Yuppie Filth II: Blatant Selfishness
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Posted by Vince Wylde at 2:06 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Posted by Vince Wylde at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Posted by Vince Wylde at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
What Makes A Firefighter Better Than A Soldier?
The answer, is nothing. Zero. And yet, recent events have caused me to re-investigate this issue, because evidently, there is one.
Now, I understand that these men, many on a volunteer basis, go for broke and charge into a burning building for the benefit of someone who may be trapped inside. In Massachusetts, on call and volunteer guys get no pension or life insurance benefits AND in lieu of recent nastiness, this has come to light demanding a resolution.
But something was brought up that bugged me - especially when fellow members in the industry - otherwise known as DJs - dodged the question... "What makes a firefighter more of a risk taker than someone in Iraq? (BTW, a note here... All you morons that keep pronouncing this EYE-RAK - it's EH-Rak... Ok?)
Well, in my book, he ain't. If anything, they are equal. However, in this country, the Firefighter is worshipped. There may even be people who burn incense in honor of fallen firefighters. The Soldier? Heh. In some cases, despised because he is required to do the bidding of a man some people hate, the President.
People get ridiculously adamant about anyone who takes an opposing view of how great a firefighter is. They even threaten violence in some cases. This has been a problem that goes past 9/11 as some theorize. I remember it coming to center stage back in 1999 when the great ware-house fire hit Worcester, Massachusetts. Suddenly, people got this light from their head to the world and we started idolizing these men beyond what is right.
Look, I'm not taking away any glory of the job or how much of a risk it is to run into a burning building. But lets not make these men Gods. Why? Because there comes a point when it becomes silly to do so... It causes division, hatred, and in the end, threats and violence. The firefighters in my town know I admire them for their risks. Further, I have spent the last 2 weeks going to bat for them against the blood thirsty media who for some reason, didn't realize they were hurting the people they meant to defend when people in other towns started phoning in death threats to town hall. Yes, some members of the fire department work for the town full time and fielded these calls. You were threatening the people you claimed to be on the side of. Brilliant.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 01, 2004
Skeptical Notion Deuce - "Total Lack Of Debating Ability".
Well, as you can expect, I responded to the post I spoke of when last we spoke, and found a response to it this evening. This clown sounds like a Fork Lift Driver...
For the love of f***ing C****, are you truly that g***** stupid?Seriously? Did you get dropped on your f***ing head? Is this some sort of Halloween joke?"The commies are supporting Kerry!". So f***in' what? So are the objectivists, whom I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. (Actually, I would, but only after charging all the market would bear). Kerry's REALLY f***ing unlikely to push any Randian programs, you know?How old are you? 12? 10?
Obviously, Mr. So Far Left He Bathes in Hitler Brochures missed my point. I was making the point that if your canidate is attracting whores and scumbags, perhaps, just maybe, he might have some kind of "aura" about him that attracts them to begin with... THUS if he has such an "aura" (used for lack of a better word) maybe he's not the guy you want in office...
I could point out that this clown does not take being challenged on his whole fraudulant socialist belief system (which is, I'm from the government, I'm here to help you). But his flailing around in his response which is obvious from even the most casualist of observers should point out how desperate he is.
He also demonstrates the whole problem with the Liberals. They are a very seedy, and angry bunch. They throw temper-tantrums quicker than a 5-year-old just who just had his favorite toy taken away.
Anyone who frequents this blog knows, I've bashed both the left and right as they both suck worse than a Costa Rican prostitute. This whole response to my challenge proves how angry the left is about not being in power.
And now, for some true Vince Wylde-ism...
F them both, I hope they both die of bowel cancer. Liberals are a disgusting socialist bag of vomit and Conservatives are ugly bowls of afterbirth. Drop dead with all of your programs.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2004
I have suspicion that this is our old friend "Morat", you know, that Player Of Games guy who's profile said he was from the UK... He's attempting now to meddle in American Politics and it's clear he's only researched the two canidates.
I've said on many occasion that Bush is no saint, but if this or any person really believes Kerry will do a better job, maybe they should look again...
The Communist Party of The United States of America, CPUSA, is publicly supporting the election of John Kerry.
No, this is not a typo...you read it correctly. The CPUSA has made available on its Web site, www.cpusa.org, an advertisement entitled Top Ten Reasons To Defeat Bush. This advertisement can be downloaded. The communist party urges readers to place this ad in local newspapers throughout the country to defeat President Bush.
Remarkably, the "Top Ten Reasons" of the Communist party are identical to those of the Democratic party; out-sourcing, homosexual rights, abortion and the like.
