Thursday, August 28, 2003

Music, Money, Mayhem - Shut Your Trap

I'm tired of religious zealots donning the name of God and saying certain music is of the devil if it has a certain tempo and beat. As a Christian, I do not now, nor have I ever agreed with this thinking. To sum it up: It's neanderthal and puts limitations on a God who's supposed to be all-powerful.

Now there are bands that read this page that have issues with Christianity which may spawn from this very thinking - so I challenge fellow Christians. Because of this kind of mentality you have done less to win people to your cause than to draw them in. Hell. They already have to give up pre-marital sex, why would you add more to that already exhaustive list?

The biggest target for a long time was Metal. And this is a mammoth genre spanning over 10 sub genres - one of which includes Christian Metal. Oh, don't think the zealots haven't attacked this one, my friends. One person told me, "I think Christian Metal is an Oxy-Moran." Well, there's a moran in there for sure...

Life is too short to categorize every little thing in life as good and bad, and no deity - living or dead - ever left us at the helm to decide such matters. Further, when it comes to music - unless the artist adds subliminal messages ordering you to go out and kill in the name of the Iron Gypsies - or whatever the band's name is - then, you shouldn't go make value judgements. Instead, if you think a music style is bringing you to a certain place, don't listen.