Friday, September 28, 2007

Disarmament By Diagnosis

" You'd think that when rabid, anti-gun legislators like Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy join together to pass anti-gun legislation, it would raise a few red flags," the alert says. "But these two New York Democrats are currently planning to roll over gun owners with H.R. 2640 – legislation which would bar you from owning guns if: You are a battle-scarred veteran suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; or as a kid, you were diagnosed with ADHD." -World Net Daily

So now the hard left wants to disarm anyone who sneezes wrong. Amazing. It seems to me our founding fathers expected this kind of thing to rear its head. The M.O. in our country today is slowly but surely removing rights. Corrupt people seeking absolute power out to make us easy to take over while claiming things like: It's for our own good. Guns kill people. It's a different world now.... Yeah, it is different. Not only do Islamic extremists want to kill anything that moves, but our own government becomes more corrupt by the minute and hell-bent on power.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. -4th Amendment, U.S. Constitution.

I want to make sure that was seen. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...." That means, to protect you from possible governmental corruption. To protect you from some psycho in a suit determining that you have an attention problem so therefore you shouldn't be armed. Or that you had a really bad flu back in 1985 and therefore you may have mental faculties that weigh in to possible psychosis...

Or, for the sake of being purely blunt, "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state...."- MEANING - in the case of where we are now, yet ANOTHER revolutionary war may be necessary. Something Thomas Jefferson himself thought would be needed every 20 years.

The fact is, our government is scared. They know how corrupt they are, they further know that it's only a matter of time before even a nation that has become as passive as ours, a revolution breaks out and the people attempt to take back their country. It's happened in every great empire since the dawn of man. The only way the country can avoid such an event is to realize their power drunk motivations must be brought down, and freedom must ring.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Reverse Racism

This week proved to me something you would think was unheard of in this country since the press refuses to report it. Reverse Racism.

Thousands of demonstrators descended on the town Thursday in support of six black teens charged with beating a white classmate. The alleged attack occurred three months ago, when a trio of white teens hung nooses in a tree on their high school grounds, a symbolic reference to lynching which infuriated the black community. Police claim the youths charged retaliated on one of those who participated in the unfunny prank and initially charged them with attempted murder. The accusation was reduced for all but one to battery, with another charged as a juvenile.

But when the white teens who supposedly instigated the event were only suspended from school without being charged with anything, Jena became a city divided, as accusations of racism began to echo through its formerly silent streets.

After this story broke, the racial tension in America became like a barrel of TNT. No one can condone the act of the racists who placed the nooses on the tree in Jena. However, it showed that when faced with racial conflict, any human is capable of stooping to his nemesis' lowest common denominator.

Saturday, while working, I was called into the office. Evidently, a customer went to management and accused myself and a co-worker of saying after work we were going to "head to a bar and beat the shit out of some black people." The accusation was an outright lie, and the obvious result of the steaming racial tension in our country over this event in Jena. Someone becoming judge, jury, and jailer attacking what he perceived as his enemy, a couple of white people.

Only one problem here. My co-worker is a Jewish man who was arrested many times in the 60's marching for civil rights. As for myself, I'm a born again believer of Jesus Christ who has partnered with many races while following Christ. Folks from Trinidad, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil - the list goes on and on. Would an outright racist be so open to partnership with races from across the board?

Nevertheless, my employer investigates because policy requires it.

I would advise the people of all races to not be so quick to judge their brother because the pigment of their skin may be different. It's stooping to the level of your enemy, the racist who quite frankly doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. To hate because of color or difference in culture is not only small-minded, but it's so archaic, it's not even funny.

Friday, September 21, 2007

PETA - Missing the The Point

I will reserve all the typical P.E.T.A. acronyms for another time, because as of right now, I have bigger fish to fry.

People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals. Be a vegetarian. Don't eat steak, or chicken, or - well meat. In shorter terms, deny your primal instinct as a carnivore, and go on a veg-all diet. Fine, and some people do. This wouldn't be so mind-blowing if people from the same crowd weren't at the same time demanding free abortions for everyone.

Wait, let me see if I get this. Save the cow and the chicken, but kill the unborn baby. Seems to me that this group has nothing they actually stand for unless it just gets in anyone's face who might believe in God.

PETA are off in the woods, and I don't care how many chicks they convince to get naked, it won't matter. I will always eat a big fat juicy steak because I like meat. Yes, I am aware how slaughterhouses operate, and I would skin and kill my own game in the name of survival just so I don't have to make do with a bottled water and a granola bar - which would leave me largely anemic. Who the blazes wants to live like that??

I am aware, PETA itself may not have made a public stance on abortion, but the primary crowd they attract do demand abortion as a woman's right and to be freely available while advocating for poor defenseless animals. To me, that is flat hypocritical.

Sorry folks, but I can't take any advice from a crowd that in one breath tells me to save the cows and in the next demands I allow any woman have an abortion because she was too irresponsible to handle an adult decision herself. Live with the consequences and pass me the gravy.

The Perfect Day.

These bastards have a potential plan to not attack so much US, as our Children, targeting children young enough to not fight back and to rape. The idea is to spark an angry action from us so severe, we burn down mosques, and kill anything that moves wearing a turban.

Information is power. Let's stop these bastards before they start. READ THE WHOLE TRANSCRIPT and have a contingency plan for your kids. You hear a school has been taken, get your kids and get out of harm's way. Take the advice given by Glenn and his guest.

Cheers and God Have Mercy On Us All.


SEPTEMBER 11, 2007


GLENN: Now, what is Al-Qaeda possibly planning for us? We started to line it out yesterday on the radio and last night on television, and Brad Thor is with us. He's a guy who is a best selling author. His latest book is The First Commandment, but he's also part of the, what is it, the red cell?

THOR: The Analytic Red Cell unit, Glenn. I was invited to join that after 9/11 which is a group of people in the Department of Homeland Security that try to stay four or five steps ahead of the terrorists by envisioning what they might do to us next.

GLENN: Now, Brad, I wanted -- I just want to point out that what we're talking about is not just a bunch of think tankers saying, ooh, this could happen. This is really coming from hard evidence that our Government really does not want us to know per se. I mean, they've been alerting people, but they're been doing cryptically because they don't want widespread panic.