At first, it was thought that "this was only a coincidence." The Democratic party of the United States couldn't be in lock step with the Marxists! So, the originator of this email wrote to a spokesman of the CPUSA in Georgia and here is part of the spokesman's letter: "The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with donations and volunteer effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is the single most important issue this November"
When I heard this, I can't say it surprised me. Kerry is insanely far left. As it is, Democrats have incredibly socialist ideals to begin with, so the fact that they would draw the communist audience doesn't surprise me in the least...
The argument is made on our friend's site that "On any given policy: Kerry might or might not have the right policy. He might or might not have the correct instinct. He might or might not be ready to do the correct, smart, or moral thing. But chances are, he'll be competent at what he does. His whole frickin' life has been about competence. Even when he screws up, he's managed to fix the damn thing in a competent way. Not by my watch. Not if he sells out our free country for the sake of social services which is the whole basis for the lie that is communism.
Hey, Bush isn't a saint. For that matter, he's allowed millions of jobs go over seas where people are paid wages that don't buy a cup of coffee over here.
If this is Morat, welcome back my friend. Maybe it's time to fess up to your readers that you are in fact, not from the USA at all... If you are, why do you hide behind a facade? The ever elusive "Morat" who's location is not known nor if you can believe what he stands for...
He will un-doubtably ask who I am voting for, then. And for the 100th time I will answer Mike Badnarik.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 29, 2004
Yahoo! News - Bin Laden Says He Ordered 9/11 Attacks
Osama, Drop Dead you cancerous camel genital.
For the less Religious minded, you may want to disperse because what I say now 1)Involves Jesus Christ and Jehovah 2)Will really piss of Islam... Say what you want, but I stand for my God...
Osama, you and every other Muslim militant will be judged for your muderous actions against humanity and your arrogant view that yours is the only truth. I now quote Christian sources:
Armageddon is a corruption of the Hebrew Har Megiddo and means literally "the mount of Megiddo." During the past 4000 years, at least 34 bloody conflicts have already been fought at the ancient site of Megiddo and adjacent areas of the Jezreel Valley. Egyptians, Canaanites, Israelites, Midianites, Amalekites, Philistines, Hasmonaeans, Greeks, Romans, Muslims, Crusaders, Mamlukes, Mongols, French, Ottomans, British, Australians, Germans, Arabs and Israelis have all fought and died here. The names of the warring generals and leaders reverberate throughout history: Thutmose III, Deborah and Barak, Sisera, Gideon, Saul and Jonathan, Shishak, Jehu, Joram, Jezebel, Josiah, Antiochus, Ptolemy, Vespasian, Saladin, Napoleon, and Allenby, to name but a few of the most famous.
See, Osama, you will be judged for your crimes. For your hate, and for your actions. You are a hateful little man, and God has seen it. What happens here on this earth means little in the face of eternity. Enjoy your reign of terror while it lasts because whether by man or God himself, it will end. Then you must face God for your crimes...
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2004
This one particular couple comes to mind. They have been standing in the same spot, breakfast, lunch, and dinner time for 4 weeks. Rain or shine. They aren't being paid, and they are standing out in rain and sun for this guy who probably doesn't even know who they are. It's come to my attention that these may be his parents, in which case, the dedication makes sense. I'd hate to think anyone would donate any and all free time to a cause such as this one.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Previous Entry
My apologies... The story was sent to me from a man who calls himself a Christian and is obviously being lead astray by Communist Pigs. I hope everyone over at the Communist American Free Press gets stomach cancer.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 11, 2004
Draft Riots Feared
Read if for yourself. The Draft is coming back and with major consequences... If there was ever a time to vote it is now. The War in Iraq was over when we caught Sadam. Why are we still over there? The people of that country will not co-operate with us, and therefore, we should let them go down in flames.
Read this:
Regardless of the outcome of next November’s presidential election, the federal government will initiate a military draft in 2005, unless there is a dramatic slackening of the need for U.S. troops for the ongoing war in Iraq and for “peacekeeping” duties around the world.
Yes, you read correctly, a draft. A real, Viet-Nam-esque draft. I don't know if this is stupid, or just arrogant... But this country has a serious problem... We're fighting an enemy that does not follow the rules of engagement. They are cowards who attack downwind in the name of a God that does not exist. (Sorry, calling a lemon and lemon here. This is a place where my Christianity will show through.)
And yet, we expect to stop said enemy with tactics designed for a normal battle field. Where the enemy has enough bullocks to come out and face us rather than hide. We should pack it up, and punch out before we lose anymore lives rather than forcing people into military service in the name of a losing war. We need to go back to the drawing board and realize maybe all the political correctness in war time is bullox and it just may be time to grow a set and bomb the living crap out of our enemy.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 02, 2004
A New Toy To Play With. Vince Vs. John Kerry, Presidential Canidate.
