Mad Cow Disease Strikes, Casualties In The Billions...
Mass hysteria struck Tuesday when investigators found meat from a single cow had poisoned and killed billions of people. George W. Bush declared a National state of emergency and immediately had the terror alert level raised to red. Experts are citing that this may in fact be an attack from Muslim extremists.
Shortly after the national state of emergency had been issued, a state of martial law was put into effect and all civilian weapons were retrieved. The books "Uncle Tom's Cabin", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Huckleberry Finn", Anne Coulter's books "Treason" and "Slander" were are collected and burned in front of the White House.
Further, the constitution was amended and George W. Bush took a lifetime oath of office. He immediately banned Smoking, Red Meat, Pork, Chicken and Fish along with Caffeine and any weight loss supplements. The White House says further action will be taken.
Hmm... All from a single cow... Does it seem like the media may enjoy instilling panic?
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2003
Just Be Real.
Something has recently occurred to me that bugs the hell out of me. Dishonest women. Now I realize it's much less confrontational to give a bunch of cop out answers over the phone long distance when you break up with someone, but this accomplishes nothing.
Ladies, if you meet someone new while you are away at college, just fucking say so. For shit's sake, this is not rocket science. Telling someone the girl reasons, "It's not you, it's me," "We both deserve better", "I feel crowded" blah blah blah when what really happened is you met what you perceive to be your soul mate (although chances are he's really a horny lying sack of shit trying to get in your pants) is bad on many levels: It's dishonest, hurtful, unfair and wrong.
This is just one example of lying women who don't get it. There's also the turn-down, which also pisses me off. "You're not my type." "I'm with someone." "I'm a Lesbian." Just say what you mean. "Yeah, um, you dance like a homosexual lizard with ice in his pants... I want someone at LEAST somewhat normal."
One things for sure, if you tell THIS personality one of these "Chick Cop-Outs" you're going to get a very abrasive,"Here's a dollar and go fuck yourself you bitch." I want real, and I want honesty.
Normally, my blogs are not this vulgar, but you can tell, I'm not very happy with this...
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
The name has changed again. Due to my total lack of interest in the American music scene past 1993, It totally eluded me that there is ALREADY a "Revolver" publication.
Thankfully, there are hundreds of different weapons out there I can rename to until I find one that some drone isn't using as a shrine to 3-Chord shoe gazer bands (such as Revolver Magazine, the tools). Don't worry, the name is the only thing changing.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Peace On Earth And Good Will Towards Whoever.
Since it's Christmas eve and I don't want to spoil the holiday by whining about how bad people act the day before Christmas, I think I'll render something more positive.
It's Christmas. Whether you're Christian like myself and look towards the sky at Christmas time or you just get into the holiday, one thing is for certain: People (for the most part) change on Christmas. Now obviously the minute they get behind a wheel it's Christmas with the devil, but there's a positive side.
For one, Charities experience a spike in donations. Oh, don't give me the excuse "Well of couse they do. There's a friggin' Salvation Army Santa on every damn corner!" It's all charities. People get this light from their head to the world and feel more positive. Yes, even the Scrooges who curse the holiday because they've over burdened themselves with gift giving via a list of 75 people they know. If they didn't want to see the smiling faces of their friends on Christmas, they would toss the list to the wayside.
Some people will say it's the position of the stars in the sky, the moon, the gravitation and other celestial factors. Still others will site obligation and guilt as why people give more at Christmas. I prefer this explanation from "The Christmas Attic" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra:
"There is something about this night,
That the Lord has arranged,
That reaches deep into our souls,
And causes us to want to change."
Merry Christmas.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2003
PETA Pissing Me Off...
Read Full Story Here.
PETA needs a clue. I mean one that comes in the form of a 50 pound sledge-hammer. Not only are they telling little children that "Mommy Slaughtered A Kitten" but they were also on the radio recently saying that "...milking cows is cruel and un-usual to the animal." Are you f'ing serious?!?!
I suppose they're right. We should probably just let the cows DIE instead of being milked.
If you're going to have an organization that protests something as controversial as leather wearing, meat eating and other things that require a dead animal to accomplish, you should at least find representatives who don't have demonstrations using "...Vandalism, destruction of public and private property that often lead to arrests."
Its the same thing as the anti-war people. They have a point to make about peace, and so, they set fire to buildings, throw rocks at police, and cause general mayhem. Ok, um, where was the peace message exactly?!
PETA is lead by a bunch of out-of-touch, rag-tag, java sipping hemp bag toting lunatics - wait those are the same ones who protest war, hmm - who don't understand an organized presentation. They would rather try to assault people's senses with graphic pictures and fire. By the way, if a Pro Life advocate can't get results with a picture of a mangled fetus, it's sure as hell not going to work with an animal.
Get a clue, stop losing your audience by launching tac missiles at them.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2003
Snowbound II: Idiots With Sport Utility Vehicles.
Another thing that irks me is the moron with the SUV. Not to be sexist, but most of the time it's a woman driver, and not because I think they suck as drivers, but because they are the group buying these gas guzzlers. No matter where I am going, if I wait long enough, I'll have some bitch in her friggin' Lincoln Navigator, hubs locked and in four wheel drive, right up my ass in a snow storm. Why? Well, because stupid, she's invincible in that thing, didn't you know?
Men will drive their 4X4 pickups just as aggressively, only seem not to tailgate. Most of the time they'll catch up with someone and give them a good 4 car lengths because they realize something the Navigator driver is completely clueless about: Four wheel drive is great in the snow, but it doesn't stop any better than two-wheel-drive.
So imagine my smug smile when someone has planted their full size SUV in the woods because they couldn't stop, and went right off the road. Oh, these people almost never get hurt, that's a given, and therefore, never learn to stop driving like an ass. I suppose it's a good thing that these people are behind me driving like Richard Petty in the snow and not in front. If they f up, then they lose ground, and if I'm behind them, I'll probably get tangled up.
The other side of the equation are the people terrified by frozen water falling from the sky. I recently got stuck in the early stages of a storm behind someone going so slow, my speedometer didn't even register a speed. I was 3rd in line from this tool, and the line trailed off behind me in a sea of cars. I can't imagine how bad it was.
I suppose both parties should just stay home when it snows. Neither can seem to drive with any discernment, and neither seems to give a crap about other people on the road, either they shove their car right up your ass and try to change your sexual preference, or they drive insanely slow, and won't pull over to let people - who by the way are making them more nervous and drive even slower - pass to be on their way.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2003
The "Bad Boy" Affliction
Today my topic is something I don't think I've ever approached: Girls. Specifically, the American girl with the blonde hair who lived next door to you her whole life and you never had the nerve to ask her out until just last year only to find out she prefers "Bad Boys". Why? Well, she wants to tame one. Yeah, then a few months later you run into her again, she's got a butt steak slapped on her eye and is wearing a cast on her leg. It's obvious someone is kicking the crap out of her. Hmm. Must be that "bad boy". Couldn't tame him, eh?
This is a growing trend among twenty-something American women. Wanting to tame the bad boy. Now, speaking as someone many view as this bad boy, I want to make it clear that there's a fine line between "Bad Boy" and "Ex-Con Material". See, some bad boys are just loud mouthed arrogant assholes. They won't pick a fight with someone their own size because they'd probably lose. They latch on to un-suspecting women, beat them daily, and convince them their whole family will be hurt or dead if they say anything.
Many women are too scared to get out of this situation. Sadly, they often turn up face-down in a ditch with evidence of a strangling looming about. Sure the guy gets caught, but, what does it matter, she's dead. Yeah, you could argue that "He'll never hurt anyone again," but a life was still lost.
Speaking from experience, I can tell you that these guys run like cowards when caught. They have no back-bone at all, and therefore, are not a bad boy. Just a loser with a big mouth. A real "rebel" wouldn't hit a women, he'd more likely hunt down wife beaters and give them a nice physical lesson about the real world.
Yet, women continue to pick these guys, who by the way, often cheat with other women, while beating the hell out of the woman they claim to love. Hmm... Time to re-think the bad boy thing, wouldn't you say?
Thanks to the ever so Funky Space Kat for this link... Help For Domestic Abuse Victims.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Snowbound Idiots Rushing To The Supermarket.
It never fails. Even if good old Hal Burling (random Meterologist name) says we might get a passing snow squall, people rush to the store and make a mad dash for the deli. You know, just in case the planet gets snow bound and we are screwed for a month. Oh, except we don't live in Alaska, and if we did, we'd be able to handle the conditions and get out for food and water supplies.
I'll grant that Massachusetts is not known for it's predictable weather, but that being said, it's also not known for being disastrous either. I can't remember a time in my life where we were so snowed in, it was a situation of perpetual doom. No, not even the "Blizzard Of '78".
But any supermarket clerk will tell you, it's ridiculous to the point of pure lunacy the way people rush to the store at even the slightest mention of a single snow flake. "Holy S, I need Bread, Meat, Batteries and Milk!" -Yeah, except Milk spoils in a warm fridge, unless of course you happen to run a generator and I'm not even going to get into how ridiculous that notion is.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Guys Are Heartless.
This blog coming from a guy may surprise a few people. But over the past few days I've come to a conclusion. Guys are heartless. Now I know the nature of guys is instinctively survival. We screw to save our species. Whether you are an evolutionist or you believe in God, this is our programming.
However, now that the Earth is sufficiently over-populated, it's no longer necessary for "mating" to be a cut-throat operation. However, guys will still do their best to break up a happy relationship. In this day and age, it's every man for himself. Sure there are plenty of fish in the sea, but for some reason, most guys get stuck in one section of the ocean and don't want to leave. The coast guard issued a cease-and-desist, but a few of 'em are still poking around seeing what kind of trouble they can make.
