Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Islam: Loaded With Lies And Hypocrisy

It's time I let you in on the religion of the Muslim Extremeists. Terrorists hide behind this faith doing acts of terror in the name of Allah. Well, first, you should know about Allah. Allah was actually a title of a local moon god. Hence the crescent moon as their "cross". Islam is simply a re-birth of the Moon God Cult. And What of this Mohammad, the prophet who spoke directly to Allah himself? Well, this is where the religion gets really ugly.

First, by modern day definition, Mohammad was a pedophile. Mohammad the "father" of Islam took a wife who was the ripe old age of 6 Mohammad was also a common thief. He would order followers to attack caravans, rape the women, kill the men, and bring back a 20% payment to him. Their reward for this would be young boys for sex and, rivers of wine, and so forth and so on.

Yet, this tool was quoted in the Hadith as saying, "Be honest because honesty leads to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise. Beware of falsehood because it leads to immorality, and immorality leads to Hell."

So why does it not suprise me the angriest bunch of people on the planet follow this religion, loaded with loopholes, hypocrisy, and double talk? The problem is, anti religion zealots will lump Christianity into the same slot as Islam, and the two are totally different in contrast.

The Koran was written in 500 AD, whilest the Old Testament, or the Torah, had always been on record and in existance. Mohammad attempted to re-write the ancient scriptures to fit the mold of what he himself wanted. Mohammad didn't talk with God, he had voices in his head. In our era, he would be talking to God on a two way radio in an Asylum.

For those who want the Christian side of this, you may go to This Web Site for more information.