Skeptical Notion - Kerry - The Lesser Of Two Evils.
I have suspicion that this is our old friend "Morat", you know, that Player Of Games guy who's profile said he was from the UK... He's attempting now to meddle in American Politics and it's clear he's only researched the two canidates.
I've said on many occasion that Bush is no saint, but if this or any person really believes Kerry will do a better job, maybe they should look again...
The Communist Party of The United States of America, CPUSA, is publicly supporting the election of John Kerry.
No, this is not a read it correctly. The CPUSA has made available on its Web site,, an advertisement entitled Top Ten Reasons To Defeat Bush. This advertisement can be downloaded. The communist party urges readers to place this ad in local newspapers throughout the country to defeat President Bush.
Remarkably, the "Top Ten Reasons" of the Communist party are identical to those of the Democratic party; out-sourcing, homosexual rights, abortion and the like.
At first, it was thought that "this was only a coincidence." The Democratic party of the United States couldn't be in lock step with the Marxists! So, the originator of this email wrote to a spokesman of the CPUSA in Georgia and here is part of the spokesman's letter: "The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with donations and volunteer effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is the single most important issue this November"
When I heard this, I can't say it surprised me. Kerry is insanely far left. As it is, Democrats have incredibly socialist ideals to begin with, so the fact that they would draw the communist audience doesn't surprise me in the least...
The argument is made on our friend's site that "On any given policy: Kerry might or might not have the right policy. He might or might not have the correct instinct. He might or might not be ready to do the correct, smart, or moral thing. But chances are, he'll be competent at what he does. His whole frickin' life has been about competence. Even when he screws up, he's managed to fix the damn thing in a competent way. Not by my watch. Not if he sells out our free country for the sake of social services which is the whole basis for the lie that is communism.
Hey, Bush isn't a saint. For that matter, he's allowed millions of jobs go over seas where people are paid wages that don't buy a cup of coffee over here.
If this is Morat, welcome back my friend. Maybe it's time to fess up to your readers that you are in fact, not from the USA at all... If you are, why do you hide behind a facade? The ever elusive "Morat" who's location is not known nor if you can believe what he stands for...
He will un-doubtably ask who I am voting for, then. And for the 100th time I will answer Mike Badnarik.
I have suspicion that this is our old friend "Morat", you know, that Player Of Games guy who's profile said he was from the UK... He's attempting now to meddle in American Politics and it's clear he's only researched the two canidates.
I've said on many occasion that Bush is no saint, but if this or any person really believes Kerry will do a better job, maybe they should look again...
The Communist Party of The United States of America, CPUSA, is publicly supporting the election of John Kerry.
No, this is not a read it correctly. The CPUSA has made available on its Web site,, an advertisement entitled Top Ten Reasons To Defeat Bush. This advertisement can be downloaded. The communist party urges readers to place this ad in local newspapers throughout the country to defeat President Bush.
Remarkably, the "Top Ten Reasons" of the Communist party are identical to those of the Democratic party; out-sourcing, homosexual rights, abortion and the like.
At first, it was thought that "this was only a coincidence." The Democratic party of the United States couldn't be in lock step with the Marxists! So, the originator of this email wrote to a spokesman of the CPUSA in Georgia and here is part of the spokesman's letter: "The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with donations and volunteer effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is the single most important issue this November"
When I heard this, I can't say it surprised me. Kerry is insanely far left. As it is, Democrats have incredibly socialist ideals to begin with, so the fact that they would draw the communist audience doesn't surprise me in the least...
The argument is made on our friend's site that "On any given policy: Kerry might or might not have the right policy. He might or might not have the correct instinct. He might or might not be ready to do the correct, smart, or moral thing. But chances are, he'll be competent at what he does. His whole frickin' life has been about competence. Even when he screws up, he's managed to fix the damn thing in a competent way. Not by my watch. Not if he sells out our free country for the sake of social services which is the whole basis for the lie that is communism.
Hey, Bush isn't a saint. For that matter, he's allowed millions of jobs go over seas where people are paid wages that don't buy a cup of coffee over here.
If this is Morat, welcome back my friend. Maybe it's time to fess up to your readers that you are in fact, not from the USA at all... If you are, why do you hide behind a facade? The ever elusive "Morat" who's location is not known nor if you can believe what he stands for...
He will un-doubtably ask who I am voting for, then. And for the 100th time I will answer Mike Badnarik.
Vinnie Kins....
NAFTA.... Klinton's policy...
FTAA Klinton wanted it... His biggest foreign policy protection???? Strengthening the RIAA....
Uh can you help me with this?? During the previous Regime... anyone who wanted to work at Macdonalds could have a job... The jobs for guys like me and your dad had became worth less and less untill a guy who is over 40.... didn't have a chance ... but all the highschool kids who know Windows... can now do jobs that used to require a skillset....
I can't really blame the commander in chief for this one... not the present one....
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