This recently happened to me. I have the sneaking suspicion that one of these invaders were the cause of my recently ended romance. Further, I think if I ever see him I shall use his head for a bowling ball and feed him his own spleen. I have no use for people whom cannot respect someone's happy relationship.
Granted, if a young lady is crying all the time and/or showing up with bruises then intervention is needed, but in the case of a happy relationship it is neither needed nor wanted. Guys should step off and be a real man.
Whether I am wrong or right about my own suspicions, I will say this: Never EVER again will another man steal my woman from our happy relationship, I swear by my own blood, another man who tries this will wish he had never drawn breath. I will no instill physical violence, but he will wish I had.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 08, 2003
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Proves Kids Being Robbed.
No, this is not a slam on TSO. This is a review of the 2003 Concert series. Last night, on the 7th of December, TSO played the FLEET CENTER. That's right you little townie pieces of trash, FLEET CENTER!!! The show was phenomenal.
Every year TSO does a great Christmas Program, but this year was over the top. It started with "First Snow" and never looked back. The first song actually played was "Boughs Of Holly" - when I say it started at "First Snow" - I mean the suprises.
The opening riffs were played and the song broke out into full throttle. A rig above the stage exploded in snowfall and lazers were fired from backstage into the arena in tempo with the music creating a musical experience I am SURE shocked many kids right into adult hood.
Beethoven's 5th was an exploding musical triumph with balls of fire shooting upward during climactic points in the song, lazers shining everywhere.
During the grand finale final notes, flames - 20 feet high - shot up from the stage while showers of sparks fell from the rig above the stage. In an explosive conclusion TSO ended a perfect night of Christmas music and lots of flare.
And all for $51.00 for CHOICE seats. Why are people paying similar amounts to see Godsmack, Disturbed, and whatever other band is considered cool for not even a quarter of the show? I have no idea, and after last night, I'm sure either did the kids in the audience.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Strong As Brothers But Perfect Strangers
Full Article Here.
Lancaster is my home town, and anybody who's been watching the news knows this was a big thing. Fire-fighters from all over the nation flew in to memorialize their fallen comrade. I could call them brothers, because in a sense, they are. But at the same time these men are perfect strangers.
What is it that draws these men together in a time of need? Whatever it is, as a nation we could take our cue from these brave soldiers. Yes, they are soldiers. Any man who would march into a blazing inferno to rescue someone they don't even know is, by my or your definition, a soldier.
Martin Macnamara is a symbol of many others who have gone before him. Many of these men, like Martin, are volunteers. Enough positive things cannot be said about our fire departments. But one thing is for certain, every American in exsistance could learn from them.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Over Population
Imagine. 32 million of your closest best buddies crammed into one state. Imagine worse that you could walk across your state in about 2 days max. Now picture Rhode Island. Keep imagining further that you go out at 1:30 in the afternoon and there still seem to be a hundred-thousand people on route 95. Presenting: Over Population.
I live in Massachusetts and it's the same problem only we have more land. A billion people and you can't get away from the mass unwashed unless you happen to hit the road at 2:30 in the morning when no one is up.
The thicker the population gets the ruder, angrier and more selfish the people become. Shoving each other in stores, cutting each other off in traffic and flipping each other the bird, and generally being very unpleasant and hateful towards each other. This leads to a steady downfall of societal structure. You can trust less people, you have to look out for yourself, and most of all, by necessity you look out for number one, because if you stick your neck out, someone will behead you.
Welcome to America. I think I want out.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Michael Jackson: How Does This Guy Get Away With It?
Today Michael Jackson surrendered to authorities over the alleged molestation charge. Hooray. Wait, let me get excited about this. Ok, I'm done.
I cannot get excited about something like this when I know darn will Michael will shell out a lucrative amount of money to get himself out of trouble again. The difference between Michael molesting someone and Uncle Fred molesting someone is that feds would have kicked in Uncle Fred's door, drug him out into the street and shoved his monkey ass, head first, into a waiting cruiser. Michael is given the option to surrender.
Michael will more than likely make a huge settlement again, because as you know, money always erases emotional scars, and fixes all the world's problems (that's why we've been so successful with Korea). I think it really has to do with the fact that he's so ultra huge that people view it as just being Michael Jackson at it again and who really cares? However, if the court systems don't do something, then it looks like we are just massaging his ego.
The truth is Michael Jackson's unit should be removed with a chainsaw and he should get a lobotomy. He sucks as an artist, and he's a circus freak show. Game over, it's time to retire, loser.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Gay Marriage In Massachusetts.
No, unlike the previous times, I'm not going to take a religious stance. I'm going to take a purely homophobic stance (although if there's one thing I'm not afraid of, it's a flaming homosexual who more effeminate than my own sister.)
I'm sick of the homosexual agenda. I'm tired of people who really want to carve this planet up finer amongst themselves. You can lump them together with pedophiles as far as I'm concerned. They are just the same because they want something no-one is comfortable with NOR finds moral, and because they can't have it, they all shove it down our throats.
Next it WILL be pedophiles because they'll see all the success the gays are having. In fact, the pedophiles ALREADY have a petition to eliminate the age-of-consent circulating arguing that pedophilia, like homosexuality is a "lifestyle". Yeah, the conservatives said 20 years ago gays would NEVER allowed to be married. Now look. Pedophiles are next.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Bush Sucks.
The Bush administration is pushing for a major trade deal that would hurt ordinary working Americans by exporting even more jobs. This deal, called the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), is like the NAFTA agreement of 10 years ago but much bigger. The FTAA would trade away millions more U.S. jobs. -A/P
Great, just as the economy gets better little Georgie drops this bomb. What an ass. He's been cornered with the question about large corporations moving operations off shore where they can save by paying people in toilet countries 30 cents a week, and he returns with this solution? Where the hell is this guys head, the sand?
Jobs are few far and between in this country as is. Former software VIP's are stealing jobs from blue collars because they can't get back into their own field. This puts blue collars out of work. The FTAA will only move the remaining survival jobs over to Toiletstan where we can't get them. In essence, George Bush is causing the country to self destruct.
This guy just doesn't f'ing get it. He keeps making bad decisions that hurt our soldiers, economy, and ultimately, the USA's own citizens. He won't get re-elected, and if he does, he may very well be assassinated by someone who has been directly effected by his extremely poor decision making.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2003
Ugh. More Stupidity Unleashes Itself.
SPAM HAS NEVER been limited to e-mail. But now, commercial pitches are increasingly popping up in online chats, instant messages, cell phones with text messaging and, as Kalsey found, Web log comments.
Spammers are flocking to new communications tools like moths to light, threatening to cripple these tools just as they are beginning to take off.- MSNBC
There is one solution to this: Terminate your comments board. Yeah, I hate to put the 9 milimeter in the hands of the government, but if the FTC doesn't step in and regulate what SPAMMERS are allowed to do, we are going to continue to be molested by these creeps.
I would rather share my neighborhood with a reformed axe-murderer than someone I know is in the SPAM business. Their completely moraless tactics prove they either have no soul, or had one and sold it to Bill Gates. First it was email spam, then it was chat bots, then flash screen blocking ads and now they are taking over my message board. Try it junior. I'll shut you down faster than a blonde at a bar approached by a middle-aged yuppie.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2003
I've been busy this week. Too busy to even get to the computer. Revolver will be back to regular posting status by next week, hopefully. -Vince
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Invasion Of The Whining Yuppies!
Ever notice when your town sells a bunch of land, the people who buy the new condos are all the same? You know the type: SUV Driving, Soccer Mom Plagued, Well Dressed, Six Figures A Year, YUPPIES! Dumber than paint yuppies as well.
For those not familiar, a Yuppie is a "Young Urban Professional". For my English Friends, they are the same as a "Townie". Only older and even dumber.
A Yuppie will move next door to a farm that's been in the town for 400 years. After a week of living in their new residence, they promptly call the police and complain about the stench coming from the farm. Well, you tool, welcome to the country, this is how is smells! Moron!
Yuppies are worse than any of the seven plagues of Egypt. They complain about fast food, trans-fats and their chubby children. The same kids they plop in front of the TV for 4 hours a day to watch McDonald's ads. They over-structure their kids, if they structure them at all. Instead of 4-hour marathons of the "Teletubbies", they send them to Soccer, Football, Cheerleading, Basket Weaving and of course, Wicthcraft all in one afternoon all because they feel kids MUST experience all they did in school.
Yuppies don't understand individuality. They all drive SUVs or European Luxury Cars. They are Liberal, and hate guns and smoking. They believe things would be better if they were in charge.
Conclusion: Yuppies Suck.
Welcome to the woodshed, losers.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
RIAA Nabs Dangerous 12 Year Old Girl.
Complete Story.
With the RIAA going after individuals for music swapping as a desperation move, the latest development redefines the whole idea of desperation move. The RIAA went after a 12-year old girl for her music sharing habits, and managed to suck out $2000 on top of making her feel very sorry.
"I am sorry for what I have done," LaHara said. "I love music and don't want to hurt the artists I love."
The suit claimed LaHara had been offering more than 1,000 songs on the Internet, using the Kazaa file-sharing service.
The RIAA said it was pleased with the settlement. There are 260 cases still pending.