THOR: It's true. And Glenn, you know what, you and I have not spoken since last night on the TV show. I was contacted late last night by someone who said -- a source that I trust who said, Brad, you know, there's one thing you and Glenn haven't talked about. Osama Bin Laden is a real student of history. And he said, there is a historic precedent for The Perfect Day, and this is a connected person who I know is involved in the war on terror and what's going on. He said, there was something in India called the sepoy mutiny, or the first Indian uprising where the -- and I'm trying to get the rest of it and I hope to have more for your radio program tomorrow, but this thing we're talking about, The Perfect Day, actually happened in colonial India where the Brits knew it was coming but they thought, no, this, this can't be, and how are we ever going to defend against one guy here, one guy there and it actually happened in India. So this is something I want to track down for you.

GLENN: Okay.

THOR: But the rest of what we've been talking about, yes, the dots are out there. Every time we look, there's something else, and they are connected and that's something we need to be very conscious of.

GLENN: Okay. So tell quickly about the dots that we explained yesterday.

THOR: Well, we talked about things. First of all, we based it on this Al-Qaeda model of being like a shark, how they swim big concentric circles. They don't come right in and bite you. They collect Intel, getting closer and closer, tighter and tighter in the circles. But before they attack, before they take the bite, they come up and they bump you. They want to see are you a threat, are you going to put up a fight, or can we get you. And that's what we're seeing across the country with the two Saudi Arabian men. I talked to people in that investigation down in Florida, in the Tampa area, the two Saudi men that boarded that school bus and wouldn't get off and all that kind of stuff where there was a strong feeling among people involved in that investigation that that was a dry run. We see this, we see school buses missing, 17 in Texas. We see thousands of school bus radios missing in the Northwest, the Pacific Northwest. We find, in the course of this investigation, I talked with -- it would blow your mind how many law enforcement departments I talked to that have interrupted active surveillance on schools across the country. The dots are there.

GLENN: So tonight -- first of all let me just tell this story again. In Iraq we found a diskette that had a -- that had downloaded all of the Department of Education security measures, and they're all available online.

THOR: Not only a diskette, Glenn, but that disk was on an Iraqi who was arrested in a terrorism raid, an Iraqi with known ties to active Islamic terrorism.

GLENN: Okay. Well, that makes it even happier. So the diskette has basically our emergency procedures in our schools and what the Department of Education says you've got to be ready for and this is what you do in case. So there's another sign that they're studying us.

THOR: Yes.

GLENN: The next thing that we found in Iraq again was eight different schools. Tell me where these schools were and what we found.

Glenn Beck Special Series - Beginning Monday, September 10th on Headline News - 7PM ET

THOR: Okay. What was found in an insurgent, an Al-Qaeda affiliated safehouse over in Iraq, they were school blueprints, basically, floor plans for schools across the country. San Diego, California, West Salem, Oregon, Boyertown, Pennsylvania, schools in Texas, Virginia, New Jersey, and this was very, very disconcerting and there was a cover story that was concocted that, hey, this was just some Iraqis who were involved with the Ministry of Education in Iraq and they're looking to rebuild their schools and all that kind of BS.

GLENN: Unbelievable. I mean, who would buy that, that they come to us to look at the architectural plans of schools all around the country, six or eight -- I mean, were these remarkable schools, architecturally speaking, Brad?

THOR: No, no, it wasn't incredible Frank Lloyd Wright but it shows you how desperate the FBI is to get to the -- they are desperate. They are working so hard to prevent this from happening. That's one thing I want your listeners to know is that they do not want this to happen. They are working hard, but at the same time they are trying to prevent people from panicking.

GLENN: Right.

THOR: And it's a real delicate balancing act that those who keep us safe have to juggle.

GLENN: I will tell you this. The frustration and the reason why we're exposing this is not because we don't feel the Government is doing their job. Quite the opposite. The Government is doing their job on this. They don't have all of the dots. They just have it -- it's exactly like September 11th. What did you know and when did you know it. Well, we knew that they were trying to do pilots but who would have thought that they were going to do it into the World Trade Center? We didn't know that piece. We're in exactly the same situation.

THOR: Well, and what's amazing, Glenn, is as I've done this investigation and I've talked to my sources and you talk to one who says, well, I've got somebody else who's fed up with the foot-dragging here and you need to talk to him and you need to talk to her, a lot of the reticence to implementing plans that can keep our kids safe, believe it or not, are coming from the schools themselves.

GLENN: Yeah. Well, that's because -- and this goes to what I was saying just a little while before you came on, that's because a lot of these schools are in the heartland, they're in small communities and they think, oh, well, nothing will happen here. You are the bigger target than New York City on this particular case, right?

THOR: Exactly. In one of the things that we're seeing here is that they are looking for the softest targets possible, and that means when you're looking at schools in the heartland, you look at how long it takes from a 911 phone call to getting a tactical team, not just patrol officers but a tactical team on site, and in a lot of places that takes a long time, especially if you have a multijurisdictional swat team. So what these terrorists are looking for from the stuff that's been recovered, and tonight on your CNN Headline News program, we're going to have John Giduck on who wrote the book terror at Beslan who wrote the book, the dress rehearsal. Bin Laden has said what we did in Russia, we will visit 100 times worse in America. He's even gotten a religious edict allowing him to kill up to two million American children and what they are looking for is a school where the girls are old enough to rape and the boys are too small to fight back.

GLENN: Okay. I asked you, I just talked to a woman about a half hour ago. She said she watched last night's special with her 14-year-old son. I ask you that you do not have your kids watch tonight. Tonight is really horrific stuff. I mean, tonight is -- and correct me if I'm wrong, Brad. You've seen much more of this than I have. It's "Take your breath away" evil stuff.

THOR: Glenn, I have a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old and I've known John Giduck for a little bit who's going to be on tonight, John Giduck is going to reveal things on your show tonight that I'm going to bet you 99.9% of your audience has never heard before and it's, it's actually going to even be difficult for me to sit through it tonight because it's that bad.

GLENN: Okay. Now, there's two things, also. One, there was something else that -- Stu, just remind me, football games and buses, will you? ADD moment. There was -- hang on just a second, Brad.

THOR: Sure.

