow, a "white thing", which is wrong and prejudiced.

Please see my page : reverse racism Vs anti-white racism

Vince Wylde said...

Either or, stooping to the level of those who persecute you, is childish at very best. Anti White racism runs rampant now and is not only considered acceptable, BUT, justice. Whites getting their just-desserts. This of course is asinine.