Ok, wait. Since when did your neice become a major fugitive of the law? Especially when she probably can't afford the lucritive price of a CD to begin with. The RIAA demonstrates here what a toilet of an organization it is. It's run by a bunch of Nazis who want to jail everyone who isn't buying a CD except they are allowed to rape the artists out of money, make failed bands go into bankruptcy, and pocket 80% of the profits themselves.
Instead some jackass judge decides a 12-year-old girl is more dangerous and immoral than the repulsive RIAA. We live in such an unjust society. How any judge can sit on his fat ass and justify a $2000.00 fine to someone who simply isn't old enough to pay it off, is beyond explanation. I hope he chokes on his Escargot. Jerk.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 03, 2003
The Liberals Vs. Christianity
Lately, there have been groups of people in this fine country whining about everything religious. I'm actually reaching the point of not quite caring anymore that they hate my guts because I believe in God. In fact, I would like to point out Christians are the only targets of this incessant bitching. No one seems to care what the Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans, etc. are up to, (they only care about Muslims because Muslims seem to want to take over the planet right now.)
First, it was the whole 10 commandments thing. Some drone got upset, called the authorities, and within a week, we had a court order to remove the monument. Then it was the atheist from Utah who didn't like that "...under God..." exists in the pledge. So immediately, there was a hearing which has now lead to more hearings, and in the end, we'll probably remove God from the pledge as well. Why can't we get this kind of action when our own rights are being attacked? Or when some jackass breaks into our cars? No, if he was parading around town with an assault rifle claiming to steal in the name of God, then you'd see people move.
I'm so sick of this two-faced garbage coming from the Liberals. God sucks. God needs to leave. God can kiss my ass. Blah blah blah. This whole thing is targeting the Christian God, no one else. The real issue here is this country hates Christianity and because it has a stick up its ass, everyone's going to try to make the Christians miserable. Well this is one non-passive believer who says, "You can kiss my ass." Frankly, I'm un-impressed with your feeble attempts to get at me. It's un-effective and pointless. Or, "It's like trying to catch the wind." Idiots. In the event that I'm right and your wrong, what did you accomplish? Personally, I've never preached at any of you, and yet, because I'm associated with the Christian name, I'm also a target.
If you are going to target a deity, target them all. But I don't think Washington has the nerve to do that. They know the Muslims would bomb them, the Wiccans would Hex them, and the Buddhists would probably wage a holy war. So target the Christians, I mean all they do is pray a lot on the countries behalf, and that's just evil.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Kazaa Plagued With Decoys.
First they tried shutting down individual file sharing sites. Then they tried taking individual users to court. Now the RIAA has released music on its own. Medleys to be exact. An entire album worth of music crammed into 3 minutes to tell the user, "You really want the song? Go buy the album."
And it gets worse. The RIAA is allowing those who encode these aptly named, "RIAA DECOYS" (check your Kazaa Scour List, you'll find users tagging them), to give them titles off the album. For instance, if you're after the latest Britney Spears album, let's use "Oops" as an example, the titles would be "One Kiss From You", "Dear Diary", "Stronger", etc. Except every song you can download is one of these medleys.
The bottom line is this: The RIAA will not win this war. In this case, it is merely an issue of having information. Users can upload the correct song, Title it AAF (Actual Album File I believe) - and other users will know this is the actual song, not another decoy.
What the RIAA needs to do is this:
*Lower the price of CDs. (They've done this.)
*Make Music-On-Demand more user friendly. EG: Instead of limited use windows media files, make everything MP3, once we've paid for it, we should be able to do what we damn well want, as long as it doesn't violate copyright.
*Stop prefabricating bands and categories. As much as I hate to say it, this is the bottom line. All the labels are turning out such mindless crap, they are causing their own problems. Even a kid doesn't want the latest by Limp Bizkit (or however the f you spell it), if all but one track sucks. And you know something? Everything by Fred Durst does suck.
Music needs a revamp. Period. And the sooner these sheep at the RIAA catch on to this, the more of a chance of succeeding they will have.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2003
Elizabeth Smart Exploited Again.
Smart, now 15, was abducted at knife point from her Utah home last Nov. 9, then was found and her alleged kidnappers arrested nearly eight months later. Her disappearance dominated the news, as did the good news of her safe return, a rare happy ending in a missing child case. -A/P
And now she's up for a curtain call. The release of a made for TV movie should do it's best to bring back a flood of horrible memories. Whoever came up with this idea less than 6 months after the ordeal came to an end, should be dragged out into the street and beaten with a sledge hammer.
But then, you have to ask, how much are mom and dad getting? You know there's a payoff, because the movie cannot be filmed without the consent of the parents. In this sensitive situation someone was asleep at the wheel when they were driving the common sense bus, because there was a 26 car pile-up on "Human With A Heart" Highway.
If consent was not given it will be a major lawsuit and forget I said anything about Mom and Dad. However, if they actually approved this notion, then they are scumbags and I ask, where is DSS now? To busy seizing custody of toddlers from first time parents who won't force feed their kids, I imagine.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 24, 2003
Cracking Down On Illegal Immigrants
Read the latest Wal*Mart news At MSNBC.
Look, all of us know what a problem illegal immigration is. The fact that we have allowed it to get this bad is disturbing. I realize how bad some countries are and how poorly they treat their citizens. I further understand that the only way for them to free themselves is to make a run for it. However, this cannot be allowed anymore. In retrospect of 9/11/01, we need to tighten down loose bolts on the boarders and see to it people can't use the U.S. as their escape pod OR cross hairs.
Yet, in the recent madness in California, people actually raised the issue of rights for illegal immigrants. They wanted them to have such things as state licenses so they could drive, medical aide, and welfare benefits. Sorry, here's where I have to draw the line. I'm a citizen and when jobless, I get nothing. I can't get medical from the state of Massachusetts unless I have a kid, or a permanent disability. I never qualify for welfare, and I can barely get free care from UMASS Medical.
Yet, these potential threats waltz into the country crying about oppression, and possibly endangering us at times, and we just hand over benefits our own citizens can't even get? Has everyone lost their minds in this country? I can't imagine what group of politically correct tools conceived this notion but it solidifies my point: Politically correctness is destroying our country.
Hate to sound like a broken record, but, the Liberals are at fault for this whole mess, no matter how you slice it. They conceived the whole politically correct platform and this is the result. We can't even go to war without Liberal media asking stupid questions like, "Is it politically correct to tell an enemy, 'Surrender or be killed?'"
Such questions were asked when we invaded Afghanistan. Try and tell me this P.C. garbage isn't ruining this country.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2003
New Look.
Revolver is now fully loaded. Besides a new hitcounter, we have a new newsfeed at the bottom, and you may now comment on opinions by clicking "Bullets" below the article PLUS the newly added "Amber Alert" ticker at the top. If you direct your attention to the left side you will see a "1 Marksman" tag, this tells you how many minds are being polluted by my extreme right ideas at once.
Thanks to Webmistress Lady Lisa for her help on tweaking up the page.
Enjoy. -Vince
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
While I try to get this stupid HTML code to behave, the page will be off proportion. My apologies. Should be fixed by Friday. -Vince
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Amber Alert has just been added to the top of the blog page. All readers check it periodically. Thanks, and lets protect the kids from the perverts. -Vince
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Republican Survey.
This - fish wrap - came in my mailbox yesterday asking me to tell the Republican Party how I felt about their job and what changes I would recommend. Oddly, there was no section that would let me to suggest allowing a Libertarian run things for a while.
They asked questions about education, how I felt about Bush's dealings with Iraq, taxes, the economy. All that happy horse crap. The problem with the Republican agenda, as if everyone didn't know, is the fact that their pockets are filled by big business. Oddly, the same big business that has shipped a number of jobs to Toiletstan where they can pay the exploited people in that country about $4.00 a week instead of the paycheck an American Citizen gets.
If the Republicans won't stop these seedy CEO's who wipe their asses with one-hundred dollar bills from moving to India and other countries, then we need someone in office who will grow a pair, put the almighty U.S. foot down and say, "You can't do that. If you do, there will be no jobs, and hence, no one will have money to buy your blasted products." I know ONE party that would do that.
Can anyone say Libertarian?
Posted by Vince Wylde at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Advertising Sucks
Nothing is more irritating than pop up ads, mouse traps, and other vicious ways of getting you to read ads for some product you would never buy. As if pop-ups weren't bad enough, now we have to deal with "Flash" Ads. The hackers of the disgusting advertising industry have broken out noisy, resource sucking, flash ads that take forever to load on a dial-up and waste your time - because really - what metal fan wants to buy the stupid latest "Redman" cd?
"Flash" is great on websites. It gives them pizazz, flair, and most of all it steps away from the drab frames format of yesterday. But it didn't take long for some marketing loser to decide this same software could be used for the new wave up pop-ups, the screen blocker.
The Add scrolls down, slides in, or by some other way appears in your window playing an animated sequence telling you to buy the latest "Viagra Alternative", "Hip-Hop CD", or how you can make millions a month "Just By Sitting On Your Ass!" All the while blocking the view of what you actually came to see, Where Annihilator's next tour stop is.
As a society we've made it clear, we have no interest in seeing the graffiti like advertising we are pummeled with every day by purchasing TiVo, downloading pop-up blockers, and getting Spam filters. But the Advertising industry insists it knows what's best for all of us and continues to assault us with ads everywhere. Even good old fashion baseball stadiums can't have decent names like "The Polo Grounds" anymore, now it's f?!@ing Microsoft Park. Ugh. Someone put out my eyes, and make me go deaf, that's the only way I'll win.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 2:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Yankees Nation. Chew On This.