GLENN: I want to go back to Pakistan because there was something else that we touched on last night and we didn't play this tape. We were only cleared to play a few seconds of it. I'm going to try to expand that and put it on tomorrow's newsletter so you can see it. There's eight hours of tape that we found in Pakistan in another Al-Qaeda training camp, eight hours of tape where they made a mock American school. The guy, the terrorists came in and they took mock American students, they took one little boy and they shot him in the head immediately and then in English said, "Now follow our directions exactly." It's how to take over an American school. It's eight hours of tape. Only an hour of it has been seen by American law enforcement officials here in America. We've only seen part of it. What else is on this eight, the eight hours? What is this?

THOR: It's kind of the master planning tapes of Al-Qaeda. It is the full library as best as our intelligence and military people know, and what they did was they edited down to a one-hour version to show American law enforcement in particular what they need to be prepared for, and the most chilling thing, there's the drive-up motorcycle assassinations and things like that but the one thing that's resonated throughout the law enforcement community has been the attack on the school where they have the mock role players. They've even got -- you can hear in the background there's almost like a soundtrack of children crying, to add realism to the training of these Al-Qaeda operatives, and they are issuing their commands in English and then what they're doing almost kind of PR media savvy is they take a bunch of them up to the roof and they execute them on the roof, kind of for the television cameras to show how serious they are. And one of the -- if that isn't frightening enough, Glenn, what we've discovered is all of their plans on how to surveil the schools, how to get in the schools, how to hold the schools, the one thing that's missing from all these plans, there is no exit strategy. These people are not planning to leave alive. They want to play this out for the media. They want to absolutely devastate us emotionally, psychologically and also financially with this kind of attack here.

GLENN: Right.

THOR: And then they are going out feet first.

GLENN: And this is not something that is going to happen in one school.


GLENN: The theory is that this is going to be a coordinated attack all across the country in multiple locations.

THOR: Same day.

GLENN: To -- yeah, to completely devastate, shock and horrify America. You know, I said yesterday that the instruction that I gave my ex-wife, the mother of my older children, and she didn't want to know. She said, Glenn, I don't want to know all the details, and I give her the option because she's kind of that person. And she really doesn't -- usually she just dismisses me. She's not somebody who -- you know, she's heard my rhetoric for a long time and she's like, uh-huh, right. It was very surprising when I talked to her about this. She said, tell me what I need to know, and I did, and I gave her some of the sources, et cetera, et cetera of what we've learned and she believed me, much to my surprise, and I gave her the advice of, if you see -- if you're watching TV or if I see it, I will call you. And I don't care if you're in a meeting where you are, you know, your boss is saying, you know, you're going to be fired and you're going to lose your job. If I call you or if you happen to see that in Kansas, a school has been taken, you leave, you go to our school and you tell the principal, I need to get my kid because she's got a doctor's appointment.

THOR: Right.

GLENN: Don't panic anybody, don't do anything because it's most likely not going to happen. Don't cause panic but get the kid out of school. Now, if it happens at our kids' school, you do not go to the school. That's the last thing you do.

THOR: Exactly. And the big reason why, this is something that has not filtered out enough to the American public. One of the big concerns is because -- and you and I have talked about this on the program before that as human beings, as Americans we gather at the site of a tragedy to help support each other. Well, the big fear is that Al-Qaeda is counting on that. They want us -- because it's this overwhelming urge to protect our children, that we will rush to the scene and as we gather there with news crews and the First Responders are trying to set up a cordon to keep us back, what's going to happen is they'll either be snipers or, worse, there are going to be car bombs strategically placed throughout the parking lot and around the perimeter of the school that they will start lighting off one by one to just get an even bigger body count.

GLENN: Brad, we have a late afternoon feed today, a video feed of, from what I understand is some of the footage from inside Beslan that has never been seen before. Can you tell me about it? Are you aware of it? Do you know what this is?

THOR: I know a little bit about it. John Giduck again is the expert. He's former military, he's a law enforcement trainer. John actually speaks Russian and he was there very early on with the siege at Beslan. He has trained some of the Russian special forces members. So he's very intimate with this, and I think this is something again that's part of this whole package of the things that Americans need to see and know. I've seen some, but I don't know exactly what it is that John's going to be sharing.

GLENN: And I don't know if that video's going to be ready for tonight's broadcast because it's a very late afternoon feed and it's been sketchy on whether or not it's going to come in on time, et cetera, et cetera. But if not, we will put it in the newsletter at Free newsletter. Just sign up on the front page of the website at and each participant of each special on each episode of the TV show this week is writing a longer kind of piece for the newsletter so you'll be able to have all the information that they talked about on television, all of the transcripts and also additional information that they have. Again it's free. Get it. Sign up right now at You'll be able to see the video and you'll also, you'll be able to pass it on to your friends so they know. But the important thing is, know this information. Information is power. You don't panic from this information.

Brad, we'll talk to you tonight.

THOR: Thanks, Glenn.

GLENN: All right. Bye-bye.

THOR: Bye-bye.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Battle Of Principles - NOW it Matters???

In the 1960's it was free love. People started saying, "Why do we need to be married? Lets just live together!" This co-inhabitance trend lasted through the 1980's, and people seemed to be content with the arrangements.

However, in the 1990's the gay agenda started rearing it's head and by the new millennium we had people demanding equal rights to married people including a marriage license.

It seems in America people take a contrarian viewpoint just to hear themselves yell. 20 years ago people didn't understand why having a marriage license was such a big deal, insisting it wasn't politically correct to insist they have one to begin with. Now a whole new demographic demands the exact opposite insisting it's politically incorrect to not allow them to do so.

I find this ironic and even a little pathetic. It seems that the M.O. here is if it flies in the face of faith, do it! So this begs the question, if I believe in a myth, why is it then that the whole world tries to figure out ways to get in my kill zone? If Jesus was a fraud and there is no God, why do non-believers spend so much time trying to do what they are convinced opposes me?

