Monday, November 01, 2004

Skeptical Notion Deuce - "Total Lack Of Debating Ability".

Well, as you can expect, I responded to the post I spoke of when last we spoke, and found a response to it this evening. This clown sounds like a Fork Lift Driver...

For the love of f***ing C****, are you truly that g***** stupid?Seriously? Did you get dropped on your f***ing head? Is this some sort of Halloween joke?"The commies are supporting Kerry!". So f***in' what? So are the objectivists, whom I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. (Actually, I would, but only after charging all the market would bear). Kerry's REALLY f***ing unlikely to push any Randian programs, you know?How old are you? 12? 10?

Obviously, Mr. So Far Left He Bathes in Hitler Brochures missed my point. I was making the point that if your canidate is attracting whores and scumbags, perhaps, just maybe, he might have some kind of "aura" about him that attracts them to begin with... THUS if he has such an "aura" (used for lack of a better word) maybe he's not the guy you want in office...

I could point out that this clown does not take being challenged on his whole fraudulant socialist belief system (which is, I'm from the government, I'm here to help you). But his flailing around in his response which is obvious from even the most casualist of observers should point out how desperate he is.

He also demonstrates the whole problem with the Liberals. They are a very seedy, and angry bunch. They throw temper-tantrums quicker than a 5-year-old just who just had his favorite toy taken away.

Anyone who frequents this blog knows, I've bashed both the left and right as they both suck worse than a Costa Rican prostitute. This whole response to my challenge proves how angry the left is about not being in power.

And now, for some true Vince Wylde-ism...

F them both, I hope they both die of bowel cancer. Liberals are a disgusting socialist bag of vomit and Conservatives are ugly bowls of afterbirth. Drop dead with all of your programs.


Woolfey said...

I can cuss with the best of them (Cept for on the VW board.. where the best c-Bombs get castrated)...
But If I was trying to Convince some one of my incredible intellect I think I'd be a bit more civil... anyone who thinks JFK will not work his butt off to bring in more programs for the stay-at-home hogs at the trough and the wards of the state that the republicans allegedly bring in to work cheap ... is as lost as his ability to communicate with humans...
I wouldn't be surprised to find this guy to be a fan of the likes of James Carville or Chuck Schumer... or their hero George Geobbels... Either get into a venue where you con -Troll the exchange of thought Like one of Michael Moore's "Documentaries" where truth is optional but vacuous mooreons are dying for his message cause they think they shouldn't have to work for anything... or a hearing controlled by Schumer,, Feinstein ,, and other socialists where the opposition has to behave by the rules .. but their targets are constantly interrupted,,, and the Carvilles spin it out of control.. and then get Hillary's Ghost writers to write a book about a vast right wing conspiracy... It is truly a bad night for the whole world if the Pod people vote this Slime in...