I'm sick of bandwagon fans, they really bug me. Outside of New York, I cannot believe for one minute, any NY Yankees fan is a genuine article. I think they are a bunch of phonies, following a team because it's record is a pretty safe bet for future games.
The Yankees have won more World Series bids than any other in the MLBA. So anyone routing for this team is going to be safe to assume that they will win more games than any other. Now they play my beloved Boston Red Sox. Unlike my New England counterparts who follow the Yankees because of Dynasty value, I've always been a red Sox fan - even in the bad times.
Bandwagon fans are a plague, worse than the ones to hit Egypt. They follow a lucky team, trying desperately to quote statistics about a team they wouldn't follow if it were dead last. These fans have no loyalty, even in the case of the Yankees. Were baseball to finally instill a salary cap, you'd see the Yankees be dropped from peoples "Favorites" list like a bad habit because now they'd be as even as the rest of the league and not this New York super power dynasty.
So don't call me singing the praises of the New York Yankees because I think you're full of crap. There is nothing to prove me wrong. Pick a team you like for better reasons than history alone, and stop plaguing my streets with NY shirts because you look like a tool.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
atheism: A Cop Out
The latest headline comes out of Washington as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguements on why the Pledge Of Allegiance is un-constitutional. Point and case:
Three years ago, Sacramento, Calif., atheist Michael Newdow's pro se campaign to strike the words from the Pledge seemed merely quixotic. Now, the case is on the agenda for the nation's highest court, likely to be argued early next year amid an intense debate over issues of religion and patriotism in a time of war. - A/P
Except that this guy is obviously using atheism as a cop out. This is all about the Christians Vs. The People Who Hate God. A group of angry suburbanite pieces of garbage that haven't been vocal enough about other things they like to bitch about, such as, the war in Iraq. Now, they target Christians. And contrary to what the Liberal news media feeds you, most of us are pretty peaceful. We don't hang around outside abortion clinics with automatic weapons. Nor do we talk to our God on a two-way-radio.
The ultimate goal, however, is to eliminate religious expression from our country and slaughter thousands of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans and whoever else because the sophisticated so-called atheist believes we are the cause of all his problems. Step one: Get God eliminated from all government items from the Pledge to the twenty dollar bill.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2003
Upcoming Elections Part 1: Mud Flinging
It's amazing. Every 3 years we start the whole presidential process again. And every 3 years we get the same load of horse crap. Delivered straight to your door and dumped on your head - courtesy of the screws who want your vote. They assault our televisions with hate laced ads intended to make the other guy look bad. And all courtesy of your friendly first amendment.
Well fine. I'll accept the first amendment argument, but I'm going to counter with a little logic.
Yeah, you can call the other guys losers and liars, but you're wasting your thirty seconds to one minute of airtime on an ad campaign that causes the voters to switch stations. I've yet to speak with one person who says, "Oh man! I just loved Ted Kennedy's ad against his opponent where he calls him a liar and a hypocrite. That got my vote!"
Yet every time we vote we are molested by these heartless, pointless, angry, and utterly childish smear campaigns created by people who don't have anything better to do than sit around thinking of ways to try and make the other guy look like a pile of refuse. In the end, we know nothing of the guy who paid for the ad. How can we vote for anyone when we don't know what anyone stands for?
The point of the whole electoral process is to give your platform interests, not ring the fight bell and come out swinging. The first time a guy runs a clean campaign, will be the first time the majority of the country votes for him - because it will be the first time.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2003
Bullies: Snot Nosed Little Brats.
Whenever I turn on the news and I hear about some kid threatening to shoot someone and getting arrested for it, I get very irritated. Not because the kid was violent or even had evil thoughts, but because some parents don't get it. Bullying is not the result of anothers child's in-ability to fight for himself. It's bad parenting by the bullies parents.
Bullies usually have no self-esteem. They find a weaker link and exploit them on a daily basis. It gives them a high and makes them feel like king of the mountain. But their high is a false one on another's expense. And in today's society, the victim is fighting back.
He loads himself up with heavy artillery. Not because it's the answer, but because the circumstance makes him snap. He can't take anymore. The "abuse cylinder" has hit maximum capacity and gone into meltdown. And then everybody says their shocked.
Teachers don't intervene, officials don't intervene, and parents don't intervene. It is the job of every parent to make sure their kid is not tormenting someone at school every day. But because we are the "teletubbies" generation, we shirk our responsibility in child raising, and this is the end result. Kids taking out their hurt on other kids.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Musical Differences.
People are adamant about what they listen to until it reaches ludicrous levels. Teenagers get into fights over it, sometimes, even physical ones. Doing wedding over the summer as a DJ I experienced first hand the human stupidity that arises when a group of people can't agree on a genre. It's ridiculous. People conduct themselves as a bunch of 5 year olds with a toy taken away that they wanted.
People walked off the dance floor in a huff when the wrong song was played, making comments such as "This song really blows," as loud as they could to ensure the DJ could hear them. Except their DJ was Vince Wylde and he didn't give a sh** because the majority of people were dancing.
What happened 150 years ago to people when your choices were either Bluegrass or Classical? You liked one or the other. And in most cases, it was to your advantage to choose both because there simply weren't hundreds of sub-genres to choose from.
I think it's our society filled with self-righteous know-it-all lunatics who think they are God's gift to the rest of us. They act like a bunch of pompous asses and make scenes like the one mentioned above because they think they are saying something. Instead, they are ruining someone else's good time because the music isn't to their tastes. This also seems to go hand-in-hand with people who always think the sound is too loud and will make 2 visits to the DJ stand an hour to remind you to "please turn it down." Hey lady, you didn't shell out the money to pay for this, so sit down, and deal with it. You only get married once.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
What Happens When Someone Doesn't Agree?!
Right now the first 3 months of Revolver (formerly The Soapbox) are making their way around a girls dorm at a College in Massachusetts as a proof-reading and feedback project. Evidently, it's creating quite a bit of controversy. And now doubt, some of those girls now log into this very page to see what I have to say.
They read my works and then discuss it at Dinner. Ok. Never thought of myself as dinner conversation BUT... I know the question has been asked - "What if someone doesn't agree?" Well, I thought people simply bowed down and worshiped at the throne of Vince Wylde...
Ok. Fair enough question. As a radio personality I know I'm not always right. And I have to be open to other viewpoints if I'm going to make a show out of it. But I will never agree with someone when the topic is a challenge to my own personal morals or beliefs. One of the topics that created intense controversy was my attacking the Episcopalian church for electing a gay minister. As a Christian, this challenges what I know about the church. It's making a compromise via the bible - and if you call yourself a God-fearing organization, you cannot do this.
I do not hate gays, nor do I break out the shovel and go gay hunting on weekends. It isn't like that. I believe like it or not, they are integrating our society and we can either accept it or lose our minds, commit ugly hate crimes, and ultimately, land in prison.
What I do have a problem with is them trying to change what the bible says which I quoted. For note it was, 1Co 6:9 Don't you know that wicked people won't inherit the kingdom of God? Stop deceiving yourselves! People who continue to commit sexual sins, who worship false gods, those who commit adultery, homosexuals,
1Co 6:10 or thieves, those who are greedy or drunk, who use abusive language, or who rob people will not inherit the kingdom of God.
My argument is completely logical. If the handbook for an organization says, "When you come to work, please be dressed in the company uniform," then everyone will comply. Unlike long hair and fast food, this is not sex discrimination, it's a team policy to get everyone to look like they are working together.
As such, you cannot expect a religious order to rip pages out of a writing that is a total of 10,000 years old. If you passed the Christian bible around the country to do this very thing, you would have an empty book when it came back. If you do any of these things, you compromise your own faith.
That was my point, and unless I'm being misled by my readings and insight, it's very hard to argue with it.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Crappy HMOs, Bad Company Benefits, And The Rich Idiots Responsible.
I'm so sick of hearing people tell me how their benefits just changed and their co-pay just went up to a lucrative amount for E.R. visits. Most people in this country can't afford a $200.00 co-pay because they don't drive a Hum-V, buy gold candle sticks, and they can't afford to wipe their butts with one hundred dollar bills.
The problem is, with our toilet of an economy everyone is cutting expenses. People are losing jobs by the hundreds, benefits are being slashed to what the companies can afford OR they are axing benefits programs all together. And HMOs aren't helping because every day they raise their rates to pay for the CEO's new F-1 McClaren he just had to buy to go with the other 36 cars in his driveway.
Well guess what. I'm sick of paying for ALL the CEO's ridiculous lifestyles which are beyond greed. They are a representation of what happens when you simply have too much money lying around. You want more. And as a result you inflict your greed on the people under you who struggle to make ends meet.
Yes, it's safe to say capitalism has turned into a beast that cannot be fed. Should we try another option? If you ask THIS personality, he says, "Yes." However, Socialism, Communism and all the other existing "isms" are not the answer. We need to make a new system because this one could self destruct.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 06, 2003
News Ticker Added. Scroll Down For Latest Headlines.
When I'm In Charge Vol. 1
When I'm in charge, people who drive recklessly and rudely in traffic will have their licenses revoked for a minimum of 15 years.
I'm not kidding. This past weekend alone I ran into people who speed excessively, assume the right of way in a situation where they shouldn't, and cut people off leaving no room for error potentially endangering other people's lives. I've found when you're forced to give up your car for any length of time, you tend to appreciate it more when you get it back.
Except some are slow learners. You have to really deal them a swift hand of intense justice in order for them to get the message. In Massachusetts, it's no secret that people don't give a crap. You're in their way, get the hell out of the way. They will cut you off, tailgate, even do 3 lane no signal switches in order to get around you. They are almost always the reason an SUV was totaled beyond recognition in an accident where "excessive speed was a factor".