Here's some cud to chew on, folks. I am not for legislating your morality. I believe that marriage is a sacrament holy unto God and between him, a man, and a woman. Because it's his creation, this means - according to Amendment 1 - which the left loves to quote - the feds should stay the hell out of it. If government is involved in the relationship of two private citizens at all, it should be through a justice of the peace and for both straights and gays called a "civil union". If you don't feel the need to commit enough before God, don't bother knocking on the local church door. Yes, this leaves gays at the doorstep as God makes it clear a man should not have sex with a man, or if you want to go "new" school:

1Co 6:9-10 Don't you know that wicked people won't inherit the kingdom of God? Stop deceiving yourselves! People who continue to commit sexual sins, who worship false gods, those who commit adultery, homosexuals, or thieves, those who are greedy or drunk, who use abusive language, or who rob people will not inherit the kingdom of God.

So since God has spoken through the apostle Paul and made it clear in both testaments that he's not pleased with homosexual sin, the church has no obligation to marry them. The church does have an obligation to witness to these people in and not in arrogance and self righteousness. E.G.: "You filthy queer, come back when you are ready to give up your sin on my terms." This is an idea who's time has come.

Does marriage suddenly matter? Only on issues that people think slap God - and really - they don't.

Monday, July 16, 2007

You know, I've not given my fans what they just thrive on.... A good old fashion Vince Wylde rant, so here you go....

As some of you know, Sound Exchange, a shadow company of the RIAA that collects royalty payments for any sort of broadcast of an artist's music, recently targeted Internet radio. They demanded royalty payments from people using companies like Live365 to further their passion for music - and who make nill on this hobby - saying it wasn't fair to simply not pay the artists. Here's the problem:

Live365 openly advertises paying royalties and even advertises in music streams that it's better to stream with them because of the fact that, unlike file sharing, the artist gets a cut of the "sharing" of his or her music. So in the end everyone wins. Claims by Sound Exchange that the artist isn't duly compensated is not only irresponsible, but it's an out-and-out lie.

Further, anyone like myself who has worked in radio professionally knows the RIAA doesn't give a damn about the artists they supposedly represent. They rip off the consumer at the record store and the artist they claim to collect royalties for through sound exchange.

WASHINGTON POST - New York state Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer, best known for his efforts to clean up Wall Street, tighten anti-pollution laws and protect low-wage employees, went to bat Tuesday for a new constituency: shortchanged musicians.

Spitzer announced a settlement in which the nation's five largest recording companies promised to do a better job of tracking down and paying $50 million in unclaimed royalties to thousands of performers. The beneficiaries include country singer Dolly Parton, rock stars David Bowie and Dave Matthews, conductor Zubin Mehta and thousands of lesser-known musicians.

As you can see from the clip from the above article, the RIAA has been simply uninterested in helping actually make payments out to artists who have money collected on their behalf by Sound Exchange, the very company that handles these royalty rates and collections. Proving further that this isn't about so-called "royalties", it's about media manipulation.

The RIAA's real interest is total market manipulation and control. This enables them to focus what charts and how many CDs are sold. If they can manufacture more 17 times platinum sales like the first Britney Spears CD on a more consistent basis, they can ensure profitability. If they have to constantly contend with free thinking base of broadcasters who could give a crap about the latest Britney CD, they can never truly control the medium. Eliminate the "options", increase the profits.

A death of Streamcasting is a step closer to Communism because it suggests that we shouldn't have access to everything we want. It also shows "what happens" when the capitalist formula runs amok and big companies are allowed a free hand. Either way, it's a bad scenario and the only people who lose in the end are music fans

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Web Bot Project And 2012.

Note from Vince: I mistakenly omitted my source for this article which is another blog: - While some of you may be displeased to find that this writer is a new-ager and in fact not a Christian source, I remind you that there are 6 prophecies regarding this date including Christianity and Islam. It may be important to bear in mind that God is trying to get our attention. The link to the site above does partake in some heavy discussion on items such as the Tarot. Visit there at your own discretion. If you are a fellow former Witch or practicer of other Magick, I advise avoiding the old ways or links to occultic practices. Cheers! -V

The date 2012 has been popping up alot lately suggesting a catostrophic world event could happen in that year. Recently, I uncovered an article that adds yet another "coincidence" to our already long list. That being another affirmation that 2012 may be a terrible year. The article posts many of the prophecys from different sources that all agree about 2012. Article follows.

The Web Bot Project and 2012

Maybe some of you have heard of The Web Bot Project, but for those of you who have not, it's quite intriguing.

The Web Bot Project, developed in the late 1990's, was created to assist in making stock market predictions.

The technology uses a system of spiders to crawl the Internet and search for keywords, much like a search engine does. When a keyword is located, the bot program takes a snapshot of the text preceding and following the keyword. This snapshot of text is sent to a central location where it is then filtered to define meaning.

But in 2001, bot operators began to notice that stock market predictions were not the only matters being accurately predicted by the program. They began to take notice of coincidence with occurrences and explored it further.

One of the first accurate predictions from the bot program took place in June of 2001. The program predicted that a life altering event would take place within the next 60-90 days. An occurrence of such proportion that it's effects would be felt worldwide. The program based it's prediction on "web chatter" which ultimately represents the collective unconscious of society.

Regrettably, the bot program's prediction proved accurate and the Twin Towers fell on 9/11/2001.

Here's where it starts to become very interesting. The bot program also predicts a worldwide calamity taking place in the year 2012. For those of you who study astrology, prophecies, and the like, you may already be familiar with this date.

The Mayans were considered great "seers" and built a society that focused it's studies on time, synchronicity, and consciousness. The Mayan calendar predicts that mankind will end in the year 2012. A period which also signifies the end of the current era in the Mayan calendar.

Similar predictions have been derived from the I Ching or China's "Book of Changes." The I Ching was written in 2800 B.C. and is revered to this day in China. A gentlemen by the name of Terrence McKenna studied the I Ching intensely and began to see a pattern emerging. From that pattern he produced a time line graph and called it the "Time Wave Zero" theory.

Terrence's time line derived from the I Ching ended in the year 2012 - December 21, 2012 to be exact. The winter solstice.

Even more intriguing is the fact that there is scientific evidence that points to a very rare astrological occurrence taking place the year of 2012. For milena, the Mayans believed in the existence of a dark rift in the center of the Milky Way and considered it fact. Only recently did modern scientists discover that it actually does exist.

In the center of our galaxy is a black hole. And in the year 2012, the sun and the earth will be in direct alignment with this black hole. Scientist speculate that magnetic shifts could take place as a result. In essence, the poles could reverse. The poles have shifted before, some 800 million years ago. Einstein suggested this pole shifting theory in 1955.