John Kerry
Yes, THE John Kerry. Evidently, he's also a blogger. By the looks of things, he doesn't find it horribly necessary to keep in touch with his canidates. Let's pick this blog apart piece by piece, shall we?
First, he starts with the usual bragging. "Here are all the great things I've done..." And in HIS posted order they are...
1. Addressed the South Carolina Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner (Dick Harpootlian, if you're reading, I'd like to tell you that "You Da Man!")
2. Addressed the DLC
3. Addressed the Congressional Black Caucus (As I'll be reminding you throughout the campaign, I was the first Senator to call for Trent Lott to step down as Senate Majority Leader)
4. Won re-election to the Senate by a landslide, with 81% of the vote
5. And, of course, I became the second Democrat to (un)officially throw my hat into the ring for our party's nomination for President of the United States by starting an exploratory committee.
Hooray for you. May I politely remind you of your party's communist ideals... Yeah, you are now running for president, even if you can't make up your mind what you stand for. And I could give a toss about the other issues. People in Massachusetts vote for you because they are deaf, dumb, and blind idiots. So your 81% victory is simply not impressive. NEXT!
Not to brag or anything, but I'm mopping up the competition in fundraising right now, and I frankly don't see anyone surpassing us in the long run. But it's going to be a long, vigorous, and vital campaign, and I look forward to discussing with my fellow Democrats and Americans our vision for the future of the country. It will certainly be bright if I am elected!
Too bad you're just as dishonest about fund-raising as the Republicans are... NEXT!
I suppose that's all for now. I'll try to be a little bit more diligent about keeping in touch this year, but hopefully you'll understand if I'm not able to. Between stopping the Bush-Lott juggernaut's far-right agenda in the Senate and presenting the alternative Democratic agenda both in the Senate and in my campaign, (and not to mention dealing with petty little things like that ridiculous haircut story-not that I stayed up at night thinking about it or anything, but I have to say that it frustrates me a lot to see people trying to smear me for such superficial and petty reasons as how and by whom I have my hair cut. And then they throw in a little bit of class warfare-ism by implying that I'm out of touch because I spend $75 on my coif. But I haven't been able to get anything cheaper than that since I was at St. Paul's, frankly, and I'll be darned if my hair looks as anarchic as it did back then!!) I'll be plenty busy! I'll leave you with a picture of someone even more beautiful (and with even better hair!) than myself: my wife Teresa.
Well, he blew it on the first point. Here it is October and no one's heard word one since this was posted back in January 2003! He also speaks of the Marxist "alternative" Democratic agenda which is more or less, "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you." Screw you, Kerry. I don't want your help. As far as the haircut goes, UGH. Hair Cut? Who cares? How about some issues if you are (did) going to run? And then he assaults everyone's senses with a picture of that horse he married... But as luck would have it, he went to the AOL School of hyperlinking and you can't see it. Thank God!
We all know that the presidential race is another "ho-hum" game where the lesser of two evils will get voted for. No one votes for the qualified guy, they vote for the guy who will screw the country up less. My money's on Mike Badnarik.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 10:06 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Arrogant And Ignorant Morons
I'm working at the radio station right now and just fielded a call from this angry hose beast who very arrogantly cited why she didn't listen anymore. She asked, "Youre still playing that dumb music, aren't you?" I calmly explained (very out-of-character for me) why exactly the format was swicthed only to hear the response. "Well, I don't care I don't listen anymore. Goodbye!!!" {CLICK!!}
Listen to me you self abosorbed arrogant bitch. First, you're very fortunate you didn't do your vemom spewing during MY SHOW (as it is I play the role of executive producer and don't get much air time as a result). I would have bashed and humiliated you live in front of a national audience you OLD ZERO. Go eat your damn prunes and rub your old, wrinkled feet in epsom salt.
Second: Realize there are key elements to running a radio station. One of them is, if a format doesn't work, change it. Did it ever occur to your ancient ass that MAYBE the station changed because they were not able to do well with the format you so much love? So I suppose the station should have just gone under for the sake of your personal tastes? Lady. with all due respect, go to hell. Sounds like you are already well on your way. Anyone in your age bracket that acts like you do belongs in prison and should withdraw from the gene pool immeadiatly. Here's a dollar and go f*** yourself. Tramp.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 13, 2004
AK-47s, M-16 A2, and Other Assault Rifles.