I'm tired of suburbanite yuppie pieces of filth running people down in their Jaguar because they have a busy life and need to get from point a to point b in 12 minutes when they really need about 30 to get there.
And drunk drivers? I think we all need a 3 strikes and your out law. That's right, if your license is revoked twice, the third time, you don't get it back. EVER. You take the damn bus.
I suppose some will accuse me of being far to radical for this topic. But ask yourself this: Who's rights are more important? A six figure making ingrate who drives way to fast and aggressively everywhere he goes? Or your own son or daughter who might be killed by this tool?
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 02, 2003
Enough Already, Nuke Them.
Today I'm citing this article from MSNBC News.
I'm not sure if it's just that North Korea feels they aren't garnering enough attention from the US or if they feel they are important enough to necessitate the kind of attention they seem to be trying to get. In any case, I will say what I thousands of Americans are thinking. Bomb 'em. Level the country, and turn it into a parking lot.
Now all the leftist kumbiya - la - la - la morons who protest every five minutes, will stand up and say, "No, because if we start dropping nukes, they start dropping nukes and then the planet will be decimated." Wrong. What will happen if we drop a nuke and annihilate a population of people is everyone will back off for another 50 to 60 years and refer to us as the sleeping giant you don't want to wake.
The problem is that this country has allowed the Liberal idea of politically correctness to run rampant so that even war has to be politically correct. The only problem with this is that war cannot be politically correct. It's war. It isn't pretty. Angry, stupid, power-hungry people do violent things and you have to step up to the plate, grow a pair, and stop them. And this cannot be done if we are running around under the veil of Liberal ideas.
Someone needs to stand up and tell the Liberals to sit down, shut up, and watch how the game is sucessfully played. We didn't get where we are by playing cute little mind games. And we won't continue to be a force to be reckoned with if we allow this small minded, neandrathal system to continue to convert us.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 4:05 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
For the summer, I was employed as a contract DJ who primarily did wedding receptions. Something about marriage bugs me. At least in other people. There seems to be a very primal inability to say to oneself, "I can't marry this idiot, we don't match at all. We have nothing in common. I hate Pasta and he owns an Italian restaurant." etc. etc.
In America, and, I imagine also abroad, people toss conventional common sense out the window and marry because of instinct. More to the point, they get married because they think they're supposed to.
For women, their biological clock goes off early. Seems to be around 22. They get the voice. You know the one. "Got to get me a man..." Over and over again in their head repeating and intensifying until they find one. And half of the time (statistically) he's the wrong one. I saw one wedding this year where I believe the couple were truly in love. They knew each other since high school and were simply gaga eyed over each other.
Men are different. Statistically now, men are waiting until around 30 to tie the knot. This, according to "experts", is because men are focusing on job and career goals first, and then worrying about a wife and family. So you ladies have to endure the biological screaming until he's 30.
The statistic I quoted earlier, you know, about women marrying the wrong guy - has to do with the staggering divorce rate in this country. Most couple literally utter the vows, hoping they really don't have to be kept, thinking in the back of their mind, "If this doesn't work, I can always get divorced."
This whole thing, and I mean marriage in general, strikes me as a very selfish idea in our society. It's fine to get married because you're truly in love and have found your soul mate. However, it's a bad idea to marry if you simply think of the whole thing in a half-assed kind of way. After marriage comes kids, then a divorce destroys their world and sends them into a lifetime of late night counseling sessions, and neither parent cares. They just want out!
This country needs to start taking this ceremonial proceeding the way it was originally intended. As a life time commitment, not as something they can get out of later. Don't let your marriage be "just another statistic" - use your friggin' head for a change.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
The Top 10 Bands of 2003
This list was a bitch. But I was very careful not to log anyone from the American Record Labels. These are tough to do becauseyou can just have a top 1 list and list 20 bands. This one will be long so sit down, wring your knuckles and read on.
10. Angel Dust - I don't know much about this Thrash / Punk band other than to say their music rattled my stomach and re-alligned my perception. From the web: Angel Dust was created in the middle of the achtizger years, before 1989 there was a temporary conclusion. In this time two albums were brought in, the debut "Into The Dark Past" and "ton of Dust You want for Decay". With the debut album Romme Keymer singing and playing guitar took over but it then became too much and he concentrated only on the guitar. This had the consequence that a singer had long ago. This was also found with S.L. Coe. The second album was brought in, did not achieve however despite best criticisms not the commercial success of the Debut. Various smaller tours and single appearances with Blind Guardian, tank pool of broadcasting corporations, paradox, Sodom and Destruction followed. After the sold off tour with Running game provided in January 1989 for a further high point in the career of Angel Dust, it found a sudden end in the autumn of the same yearly: because of in and external problems dissolved the volume. To let revive in the Neunzigern more frequent tried those volume again, times with a new singer, times with a new guitarist. Only 1997 were it then so far, it a Promo CD were brought in. Were from the Ur-members only Dirk Assmuth (drums) and Franc Banx (bass) represented. In addition Franks brother steven (keyboard) came, Bernd Aufermann (guitar) and Dirk Thurisch (vocals - guitar). Then actually everything went quite fast. Since Angel Dust is resident exactly the same as Skirt the Hard in Dortmund, Dirk Assmuth brought a copy to that CD in the RH office past. Afterwards several offers of other disk companies, after a comparison were actually received, Century Media was the best. One signed and in the late summer 1998 the album "Border OF Reality" was published. Angel Dust Website.
9. Dragon Force - Epic Metal, Soaring Vocals, downloaded like crazy on They amaze anyone who come near them. From the web: There is definitely a formula we stick to, catchy and fast. We personally think the faster songs of all the Power Metal bands we listen to are the coolest. We think, so why have two fast songs and the rest midtempo? Why not have all the songs fast and the whole album be good, that was our idea, the way we wanted to do it. The next album will be the same formula, fast like now. There's kinda two sides to this, some people say "All the songs are fast, there's no variety", but when you make too much variety people criticize you for having no personality and not having your own sound. We stick to our formula to what we think sounds good so the next album will definitely be very fast, catchy and melodic and plenty of guitar solos and things like that. Apart from a ballad there is pretty much not going to be a midtempo song. Dragon Force Website.
8. Kamelot - More of a Neo Classical sound here. Also Epic Metal with a guy who should just get over it and grow long hair like his band mates on lead vocals. From the Web: Thomas Youngblood and drummer Richard Warner founded Kamelot in Tampa, Florida back in 1991.
In 1994 the band signed a deal with Noise Records, and the release of the debut Eternity followed in August of the next year. Press praised the album as one of most promising debuts of all time.
In 1996 the successor Dominion hit the stores, an opus that was even more diverse and varied than the debut.
Then in 1997, drummer Warner as well as singer Mark Vanderbilt had to be replaced. Kamelot found more than just mere replacements in Casey Grillo and former Conception singer Khan, who had already joined the band during the production of the third album Siege Perilous. The new line-up undertook an extensive tour of Europe during the fall of the same year only to return to the ´Gate Studio` in Wolfsburg twelve months later to produce the fourth studio effort The Fourth Legacy.
The summer of 2000 brought the ´New Allegiance Tour` through Germany, Austria, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Greece and Spain during which the recordings for Kamelot´s first live album The Expedition were made. Only a few months later the band presented their fifth album entitled Karma, which took Khan, Youngblood, Grillo and Barry on yet another European tour.
Now the new opus Epica follows seamlessly; here Kamelot combines all the fortes of the previous productions with new ideas and majestic sounds. Kamelot's Web Site.
7. At Vance - This band is very influenced by the Classical sound. So much in fact, they've done between 3 to 5 classical covers. Along with that they did (get this) an Abba tribute. A very diverse band who's lush mix of guitars, keyboards and vocals leave little to be desired. Maybe a rock opera? That would top it off ahd rocket this band to the top of the list. AFM Records - Home Of At Vance
6. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Music with a full orchestra plus a heavy metal band. A Christmas fan's dream! From The Web: Trans-Siberian Orchestra was formed in 1996 by Paul O'Neill who immediately approached long time friends and collaborators Robert Kinkel and Jon Oliva to form the core of the writing team.
While producing and writing for a number of years with various rock groups Paul was always looking for ways to make the music have greater and greater emotional impact. He tried to write the music that was so melodic it didn't need lyrics. And lyrics that were so poetic that they didn't need music but once you put the two of them together, the sum of the parts would be greater than the whole, and you couldn't imagine them apart. Once he'd done this, he was still looking for a way to take it to even greater heights and he realized that putting the songs within the context of a story would give it a third dimension that would make that additional emotional impact possible.
Hence, he started writing not just albums, but rock operas.
He realized then, that there was an inherent problem recording rock operas within the standard rock and roll band makeup. Rock operas by their nature need the voices to change as the characters change. Rock bands normally only have one (or if you're lucky) two great vocalists to work with, therefore limiting how far you can go. You're forced to make the music fit the band, as opposed to allowing the music to go wherever it needs to.
With Trans-Siberian Orchestra, first the music is created with no artificial limitations, and then we seek out within the classical, rock, Broadway and R & B worlds, the very best singers and musicians to bring each song to life. This also in many ways forces us to operate on a higher level. This environment has the additional benefit of causing a cross pollenization of musical ideas, creating hybrid forms of music that normally never would have occurred, such as an R&B singer doing a classical style melody and bringing gospel touches to it that causes it to glitter in ways that even the creators could not have predicted. Another very important aspect in the creation of the band, is that there could be no limits on the members; we mix all races and ages.