Now I'm sure many of you have heard of Merlin the magician. Merlin was a Celtic shaman that many of his day considered a "crazed man of the forest." As a result, during those times he was referred to as "Merlin the Wild." But what many don't realize is that Merlin was considered Europe's greatest oracle or "seer."

Merlin predicted that the planets will "run riot" through the constellations. Completely off their normal paths of rotation. Scientists speculate that if this were to happen, it would be a result of the earth changing it's rotation - or the poles shifting.

Merlin also predicted that the use of "talking stones" would be taking place during this time. For those of you who don't know, stone is the basis of our modern technology. Quartz in particular. Quartz technology is used in cell phones as well as computers. Silicone quartz stores information that can then be retrieved.

Another interesting side note to this, that I will be discussing in an upcoming post, is the use of quartz by the Mayans. The Mayans coveted what were known as the crystal skulls. Skulls carved from natural quartz crystal. They claimed the skulls "talked" to them and gave them information. Could it be that they actually did? Based on our knowledge of the capabilities of quartz crystal and it's uses for information storage and retrieval - it seems quite possible. Hewlett Packard studied the skulls in 1970 and their results were startling.

The Hopi Indian tribe, the oldest tribe in the United States, believed that the world has been created and destroyed four times previously. The Hopi's believe that we are on the brink of the Fifth World. They predicted that this occurrence would be preceded by submersion (rising waters), the sun getting hotter (global warming), and earth occurrences (hurricane's, tornadoes, and mass flooding).

The Hopi's also predicted that the world at this time would be criss-crossed by a spider web, which could be likened to the Internet. They believed that the end of the Fourth World would be followed by the beginning of the Fifth World. The evolution of life requires violence.

Seems that these beliefs are in line with the predictions made from one of the greatest book of prophecies ever written - the Bible. And the Book of Revelations, in particular, written by John the Apostle.

The History Channel created a special that touches on this very subject titled: Doomsday 2012, The End of Days. It further explores the significance of this date in ancient prophecies, texts, and writings.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Technology Will Kill Us All
The 2oth century brought us the two worst inventions in mankind's history. It's not the automobile nor the radio or even the television. The two worst inventions of the 20th century are the cell phone and the GPS Navigational System. Here's why.

The first is the cell phone. It used to be if someone couldn't reach you, they just couldn't reach you and would have to wait. Now these people call your phone at all hours, regardless of your location, ringing your phone everywhere from the car to church. And getting your voicemail will not suffice, if they can't reach you, they keep calling back until you answer. For me, I don't answer my phone and if you persist, I shut the phone off. I'm busy, deal with it. This small but influential invention has encouraged an already increasingly rude society to become even more rude and self centered. While some will argue it has allowed us to communicate even better, I argue it has done nothing but give us another item to lug around and be bothered with. We were fine without them and when the first came out they were simply a novelty. Now, not only do people insist they need them, but this "phone" isn't good enough unless it comes with an ob board MP3 Player, Internet access and a host of other things people don't need.

Navigational systems are bad, bad, bad, and anyone who argues they are good is not only insane, but he's fooling himself. Setting aside the idea that it makes it possible for "Big Brother" to track your every move, we now are slowly losing our ability to perform basic tasks like read a map or use a compass. Being reliant on technology for these kinds of tasks is just not a good idea, period.

Now, why are these two items evil? Well, both use GPS or "Global Positioning Systems" making the potential to turn them into human lo jack systems even greater. However, further than that, mankind is further losing his ability to survive. The more technology we allow to do work for us, right down to the laptop I am using to type this now, the less likely we are to survive in the event that this medium is disabled by an enemy. This, is a bad place to be.

What I've done to resist this: I refuse to give in to the navigational system craze. It's map or nothing for me. Let everyone else be baffled about how to plot a trip without a computer. Yes, I have a cell phone, but I got it for ME, not other people. If people insist on bugging me, off it goes. I simply won't be a slave to technology.

Also, I have antique radios along with radios with a backup hand-crank chargeable battery. TV? Nope. All I need is a shortwave with self sufficient abilities that can pick up long distance broadcasts. Survival also narrows down to learning basic skills such as making soap, candles, killing animals for food, and learning skills dead for over 100 years.

If we are end times people, we need to act like it. We need to re-learn the old ways, not completely abandon self sufficient skills making us completely dependant on technology. Such an answer is not a good one.

Friday, April 13, 2007

RIAA, Viacom, and the Big Guys Strike Again

From Live365 Forums:

Despite all the arguments made by the Internet radio industry, e.g. Live365’s CEO Mark Lam’s testimony last April at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on digital radio urging the Committee to help create a level competitive playing field for broadcast, cable, satellite and Internet radio (go here for video and written versions of his testimony:, the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) has reportedly adopted the new per performance royalty rates put forth by SoundExchange.

It was reported that the new per performance royalty rates for the years from 2006 through 2010 would be $0.0008, $0.0011, $0.0014, $0.0018, and $0.0019, respectively, representing an increase over the existing rate ($0.000762) of 5%, 44%, 84%, 136%, and 149%, respectively, and a year-over-year increase of 5%, 38%, 27%, 29%, and 6%, respectively.

This would undoubtedly impose a grave challenge to the development of Internet radio. From the moment the news broke—and even in the months leading up to the CRB's decision, Live365 has been proactively working on resolving any possible negative effects of the potential royalty rates change, on behalf of our broadcasters and listeners and in cooperation with other DiMA (the Digital Media Association) members and the Internet radio industry at large.

In the days and months to come, Live365 expects to take a series of measures to combat the challenges imposed by the new royalty rates. We will keep you posted of the progress. Before the CRB and Live365 make any formal announcements, however, we ask you to please stay calm and refrain from passing any false speculations and premature judgments.

As far as the X5000 broadcasting package is concerned, we haven’t heard anything about a possible raise in the Small Webcaster royalty minimum premium of $2000 per calendar year, although many believe the CRB may not adopt a new rate for Small Webcasters (although there is no guarantee at this time). Again, please don’t panic before anything is confirmed.

In the meantime, you may want to contact your local Congressmen and Congresswomen. Make your voice heard by the lawmakers on Capitol Hill.


