Wednesday, July 02, 2003

NEWSFLASH! Money Doesn't Make It All Better

That's right. So all you tools opening your wallets taking the Catholic church, fast food, and big tobacco can shut them and sit back down.

I'm tired of hearing on the news the uncreative garbage that sue for everything from Malpractice to suing a fast food chain because they got burned by hot coffee. First of all I cannot believe someone is that stupid to not realize coffee and hot kind of go hand in hand.

Now the same group of savvy motivated individuals is going after what they've labeled "Big Food", which reflects "Big Tobacco" of the 80's.

We've all watched while sex abuse victims have tried to send the Catholic church into bankruptcy by filing the, "I"m wicked f'd up, give me money to make it better," suit.

Guys, this doesn't work. Cash isn't a band aid. Sure one could argue it's to bring these pedophile priests to justice - but 3 Million for "pain and suffering"? These people are using cash as a bandage over a wound that runs far too deep for convential fixes.

Ultimately, what started as someone wanting a little justice turned into the latest "Jackpot Jury" craze.

Greed. Someone should sue greedy people for being money motivated idiots and the loser should have to pay the debt to society by donating 30% of their jackpot winnings to a charity. That should weed out a few lawsuits.