The young get to mine the experience of the old musicians, while they can't help to be inspired by the enthusiasm of people just entering the business. This has created a vast constantly changing musical group that even we do not know what it is going to do next.
Once when asked what Trans-Siberian Orchestra was about, Paul O'Neill replied, "It's about creating great art. When asked to define what great art was, Paul said, "The purpose of art is to create an emotional response in the person that is exposed to that art. And there are three categories of art; bad art, good art and great art. Bad art will elicit no emotional response in the person that is exposed to it, i.e.; a song you hear in an elevator and it does nothing to you, a picture on a wall that gives you the same emotional response as if the wall had been blank, a movie that chews up time. Good art will make you feel an emotion that you have felt before; you see a picture of a forest and you remember the last time you went fishing with your dad, you hear a song about love and you remember the last time you were in love. Great art will make you feel an emotion you have never felt before; seeing the pieta, the world famous sculpture by
Michelangelo, can cause someone to feel the pain of losing a child even if they've never had one. And when you're trying for these emotions the easiest one to trigger is anger.
Anyone can do it. Go into the street, throw a rock at someone, you will make them angry. The emotions of love, empathy and laughter are much harder to trigger, but since they operate on a deeper level, they bring a much greater reward.
The Official TSO Web Site.
5. Ken Tamplin - Wow, what a voice. Don't let his music get away from you. You'll miss great guitar playing, great harmonies and great song writing. From the web: Ken Tamplin has always been referred to as a "singer's singer" while guitarists have hailed his playing, songwriting and production among some of the biggest names in the business. At a very young age Tamplin joined his first professional rock group Joshua and has expanded on to other well known groups such as Shout and the famed rock group Magdallan which he partnered with long time friend and guitar virtuoso Lanny Cordola.
Tamplin then went on to be asked to sing for such groups as Foreigner, Skunk Baxter, Jeff Lynn, Geazer Butler, and even Peter Frampton. In time, Ken became known for his production abilities which has led to many film scores and source music for such features as Inspector Gadget, Perfect Storm, The Waterboy, Charlie's Angels, Mod Squad, Wild America, Major League III as well as a host of TV series' such as Melrose Place, 90210, The X-Files, Baywatch, the theme for Ace Ventura (Nickelodeon), Spin City, On Disney Now!, and Entertainment Tonight.
Ken has also found success in national television commercials for Nestle, Hotwheels, and Acura, as well as Japanese TV commercials for Ford, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Japan Airlines, Lux, and Shakey's. Tamplin has even written header spots for people like Rush Limbaugh.
Ken's Home On The Net Free Samples Of Tamplin Tunes.
4. XFACTORX - A band from Connecticut who's re-lighting the new England Metal fire with a little Napalm. Very Iron Maiden. From The web: Despite the main scene in metal music seems to be only devoted to progressive metal or extreme & dark bands, ther's like a new wave of heavy metal growing slowly but surely. The U.S. scene seems to know a burst out of new talents , like Enertia, The quiet Room, & mainly more. X Factor X is surely one of the bands that will meet a large success in the forthcoming years. No prog metal, this time, just heavy rock played at its best. In fact, X Factor X remains me the cult U.S. band Obssession that relased excellent albums in the 80's. It's impossible to let insensible to this kind of groovy songs, with an excellent play & composition. More, the band innoves ( like on BAMF) & owns qualities that are rare for such a youg band like in the song "Nightmare 7", that is surely one the best one they composed. . Their musicianship is totally impressive & they all have an over the average technical level. One of the best point in this band is surely the singer. Main ones in melodic metal band are copying some famous singer. This one has got his own voice & he knows how to use it at its best. Everytime, he succeeds in finding the best vocals line that suits to songs. His voice can be aggressive, raw like on "Lie" or sweet & hot like in the superb power ballad "Shadow". More, the guitar works is amazing & guitarist John masters his instrument & technical level. For the rythm section, they bring lots of arrangements in songs by a bass line "Lie"or a various play in songs " Devil's lobotomy". XFACTORX Web Site.
3. Tuff - Tuff is a band that never got as big as some of the names from Classic Metal (or the 80's if you must), but had some great songs that really delievered the goods. From the web: In may of 1987, a moderate amount of flyers were handed out on the sunset strip by the band to look for their new singer. One of these flyers made it back to little old Oshkosh, Wisconsin and after reading "singer wanted, David lee Roth, Vince Neil, Bret Michaels type" local guy Steve Lauxes (thats sexual spelled backwards) decided to give it a try. After spending a few years playing locally in Wisconsin the former frontman of "X-iter" and "talon" (a.k.a. "Tomi Gunn" not the Chicago/L.A. based Tommy Gun) realized it was time to make a move. "i flew to L.A. On a one-way plane ticket on June 26, 1987 and was confident I could fill the shoes" says Stevie, "after a few minutes in the same room we all knew it was right and I was the missing piece to the puzzle". That by chance flyer circulated two thousand miles to the middle of nowhere and look what happened. The first band meeting which took place at an apartment in Van Nuys, CA in early July 1987 would launch tuff almost overnight into the local, westcoast and national spotlight. Tuff played their first show with warrant at the Roxy theater in late august of 1987 and that would lead to one more support slot at the troubadour a month later. Then a headlining gig at the whisky a go-go on sunset strip in early November was the beginning of a Hollywood domination second to none. Tuff was soon to be known as the biggest unsigned band in the world. Undoubtedly the biggest southern California act since Posion or motley crue it wasn't long before tuff found them selves in tour buses and Winnebagos headlining clubs all over the west coast. All this and getting paid $ 500.00 to $ 2,000.00 a night. Tuff soon found second homes in phoenix, Tucson, san Francisco, Fresno, San Diego, salt lake city and several other cities along with ruling Hollywood. Tuff, along with establishing itself as a force in the Hollywood scene, never let up with heavy promoting, playing and eventually signed a recording contract with Titanium/Atlantic records in the late summer/early fall of 1990! Hooray! This contract came after 5 years of hard work and 3 years plus of pounding the streets of Hollywood with the lineup that would make tuff a household name. "bigger than batman", "better than sex", "in your face" & several other slogans adorned all of the tuff ads and flyers that covered sunset strip in the late 80's. However none was more gratifying to the band than the 2 page centerfold bam and rock city news ads that read "hell just froze over" Atlantic/Titanium recording artists! These ads hit in July of 1990 and the band played 2 sold out nights at the Roxy theater to announce the big news. The Tuff Homepage.
2. Thunder - Thunder is a metal band lead by a vocalist who has more soul than a Baptist Minister when he sings. Everything Thunder does is good. They have not done a lousy album. Thunder Online.
1. SPIT LIKE THIS - It's official. This is THE band to see, hear, taste, experience. Lord Zion and his crew of un-wanted houseguests will re-awaken your inner child and scare the crap out of your kids. You must buy their CDs. NOW. Radio's Avenger commands you. Go now to Spit Like This Dot Com.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
The Rapist that IS State Appointed Child Support
Since I am very angry about this and it's fresh on my mind, I am going to do tomorrow's blog a day early. But, since most of you have already read today's, you will see this on time tomorrow. That being said...
I only bring up this topic because I received a phone call from my ex saying that she decided to get a state order for child support where she lives because without one, the state won't send her assistance. I have a major bone to pic with all the raping lawyers and judges who are behind these stupid laws.
First the laws:
You MUST pay whatever the state says they think you can afford OR you go to jail until you pay. While in jail, you can't make money so when you get out you can't pay SO you go BACK to jail. A disgusting vicious circle that gets worse and worse.
Women are made to be the victims in these situations. Lawyers and judges go after men as though they just molested a 12 year old and stick it to them in every way they can. There is no exception. You MUST pay what WE say you do or we give you the guillotine. Shoot - they'd give us unmarried dads the chair if they could. These people will ruin an individual's life over a measley monetary issue just because they think they're making a point.
And don't fool yourself and say, "Well, women run into the same thing if a Dad has custody." NO THEY DON'T. It's a load of bull. Judges go very easy (for the most part) on women who are not in custody. They cut them breaks, lower payment amounts, and all kinds of other exceptions. It's a sexest system designed to make men out to be monsters. Granted, in my eyes, having a child out of wedlock is selfish to begin with as two people obviously don't want to make a commitment to each other for one reason or another, but both parties are wrong and only one is punished. The man.
I'm sick of this being the way it's done. It's an ugly cut-throat procedure run by the government to punish someone for knocking up someone else's daughter (before you argue with this, remember, we're ALL someone's son or daughter). It needs the hand of a Libertarian in it to adjust the laws so men don't get kicked around like the woman had nothing to do with it. Because if she DID he'd be in jail for rape.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Federal Court BLOCKS Do Not Call List
Someone please tell me this judge doesn't really have his head this far up his ass. For the complete story, you can go To MSNBC.
Holy S. Is this clown serious? The whole damn country shakes it's fist and says, "Stop calling me at dinner!" and this clown stands up and says, "Too bad, your phone line is NOT a right to privacy!" Where did this drone come from? And why is he in a high court?!
Telemarketing firms are run by disgusting people who do disgusting things in ways that would horrify you if they were practiced by your kid calling a friend. And yet, until now, we've allowed them free reign to call us, put us on hold to "...please wait for the next available operator." Who doesn't get annoyed by telemarketers regardless of when they call. We didn't ask for it, they just got our number out of a pool and placed the call after having an automatic dialer check the number about 100 times first (that's why you get all those hangups from an "Out Of Area" number.)