It seems clear that RIAA wants total control. This is why a monopoly is bad. Right now Sirius and XM are trying to merge. No doubt RIAA is involved in that as well. In the months to come we can expect this beast start really limiting what we have access too. Beyond the miracle of Streamcasting via Live365, You Tube, Mediaplex, and God Tube there is also Podcasting - and with Apple Computer behind it, RIAA especially has a fight on it's hands to kill the Podcasting market. Think of it, Apple is at the Wheel, but advertisers have access to some of the casts that grow in popularity. This creates an all out Big Business civil war.


Total manipulative control over all sound recordings, chart directions, and new trends in music, removing the possibility of a free thinking listener base which in turn ensures all music trends will be totally up to them. This means:

Control of ALL Radio - The genres it plays, and what which jocks play them.

Destruction of Streamcasting - Other media outlets along with RIAA such as Viacom have imposed serious time limits on Mediaplex, You Tube, and even God Tube - media cannot be longer than 10 minutes in length. However, all copywritten material must be removed and accounts that insist on uploading copywritten material must be deleted. Therefore, why the strict 10 minute program restriction? And how did such a law pass?

It's clear that the corrupt owners of major labels and broadcasting outlets are trying to create a minimized monopoly where only the "big names" are in control and the little guy can go to hell. Do they really expect us to continually buy their poorly manufactured and costantly regurgitated recycled crap? This is more serious than I think most realize.

Also involved, our government. Many Americans believe a George Orwell scenario is looming overhead. Clearly, the government could use this situation to put a serious damper on what exactly is heard through our internet. It will be interesting to see if they vote on the side of the little guy or the greedy, corrupt, and clearly evil Big Business trying to control all media outlets.

Imus: FIRED! - AND Racism In America - The Reality

New York Times:

CBS brought a weeklong confrontation over a racial and sexual insult by the radio host Don Imus to an end yesterday when it canceled the “Imus in the Morning” program, effective immediately.

Skip to next paragraph
David Karp/Associated Press

Don Imus left his apartment building in Manhattan Wednesday after learning that CBS Radio, his longtime employer, had dismissed him.

The move came a day after the cable television network MSNBC, a General Electric unit that has simulcast Mr. Imus’s radio program for the last 10 years, removed the show from its morning lineup. The two moves, taken together, mean that Mr. Imus, who has been broadcasting the program for more than 30 years, no longer has a home on either national radio or television.

And now we get to see how far the hypocrisy of the left wing goes!

Don Imus has never exactly lit the world on fire with his radio show. Those of us who don't get him, don't listen long. His racial slur on the air - referring to the Rutgers Atheletes as "nappy haired hos" - was far from appropriate. However far more has been tolerated on the air than this which in reality is not that much.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are a couple of bats in the belfry. Both are responsible for racism becoming a black on white issue and this smoke screen of targeting rap artists next is just filler.

The issue of racism has switched sides, and white people are supposed to live in constant pennance of an act carried out 130 years ago. I for one, being Irish, refuse to apologize since my people were the target of discrimination during the early 1900's. "Irish Need Not Apply" - remember those signs? My family were not slave owners, we were actually fellow victims of discrimination. Alas, our skin is of pale pursuasion, so therefore, the bigots of the black world had deemed us part of the problem.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cheap Europeans
One of the big attractions to visiting America for Europeans is the fact that the Euro is kicking our dollar's ass, and therefore, even with a plane ticket (so they claim) it is cheaper to come here and make all their big purchases where their money goes farther. Well, shoot, I would do the same thing.

Only recently, I witnessed haggling - yes haggling - between one of these Europeans and a Walmart manager over a DVD / VCR combo. Seems Walmart was out of the cheaper model so this cheap euro-trash was trying to convince a Walmart manager they needed to knock down of the Magnavox model that was 10$ more - DOWN 10$ - because the cheaper model was out.

Wait, let me get this straight.

Your Euro is kicking the dollar's ass, you can buy everything almost 30% cheaper, and you have the nerve to haggle over 10$?

This is actually more than that. See, the arrogance of the rich is far-reaching. It seems the more wealth you have, the tighter you pinch a penny. In the case of the Europeans, they actually travel intercontinentally to save a buck. The arrogance of haggling a price at Walmart over 10 bucks is mind blowing. Heck, the idea of haggling at Walmart period is really kind of mindless. People get a life. It's Walmart, it doesn't get cheaper.

Come to think of it, many of these idiots are totally ignorant to the fact that if they were given half the chance, they would haggle Walmart right into bankruptcy.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Rock The Truth: American Warriors

Typical Liberal Rehtoric, failing to see the whole picture, and not really giving a damn how people might feel on the subject. It's clear, because he has his comments closed. You can't voice your disgust, or agreement - however misguided - with him. He can't even post real information about himself. Another one whining about how we should "cut and run". He links to a picture of a girl who lost her hubby in the war. A picture posted originally by the Boston Glob to exploit pain to further a cause who's time never came, and the clear-headed Christian disagrees with. But then, we are the hateful minority in the eyes of Liberalism.

This same clown, no doubt, buys into the "controlled demolition" conspiracy floating around the 9/11 terrorist attack. America sucks, we all deserve death. These people should be run out on a shutter. It starts with our fine Liberal congressmen who constantly berate our military. Many followers of Liberalism are sheep, and go whichever way they are turned, In response, I quote Abe Lincoln:

"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartimes that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged."

Prepare For Disaster, But Use Common Sense.

Lady Lake, Florida - Rescuers stopped searching for bodies on Saturday and survivors dug out from under Florida's deadliest storm system in almost a decade, authorities said, after a tornado reportedly killed 20 people.

US President George W Bush declared a state of emergency in four counties after pre-dawn storms on Friday carved a trail of destruction and death, wrapping metal around trees and launching some victims into neighbouring homes.

And in the wake of it all, people across Florida raced to their local Radio Shack, Walmart, Target - to purchase an emergency alert weather radio. One that sounds an alarm in the face of a major weather event. Sales on these radios quadrupled for 2 days while people attempted to "prepare" for this new random act of nature that has happened twice in 3 months - but was previously a non-sequitor for Florida.

