Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The Great Boston Democratic - WASTE OF TIME AND RESOURCES.

Here comes the K-Train, everybody on board. Incidentally, K-Train as in John Kerry, nominee at large. Look, I hate the liberal yo-yos with a passion. Thanks to them, I have to deal with people having a never ending nicotine fit because it was in my best interest not to be inhaling second-hand smoke.

The fact is, Boston will shut down. Business will be on a weeklong hiatus, cops will be working 12 hour shifts... In the long run, the city will spend more money than it makes. Menino is an idiot, we all know it. If you didn't, here's your reality check. We are spending more money on security for a bunch of Liberal wackos "officially" doing something that indicates somehow John Kerry is the man to run for high office.

Didn't we already know that? Didn't we decide a while ago this tool was running against George W. Bush? Or did I just imagine all the declarations that were made announcing John Kerry the winner? Tools. So we now have to spend thousands to make sure a terrorist doesn't hi-jack a subway and drive it into the fleet center. Brilliant.