Telemarketing has long been a vile industry run by people who don't care how they make the sale, as long as they make the sale, and now the outcry from the public about how invasive this is has finally got the US Government to react. So when a Federal Court Judge decided this is an overstepping of bounds when the public majority asked for it, well, he's over-stepping his bounds. Put a sock in it, Junior. You're just big business' tool, being used to tighten the already stripped screws in the backs of the public.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Internet Terrorists
No, they don't fly planes into ISPs, but they do pick fights with people, threaten to do things they would never get up and do and probably have a huge collection of teen porn on their hard drive. The internet Terrorist. Brainless, spineless and loud mouthed.
Most of these guys can't even argue at a formidable level. They spew "mom" jokes, s-bombs, f-bombs and c-bombs, which when all they are used in a tirade, are kind of pointless. Point and case: Yesterday I was in a live NHL draft. A guy whose screen name was starscream_74 (he's on yahoo let him have it) started the draft calling me a name when I asked if there was anyone there (a question that was valid since many times people don't show up and the computer picks all of the players for them).
This got ugly. I was calling him a drone who's mind was controlled by the American Music Industry and he could only manage to say classic metal musicians were all homos who did various activities with their mouths. Finally I'd had it.
I said, "If metal musicians are such homos then I dare you to go to this web site (plug the mighty Spit Like This here) and email Lord Zion and tell him how bad he sucks, you bloody townie." (Crap, I'm even starting to sound like Z...)
Now obviously this is very juvenile BUT... The argument ENDED there. I know he checked the site, I know he saw the band, and I KNOW it intimidated the hell out of him.
Why did I do this? For the sake of screwing with his very minimalsitic mind. He couldn't argue to save his own life. You could tell he did this all of the time and probably got off on getting a rise out of other people only I had the last laugh in the end.
Point of fact: Every mindless drone on the internet who partakes of "internet terrorism" is a guy who hasn't had a date since the Beatles last tour. So pay them no mind unless you're like me and very good at screwing with their heads.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:31 AM 0 comments
A friend and I were talking about Liberals and how ridiculous they are and this came up. A story by Ben J. Mynh - Clever if I do say so myself. A little different for this page. Enjoy.
Duck And Moose: A Liberal View On Animals
Open scene, winter, a duck and a moose are sitting next to each other, both appear to be nothing more than bones and skin.
“Damn I’m hungry” The duck squawks.
“Yeah me too.” The moose agrees. “But since the human’s don’t hunt anymore, the population has gotten out of control.”
“Why have they stopped hunting us? We’ve been food for them since the beginning of time.”
“They used to take my kind’s pelts and make clothing and shelter out of them.”
“It’s like they’ve forgotten they are the ones responsible for the well being of the entire planet, which includes wildlife maintenance.”
“Maybe the humans expect us to stop having ‘relations’ with the females.” Moose says and the two look at each other for a moment before laughter takes a hold of them so hard they can no longer stay on their feet.
“There’s just not enough food to go around.” Duck says loosing the energy to continue laughing.
“Why don’t they hunt any more?!?” Moose exclaims exasperated.
“Yeah, I’d rather get shot than starve to death any day.”
“Yeah, it’s quicker.”
“And relatively painless.”
“HEY LOOK! A Human’s transportation! I can’t stand this anymore!” Duck says, gathering up the last of his strength and flaps his wings.
He flies off, soars around, and with a “Quack-ronimo!” He crashes headlong into the car. Screeching to a halt, the car stops. Two humans get out, pick up the duck and drive a way with it.
“Amazing” Moose says watching the car drive away with the dead duck, and pass another car traveling the opposite direction, heading for that same spot in the road.
“Well, it worked for him.” Moose says pawing the snowy ground. “I’m too hungry to argue with a quick death.”
Moose rears up and charges, top speed, toward the road. He’s charged at moving targets before, so he has the skill to aim correctly. He also has the timing just right to put him on the road, and in front of the car, one full second before the car will hit him. His hooves hit the tar, and he lowers his head and closes his eyes in anticipation.
The driver slams on the breaks, but not soon enough to keep from running head long into the moose. The car slams into the moose with such force, that both the moose and the car bounce off each other, and get thrown to either side of the road. The driver crashes through the windshield, and lands across the hood of his car, not moving.
“YOU STUPID IDIOT!” The moose shouts standing up, and charging the car again.
“Why in the hell were we ever afraid of you?” The moose rams the car several times, forcing it off the road. The driver, obviously dead, just flops off the hood of the car, and lays in the ditch.
The moose trots off the road indignantly muttering curses to all humans
“No wonder you stopped hunting us, you no good, son of a person.”
The next day the moose is sitting in the same spot, reading a news paper with the headline: “No seatbelt causes man’s death in freak car accident.”
“Stupid humans.” Moose says looking up to see a car he recognizes pulling to a stop along the same stretch of road. Two people get out holding a box. They walk into the woods a little ways, and open the box. Out falls a duck with it’s wing in a sling. Quickly the two humans walk back to their car and drive away.
Sighing, the duck ambles up to the moose and the two friends look at each other for a moment.
“How was I to know they were animal activists?” Duck says.
The end
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2003
Today I'm Angry With The Airlines.
Once again the incompetence and total lack of common sense on the part of this country has pissed me off. Evidently, while making her trek out to school in Washington state, airport security hunted down my girlfriend, stripped searched her and went through all of her belongings (minus the strip search, but the bastards may as well have done it).
In the process they X-Rayed her stuff including her PC erasing her hard drive (X-Ray Degauze hard drives because of their powerful technology) leaving her without a computer for School! Dammit! You people are so clueless!!!!
Yeah, we still have the same crack squad of savvy motivated individuals manning the helm of airport security except now they have more responsibility and they still can't handle the little they did have. And don't tell me the added military presence (if it's even still there) is helping. This is all just bull.
Now one may argue that anyone can hi-jack a plane and kill people so therefore everyone should be profiled, not just people on temporary visas to this country. But this lunacy is killing the airline industry's profits because people are sick of the nonsense. Why does an 85 year old woman need to be strip-searched? Because her "description" fits the profile?
Profile: Doesn't Travel Much. Rapid monetary exchange through bank accounts. Has several lay-overs.
Oh, they forget to bring age into it... 85 years old!!!!! She's not hi-jacking a plane, and you know it! Yet, because we are so damn politically correct in this country, we'll keep bending the elderly, college students and dangerous handicapped people over a chair and breaking out the latex glove because, "Dammit, we just cannot afford to profile one race!"
Posted by Vince Wylde at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Liberals Vs. Conservatives - Would Everyone Please Just Shut The Hell Up!
Ok, Sunday blogs are a new one for me, but since I've been lacking in my daily blog responsibilities, I figured a new thing was welcome.
I happened to pass by Al Franken's new Book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right." This title, is of course, BULL. Al Franken comes off as a spoiled little know-it-all. Not that I'm defending Ann Coulter (Treason). But by virtue of the fact that she is against Liberals puts her way ahead of the race when paired with Al Franken.
But why is it nobody gets it. Ann is off, Al is way off... It's sparked interest for me to write my own book. Remember "Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Stupid Idiot"? What if I wrote a book called "Al Franken Should Shut The Hell Up," and a sequel called, "Ann Coulter: While A Pretty Smile Is Poison From The Heart".
This is the fact. Until one of these two geniuses realizes what's really going on, all either book will be is a clever little opinion and anything but a solution. "Well, gee, you big loud mouthed arrogant little loser. What IS the solution, and for that matter, problem?"
Public Enemy # 1: The Rage That Is Political Correctness. -Man I am so sick of Soccer Moms who don the protest sign and flood the streets in support of political correctness. They are double minded when it comes to this issue. It's not ok for us to use Proactive Intelligence Screening, (a euphemism for Racially Profiling - or picking out the group of people who routinely terrorize us and harassing them constantly at the airport rather than making little old ladies from North Dakota face a wall while we search their inner cavities) BUT it's ok for a man to be portrayed as a buffoon on the commercials during breaks that occur on the 6:00 news. Hey, wench, it either goes both ways, or it doesn't.
Public Enemy # 2: Guns. -I'm sick of the Left trying to take my .44 away. If every passenger on all the flights hijacked on 9-11 had a gun, the planes would not have made it to New York. True, discharging a firearm on a plane will more than likely cause the plane to crash, but then maybe only 150 people would have died instead of 3000.
I'm not even going to touch Al Franken on either of these because he's a snot nosed little tool. Ann has not addressed either, and if you ask me, these are the biggest issues ruining our country. So maybe I should don pen in hand, and let everyone know what I think... Does it matter I don't have a four-year degree? Oh yeah, either does Al Franken.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2003
The Job Log: From The Insider
Company: TJ Maxx
The Good Side: Tj Maxx is actually a great place to work. The Atmosphere is very casual, and your co-workers are for the most part, good natured, as usually is in Retail. Hours are flexible, and management is trained to have an open door policy. There is a 10% discount on Merchandise which is applicable to non sale items only.
Why It Sucks: Break is only a half hour. Management is cut throat if they decide for some reason they don't like someone. This is a job to brown-nose at. It will gain you job security and the alliance of management. Your discount, as stated, cannot be applied with any sale, clearance item or otherwise. Below 100$ it just doesn't cut it. Especially in the lower double digit range.
Extras: There always room for you to come back provided you didn't leave the company with an F-bomb and middle finger.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Woman In Florida Being Murdered
First, Educate Yourself.
Hot Story.
Entire History Of The Story.