However, nobody thought to prepare beyond purchasing another piece of technology. Well, maybe a few people did. What exactly? A contingency plan. A tornado warning only gives you a short window of maybe 15 minutes to wake up from a dead sleep, gather your family and get out quickly. Technology only works with a bit of common sense. Due to the death of the hunter / gatherer, people less frequently look past basic technology for basic survival. They falsely believe that an alert radio will give them security and save them from disaster. Maybe for an oncoming thunder storm, but not a tornado that hits like lightening, and leaves zero room for error or lack of planning.

When preparing for the coming storm, there is no wrong in purchasing equipment that will alert you trouble is on the way. However, buying a weather alert radio without planning on what to do should it go off is like buying a shotgun, but not bothering with the purchase of bullets. It's useless. One may as well have not purchased the radio at all and saved themselves $50.00.

So get your family together, make an escape plan as you would for a house fire. Let them know in an event such as a tornado, you only have a small window to get to safety. Also, make a note of where they say the storm is going so you don't drive right into it. In all of it, be prepared with 100% effort. Don't rely on Radio Shack to rescue you.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Countdown to Destiny.

It's amazing how people deny what dances right before them. We are on the brink of WWIII - if we are not already in it. Global Warming, which is debated with more emotion than facts - is pointing to biblical prophecies about disease, catastrophe, and events of unseen proportions. Still, people deny it.

The Children of Issac and Ishmael have been fighting since Exodus, demanding territory, demanding restitution. What people don't realize is this is classic sibling rivalry. Yes, the Jews and the Muslims are brothers. The children of Issac and the children of Ishmael.

But even further. This earth is full of hate, and what is mind blowing is all these attempts to prove we are from apes have ever done are create and fuel the hate fire. How? Because if we reintroduce the God equation, realize we all came from Adam and Eve, and that the Earth isn't fifty billion years old, we make hate totally hypocritical and stupid. An idiots manifesto. That makes us all brothers and sisters.

But because Man hates answering to God, and he has tried to eliminate God from the equation scientifically, failing on every front - there is more proof and solid evidence of creationism than there ever was of evolution - we find ourselves playing right into God's hands and master plan.

The bible is loaded with proof that has already withstood the test of time, man is simply blind.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Global Warming - Not Just A Political Trend - But Biblical.

So Rush was on his show today yucking it up over the idea of Global Warming, as many repuklicans do. He eluded to a moronic Liberal report that suggests Global Warming is a contributing factor to terrorism. That Osama Bin Laden says another reason America must be judged is because we are the chief contributors to Global Warming. Osama cited our outright disinterest in the Kyoto treaty as proof we simply don't give a damn. For that I submit the following:

As you see the facts clearly state the United States voted Unanimously to not ratify the treaty - both sides of the aisle. And the 2nd biggest contributor - China - was exempt from the treaty. Does Osama have the nerve to attack them? No. They will flatten Islam and Islam knows it. It's easier to join the rest of the World in attacking the biggest super power because that's what this is really about.

Global warming may be cited as being an issue of the left, but the fact is, it's biblical. Dr. Carl Baugh from creation evidences says: "Someone wound this thing up. And I know that who ever wound this thing up doesn't come back and wind it up again, we are in trouble." (Paraphrased from an exact quote).

The natural progression of man leads us to the return of Christ. It's just the way it is. The oceans will melt, weather will continue to get more violent, volcanic activity will be on the increase, and so will earthquakes. Anyone who denies Global Warming in the face of all of this hasn't read the bible. It's sad to say, the bible agrees with Al Gore.

Just think of this, the threat of the planet becoming un-inhabitable either through Global Warming, a freak asteroid or comet, or a number other of threats only preventable by a deity should lead you to hope: "Man, there better be a God."

Trust me, there is.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Racism? Or Truth?

This was a bulliten posted on Myspace:

You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.

If we had WET(White Entertainment Television), we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had white history month, we'd be racists.
If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be racists.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you know we'd be racists.

You use the term Nigger, but would beat a white guy for using it.

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You call me "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey" "The Man" and you think it's okay.

But when I call you "Kike," "Towelhead," "Sand Nigger," "Camel Jockey," "Beaner" or "Chink" you call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

I am white.
I am proud.

How often do you hear that?

Now, In received a response from this immature, and far left wacko so-called Program Director from A Rhode Island Radio Station (who has been playing me since 2006, and it's a long story). Here is her response:

Vince, this is absolutely disgusting and offensive.

It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about -- and spreading this kind of message goes against everything you espouse as a supposed "Christian" ...

Shame on you.

There are a few things that will blackball you on my part faster than anything. One of them is trying to force on me your understanding of Christianity and put me in your little Liberal God Box. But I'm not going there, instead, let me play the game of debate. Let's pick this bad boy apart and see which parts via the common sense train are actually untrue (this bulletin was not a editorial written by me, I merely re posted).

You have the United Negro College Fund. -
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.

If we had WET(White Entertainment Television), we'd be racists. -Absolutely, without question, true.

If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists. - Again, nothing false about this statement. Liberals would ask why I would even want a white pride day, that it's far too Nazi in idealism, but that's what they want. For it to be racism on my part and not theirs.

If we had white history month, we'd be racists. - Why don't we have at least a European History month? Is our background less important based on the fact that 150 years ago some of us had slaves? I don't get it....

If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be racists. - I will agree that for the time being Whites need no help advancing, however with things like Affirmative Action, this will soon be untrue.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you know we'd be racists. - We should do this out of fairness, impoverished white people are no less important as any other minority.

You use the term Nigger, but would beat a white guy for using it. - NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE should use this disgusting term anywhere for any reason. The fact blacks use it at all is just hypocritical.

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You call me "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey" "The Man" and you think it's okay. - Blacks using reverse racism in the name of comedy, or to get even, are lowering themselves to the deplorable standards of white racists of the early 21st century.

But when I call you "Kike," "Towelhead," "Sand Nigger," "Camel Jockey," "Beaner" or "Chink" you call me a racist. - No comment, this kind of speaks for itself.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live? - Bill Cosby answered this quite well. Basically, he said people in that demographic have the mindset that the wealthy owe them, and therefore, live off welfare, and never apply themselves.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists. -Actually, if you are smart, you not only avoid any mention of any kind of pride, but you kick yourself for being the descendant of a dirt bag.

