Monday, October 13, 2008

Bailout Earmarks Means Other Choices May Be Better

October 3rd, San Francisco Chronicle
While crafting a bill intended to rescue the U.S. economy this week, lawmakers couldn't stop themselves from adding billions of dollars in tax breaks that have little to do with restoring confidence in financial markets.

Senators quietly tucked a number of earmarks into the tax package of the 451-page bill that was passed Wednesday night and is expected to be put to a vote in the House today: a $2 million tax benefit for makers of wooden arrows for children; a $100 million tax break to benefit auto racetrack owners; $192 million in rebates on excise taxes for the Puerto Rican and Virgin Islands rum industry; $148 million in tax relief for U.S. wool fabric producers; and a $49 million tax benefit for fishermen and other plaintiffs who sued over the 1989 tanker Exxon Valdez spill.

Many of the tax breaks were put in place years ago and were set to expire. But their inclusion is complicating efforts in the House to pass an economic rescue plan; an earlier attempt failed Monday. Several House Republicans railed on Thursday against the pork-packed bailout bill.
Having an Earmark on a bill intended to stop a faltering economy is like spending money hand over fist when you know damn well your checking account is seriously overdrawn. Yet America continues to insist on voting for a two-party system, a system that as continuously screwed them for the last 100 years.

McCain or Obama. The choices given are like electing a stay of execution between 2 choices even though 12 more exist: You want to face the firing squad or be beheaded? 3 of your 12 choices? Live Free, Die Old, Enjoy Liberty, OR, Get Back To American Basics plus the other 9 other alternate choices, most of which are guaranteed to be better than a stay of execution. Yes, that number is 12. What are they? Glad you asked:


Jackson Kirk Grimes

Self-described fascist. United Fascist Union.

Alan Keyes

Former Ambassador in the Ronald Reagan administration. Unsuccessfully sought the nominations of the Republican Party and the Constitution Party before beginning a campaign as an independent.

Brian Rohrbough of Colorado is Keyes' running mate.

Frank Moore

Performance artist, writer, painter and musician.

Dr. Susan Block of California is Moore's running mate.

Ralph Nader

Consumer advocate, Write-in candidate in 1992, Green Party presidential nominee in 1996 and 2000, and 2004 independent presidential candidate. Announced candidacy February 24, 2008 on Meet the Press.

Matt Gonzalez of San Francisco is Nader's running mate.

Kelcey Wilson

Transparency advocate. Announced candidacy February 19, 2007, on his blog.

Constitution Party:

Chuck Baldwin

Pastor, conservative political activist, and Constitution Party 2004 Vice Presidential nominee. Nominated by the Constitution Party at its 2008 National Convention on April 26, 2008.

Running Mate:

Darrell Castle

National Vice-Chair of the Constitution Party. Attorney, political activist and former Marine Corps Lieutenant from Tennessee.

Green Party:

Cynthia McKinney

Former Congresswoman from Georgia (1993-2003, 2005-2007). McKinney clinched the Green Party nomination on July 12, 2008 at its 2008 National Convention in Chicago, IL. McKinney also received the endorsement of the Workers World Party in July.

Running Mate:

Rosa Clemente

Commentator, political activist, community organizer and independent reporter from New York. Clemente has been delivering workshops, presentations and commentary for over ten years.

Libertarian Party

Bob Barr

Former Congressman and U.S. Attorney from Georgia. Barr won the nomination of the Libertarian Party on May 25, 2008 at its 2008 National Convention, in Denver, Colorado.

Running Mate:

Wayne Allyn Root

Sports handicapper, businessman, author, and TV show host from Nevada. Root also ran for the party's 2008 presidential nomination.

New American Independent Party

Frank McEnulty

President & Chief Financial Officer of Our Castle Homes from California. McEnulty won the New American Independent Party nomination in March 2008. He has not yet announced his running mate. He is simultaneously running as the vice-presidential nominee of the Reform Party in states where the NAIP is unable to obtain ballot status.

Boston Tea Party

Charles Jay

Former boxing manager and spokesman, of Florida. Jay was selected as the nominee of the Boston Tea Party at its online Convention held June 15-16, 2008. He was the 2004 Presidential nominee of the Personal Choice Party, who has endorsed him this year.

Running Mate

Thomas L. Knapp

Blogger, political activist, of Missouri. He is also running for Congress as a Libertarian.

Reform Party

Ted Weill

Businessman, of Mississippi. Weill received the nomination of the Reform Party at its National Convention in Dallas, Texas on July 20, 2008.

Running Mate:

Frank McEnulty

Businessman, of California. Also running as the the Presidential nominee of the New American Independent Party in the states where the Reform Party is unable to obtain ballot access.

Other Parties Running, But Not Listed For Treasonous Reasons:

Party for Socialism and Liberation

Prohibition Party

Socialist Party USA

Socialist Workers Party

American Communist Party
Seems to me there are 12 alternative choices people are ignoring or failing to read up on due to the bullying tactics of the Left and Right wings of the current two-party system... Fed up yet America?