Save Terry Schiavo Website.
This story disgusts me. Florida is standing up and saying it's okay for the state to step in and say it's time to pull the plug. The family has protested, Terri herself has protested. But, the doctors are telling all parties involved they know better. Actually, what they are really saying is, "This fat whore is taking up valuable hospital space, we need the room, tag her and bag her." How heart warming.
What's worse is a petition has gone in to Governor Jeb Bush asking him to intervene and he has ignored it. He has also received a number of phone calls from national talk show personality, Glenn Beck (on in 100 cities). Glenn has been simply hung up on. Someone should drag Jeb out into the street and Euthanize him with a sledge hammer. See how he likes it.
Florida is basically saying it's time to start rubbing a few sickly people out because they take up space. This should scare the crap out of the elderly who go down to Florida to retire. If I were them, I'd pick another state at this point. The minute they become a burden someone starts loading the gun to do them in.
This is a selfish act on the part of the people who reside in that state. And it's a combination of people, not just a doctor. Jeb is guilty of murder because he does nothing. Lawyers are guilty because they go over the top to make this happen. And the judge(s) who hear the case and rule in favor of the hospital are guilty because they justified it. How much more evil can this country get?
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Oh The Hell With This: Businesses Still Moving To 3rd World Countries
Has it occurred to you lately that many of our proud industries are packing up and moving to 3rd World Toilets to further the exploitation of these poorly run countries so they can pocket more coin? Well, it's happening. And America is getting screwed in the process.
The big thing nowadays is to cut expenses by moving to a country where the weekly salary amounts to about $1.50 in American money. This is disgusting for 2 reasons. 1. They're exploiting foreign people who are treated like crap. 2. They are selling out the American economy.
These genius CEOs forget we buy the majority of their products over here in America and if enough of them move to Slobovia, Toiletstan and Crapsville, East Bum Screw, our economy will be decimated and people will be out of work resulting in no one left to buy their crappy products. BRILLIANT!!!!!
What's worse is while this is happening we are calling the blacks "stupid" by stalling an already ridiculous recall process in California because of a punch card. Why we chose the blacks as our "Weekly Moran" target, I don't know. But this issue pales in comparison to the storm looming over our heads brought onto us by idiotic CEOs who are so blinded by greed they can't see the whole picture. I can, and I don't have a PHD.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2003
Job Log - From The Insider...
I've wanted to do this for a while. Every Friday I'll post a job, the benefits, and why it sucks helping you make a more informed decision if you would consider employment by such an establishment or if you'd even shop there.
Today's Job: Filene's.
Why It's Good: Friendly environment, nice people (for the most part), the potential to get up to 90% off merchandise as an employment benefit. Management will find the perfect fit for you no matter how long it takes.
More On The Plus Side: The people who work here are for the most part very cheerful. They wouldn't be in retail if they weren't. As far as the discount goes: Don't get all excited, you don't get a standard 90% discount on store items. It's 25 to 30% off. However when Filene's has one of their compounded sales, such as Filene's 1 day sale plus the early bird special, you can also apply your discount plus any coupons there might be.
Why It Sucks: Upper management are mostly kind, but also not to be trusted. Like any cut throat industry, they turn on you very quickly. Benefits are slow in coming. Medical and dental are 6 months in coming and it's not clear if they are even worth having - medical may be a "health matinence" plan, and dental may have high co-pays. You won't know for 6 months. Rotating weekends presume even a Christian will give up 2 Sundays a month for the greater good of the company.
Unexpected Bonus: No matter how you quit, or how many times, you can always go to the one across town and get hired.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2003
"Patriot Act" Sucks
Before you read on, educate yourself if you're not familiar by following these links (warning, there is a lot to read!)
Official "Patriot Act" Draft
How The "Patriot Act" Could Effect You
I hate this. The idiot who drafted this up should call it "The Invasion Of Privacy Act". Because of this, we are one step closer to big brother. This is so anti-American, it scares me.
The other night a member of the media was interviewing a supporter of this bill. Yet he failed to answer any questions directly. Instead, all the viewer got was copout after copout. And what most people don't seem to realize is this is already law! (Check MSNBC link for that one.)
Don't be fooled, this clever little piece of paper was already written in one form or another way before September 11th. What the nasty little beasts who support it don't tell you, is they just didn't have a way for it to get approved. September 11th changed all of that.
An invasion of privacy must being taken in little steps. A dictator can't just start spying on people before he even takes power. He has to do it in bits in advance. And this is how it starts. One small law that gives the illusion of safety, and then a little more and a little more.
Why is it the people who stand up to change the world, and I mean, get up off of their asses to change something they don't like, are always evil masterminds such as Adolph Hitler?
This is what happens when you sit on your ass and let other people make your decisions for you. You wind up like the third world countries across the planet. Ruled by an evil dictator who craps on you every chance he gets.
Dammit America, do something. Get off your ass. I'm sick of being the only one.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
When Music Becomes The Deciding Factor Of What's Cool
This weekend I was out with my girlfriend at a local fair. I was sporting my best Poison T-Shirt and enjoying the warm sunny day when a kid working one of the game booths started calling out, "Hey Bret, what's Up? Hey C. C. Deville, c'mere a second..." chuckling all the while.
I know this kid thinks he's cool, but - well, quite frankly, he isn't. Look, I realize Poison will never match up to the musical brilliance that is Godsmack or Disturbed. I mean, those two bands are way beyond brilliance. They transcend their musical genre and set the bar so high up the likes of Pink Floyd would just say, "Well, this is B.S., let's pack it in, mates." I mean Disturbed themselves made it clear we were in a new age of musical genius when they uttered this song,
"Drowning deep in my sea of loathing
Broken your servant I kneel
It seems what's left of my human side
Is slowly changing in me
Looking at my own reflection
When suddenly it changes
Violently it changes (oh no)
There is no turning back now
You've woken up the demon in me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me,
You mother get up,
You f?!@er get up,
Madness is the gift, that has been given to me..."
How could that ever match up to the trite lyrics by, say, Savatage, who said,
"I believe in nothing
Never really had to
In regards to your life
Rumors that are not true
Who's defending evil
Surely never I
Who would be the witness
Should you chance to die
Father can you hear me
This is not how was meant to be
I am safe and so are you
As for the others destiny
I believe that situations
All depend on circumstance
Look away
Look away
Pictures at an exhibition
Played as he stood in his trance
Staring at his inhibitions
All the time believing
That it now came down to
Nothing but this chance"
While I smirk at Disturbed's attempt at being deep within the context of their supposed misery, the attempt is flawed. The song has 4 chords at most and it's completely laced in anger.
Savatage, on the other hand, is a different story. It's obvious the writer looks within himself for lyrics that are thought provoking. Also, for the untrained reader, the seperate lines are done in an operatic style. One singer reads line 1, another 2, and so forth and so on until the last block, where the group comes together in unison. The music is a eclectic panorama of styles: Classical, Opera, and Heavy Metal. Disturbed? 4 chords and hatred.
So maybe the kid who called out to me may or may not like Disturbed, but he more than likely listens to something similar. Let's hear it for individuality! Who's the real oddball, the guy who makes his own way and snags up titles no one knows, or the drab, un-original idiot who follows the crowd in style, music, and attitude? C. C. Save us all.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 05, 2003
Don't Fool Yourself, Hilary Will Run
Ok, now it's time for me to piss off all the democraps and un-informed idiots in this country. As the title states, Hilary will run. Trust me. She's got an ace up her sleeve and she's going to play it.
The problem is: Hilary is a control freak bent on running the show. Are we ready for a woman president? The numbers say yes, but we'd rather have a black president first. Unless, of course, it's Hilary Clinton. The we all rush out to the polls, pen in hand. Are we nuts?!
Hilary will not be a good president based on the fact that she is so insanely head strong. You think George W. was bad? Wait until this one gets into office. I can't predict what she'll do with the country, but I know it won't be good based on the Clinton's over all moral track record. "It Takes A Village" never ceases to piss me off...
I would strongly advise anyone who calls themselves a voter to statistically research any canidate before voting and know what they stand for. This isn't a friggin' popularity contest, these people control the fate of the free world. And we don't want a trigger happy, anti-Christian in office who will drive this country further down the toilet than it already is.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Music Buying Websites Missing The Boat
I've been carousing the web the past few days looking into buying music where I can download only the songs I want. I've found something out. The nasty dragon known as the RIAA has it's evil little paws in this as well. Go to this website, and read EVERYTHING. Especially how many times you can burn the song, transfer the song, and on how many computers the song can exist. Hey Junior, once I lay my .99 down, what I can do with it on my own media and how many times I can do it is none of your concern. And stop making it all WMA, that's f'ing irritating!!!! The format of choice is MPfriggin3!!!
Man this pisses me off. The RIAA just doesn't get it. They don't control the media, I do. Once I buy it, it's my damn right to make as many mix CDs as I want. And I also don't do media on the same computer I surf from, so all these limitations are leaving a percentage of the population out to pasture.
They need to remember, there is always a way. While WMA is un-friendly with most software I have, it can be converted to the trusty old MP3. Also, if you burn a WMA file onto a DATA CDR, it becomes Read-Only, which means it can't log all of this stupid data that tells it how many times I've done what where with it.
So until they give me what I want, my money goes to sites like where once you have membership, the music is your to mix as you wish, wherever you wish. Maybe the RIAA will catch on someday, but with their track record, I doubt it. Remember these greedy bastards - they are suing $750,000.00 per copywrite infringment on kids who probably work at Burger King.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:18 AM 0 comments