I am white.
I am proud.

How often do you hear that?

If you are smart, you are Irish, English, German, but never white. This kind of steals the left-wing's thunder. Instead of screaming white pride, you are going back to your roots. This plays on a more universal law and less of a "inside the box" ideal.

So who are the real racists? Black Leaders. The Reverend Al Sharpton, the Reverend Jessi Jackson. I've seen racism, un-provoked, rise up when minorities outnumber "whites". I saw a girl at a day-care get victimized by a group of black co-workers in disgusting ways just because they were the majority.

The problem damn well creates itself. I'm Irish. I didn't own slaves, I was the victim of racism in the early 1900's. I cannot and will not be held responsible for something that happened 150 years ago, and I will not take your crap. I will be your brother, but not your victim.

If this makes me less of a Christian by Liberal standards (whatever the hell THOSE are), then PRAISE GOD.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Foot Print of the American Chicken.

"War! Huh! Good God, ya'll, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!"

"Sending in five brigades amounts to no more than combating the symptoms, if it remains at such a gesture. This will not correct a failing policy. Bush is proposing more of the same and avoiding what is most important: a change of course with a view to security and stability." - RSC HANDELSBLAD
"US President Bush's speech... reminded us of former President Nixon... Increasing US troop numbers in Iraq is a risky bet. Does the president still intend to close his eyes to this reality? The United States was forced to make a dishonourable withdrawal in the end of the Vietnam War. Will the country not repeat its failure in Iraq as well?" -ASAHI SHIMBUN
Let's remind ourselves that the reason we didn't get much accomplished in Viet Nam, and the reason we do not now has nothing to do with Bush, but rather, the socialist manifesto. "War must be, as everything else is now, politically correct." Hmm. The last time I checked the very idea of war is politically incorrect. How exactly does one take the idea of slaughtering thousands of your enemy in order to prevent him from terrorizing the world, and make it politically correct?

The Peace crowd has always, and will always, miss the primary reason for war. So those same people will still wake up tomorrow in a country where they can strap on their sandals, pack their hemp tote bag, grab their latte, and protest anything. They forget that because people die in the interest of freedom, they are allowed to protest. They would, no doubt, complain were we in danger of losing the same freedoms because we decided to replace all 50 stars with 50 peace signs and never fight a battle again, were taken away and we did nothing to stop it. A country overrun with people who bring peace to the forefront of their ideals, and make it priority over all else, even defending their own freedom, will soon be overcome.

Further, they completely, and quite rudely, forget the sacrifice left on the alter of freedom made by our brave men and women by dismissing all of their efforts as needless and pointless. As for me, I cannot get out of my head the shouts of "Thank you Mr. Bush!" when the tanks first rolled into Baghdad.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Lap of Luxury?

It has been a long time since I posted on this blog, and to be honest when I started .12 gauge back in 2003, it was a different time and I was a different man. It's now 2007, the world is spinning out of control, and what gets me the most, people are in denial of it. We seem to be marching head-on into a showdown with Lucifer himself, all the pawns are either in or close to their proper position, and people simply dismiss followers of "the way" off with simple phrases like, "It's all coincidence," or, "Religion isn't for me."

Regardless, I want to make a point on this blog about a few "innovations" that have happened in the last 30 years that may have convenience us, but they also put us totally at the mercy of "Big Brother". And whether you believe "Big Brother" is the U.S. Government, or you believe that it is the E.U. (this is my personal belief), you may not have seen any of these advances as bad things until I point them out here. Let's start with the earliest innovations, shall we? Lets wind our clocks back to about 1983.

1983. Industry - Automotive - Innovations: Fuel Injection, Computer Modules, O2 Sensors, Map Sensors.

Why these advances are good:
Decreased emissions, easier starts in climates that get extremely cold. Overall cleaner enviorment, alleged increased gas mileage.

Why these advances are bad:
The end of the "backyard mechanic". No one can reasonably service their own vehicle. The automotive industry furthers this pursuit for years, it has even become so bad that in some makes and models of cars built in the new millennium, one cannot even change their own wiper blades. The consumer is now totally reliant on a mechanic of even the simplest tasks.

Why the original "technology" is superior to the new technology:
While Carburetors are flaky and require constant maintenance, they are user serviceable. In addition, no one at a master switch anywhere (some new models of cars come with a security device that phones home speeding and reckless driving violations, and it has been theorized that the same box could be used to shut an engine down) can shut down a 95% mechanical car down. Also, cars in this vintage require much cheaper parts. A 2003 F150 With an inline 6 Fuel Pump: $193.00 - A 1973 F100 with an Inline 6 Fuel Pump: $26.79

1981 - The Cell Phone.
Most current mobile phones connect to a cellular network of base stations (cell sites), which is in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) (the exception are satellite phones). Fully automatic cellular networks were first introduced in the early to mid 1980s (the 1G generation). The first fully automatic cell phone system was the Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) system, introduced in 1981. -Wikipedia

Why This Advancement Is Good:
In the event of an emergency, you can easily reach someone with ease - be it an actual emergency - EG: stranded in a blinding snowstorm because your carburetor froze. Or a perceived emergency. EG: "Oh crap, I forgot broccoli at the store, better call hubby to fetch it..." Businesses benefit for obvious reasons.

Why this advancement is bad:
You no longer have any privacy. People are insistent on reaching you and will call over and over again until you answer, regardless of your location (like the restroom). People on cell phones are rude and obnoxious, they talk loud and ignore common etiquette. Phones go off in theaters, restaurants, even church. Despite repeated requests, these same people refuse to so much as turn their ringer off. Numerous traffic accidents can be blamed on people talking while driving. Also, modern cell phones have GPS, in a one world government scenario, you are basically lo-jacked and someone, with a few adjustments to technology, can know the location of every human being everywhere. The cell phone was possibly the worst invention of the 20th century.

This is just the beginning, I plan point by point of taking on even more of our "modern" marvels" to prove that the Hunter-Gatherer is being buried under a mountain of perceived "luxury" items. I say, back to basics. This isn't "the government is coming for you", this is more like, "If America goes down in the event of a major terrorist attack you better be able to fend for yourself, because as hurricane Katrina proved, no one is coming to help.