The big campaign issue has now become assault rifles. The Liberals whining that now every drug dealer will be armed to the teeth with semi-automatic assault weapons.... Hey stupid - they are already. Can I get an Amen!
We've seen this before in the 1980's with Regan's famous war on drugs. That was successful, right? Oh, wait... I could probably find a quick coke fix within about 20 minutes... Right, that didn't work either.
The argument that taking away everybody's gun will deprive criminals of theirs as well is an old one and has never failed to be incorrect. A crack dealer doesn't walk into Sully's Guns And Ammo, put down his ID and wait 7 days to legally own a 30-06. He finds someone as shady as he is, buys a gun and moves on. The only thing that disarming U.S. citizens will do is make good, honest, law-abiding people defenseless against thugs, terrorists, and the occasional black bear that happens by their front porch.
This idea of a Government run society the Democrats have is Communist, and phase one is to eradicate weapon ownership. You can't stop communism if you don't have a gun to shoot Stalin with, now can you?
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Because Blogger decided to go re-write all my html and render the original template useless in order to put their new task-bar feature, I've been forced to upload a new template (one of theirs). Maybe I can get Mistress Lisa to get me another original one... Lets hope.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Pointless False-Metal Worship: Musicianship Vs. Garbage
Lately, I've been on this debate with people who consider Curt Cobain as one of music's few elite. Calling his lyrical ability "pure genius" and crediting him with "inadvertently ushering in the grunge era." At the risk of getting numerous hate mails, let me dispel this myth right here and now.
After Nirvana changed the face of music back in 1991 by refusing to wash, learn more than three chords, or look at the audience as opposed to the floor, metal took a big dump. Bands that looked and acted like rock stars were replaced by people who thought they could play, but couldn't, making every idiot who ever picked up a guitar a canidate for the music world.
After Curt blew his brains out with a .12 Gauge (ironic, eh?), RIAA spawned Nu-Metal. The American audience had actually grown a pair and demanded a return of metal. However, RIAA gets off on controlling people's taste in music. And, consequently, knowing most Americans are apathetic and mindless, knew they could get by with what amounts to glorified Alternative Rock.
Kids are continually fed half rate bands who know 3 chords and are also highly disposable. No Rock fan in America seems to have enough bullocks to step away from FM Radio and form his own taste in music. Rather, they seem satisfied with letting moronic rock DJ's who are controlled by the major labels (RIAA, to be exact) to spin this garbage until it catches on. The DJ's are so full of crap, they even believe themselves when they tell the listeners, "This Music is incredible.... What a great CD! System Of A Down is genius!" They refuse to acknowledge bands with more talent in their thumb than someone like, say, Godsmack has in their whole arsenal.
And the live shows. I'm so sick of hearing jocks at local WAAF tell you how great Localbazooka is with all these no-talent bands while Savatage has to tour Europe and Asia where Metal is still respected because they aren't respected by their own country. Thanks RIAA. I hope you drown in a sewer. The live shows blow. When bands aren't shoe-gazing, they are hopping around like a bunch of gay Kangaroos. Sure there may be lights, but forget the spectacle we USED to get, that's long gone.
A note: I actually have a lot of respect for the Jocks at WAAF, 107.3 in Boston MA. The personalities clearly make that station. I just can't stomach the playlist... Will someone out there please make their own playlist and get away from RIAA?
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Man Shoots Bear, Liberals Take Guns.
"PALMER, Mass. - A homeowner fatally shot a 300-pound bear who first made off with bird seed from a porch, eluded police, then returned and tried to enter the front door.
"The bear was coming right at me," Allan Jurkowski told the Republican of Springfield. "It was terrorizing my front porch. ... I couldn't take it anymore."
Jurkowski, who fired four rounds Sunday night from his shotgun into the male bear, said he felt bad but feared the bear returned for his Chihuahuas or for him and his wife. "
And today, they took his guns and license away and also fined him for discharging a fire arm within X amount of feet of a residence.
You want to know something? If an animal invades my property, knocking down bird feeders, eating my cats, and threatening my family, he gets a bullet in the head and I serve him up at the next big family meal. Further, no Liberal is taking my guns OR my license. Consider yourself lucky I bother to get a license because I don't believe in your gun laws - criminals are still able to get weapons by the crate full.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 20, 2004
The 7 Deadly Sins Of America Part 1
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
And America is VERY prideful. Only this particular sin is devoted entirely to Government. Face it. The Democrats are cocky because they think they can think for everyone else. Their idea, it would seem, is America as a Communism. Where Uncle Sam tells you what's in your best interest, and Christianity is more of a nuisance than a help along with it's "wormy God." Republicans are prideful because they believe in a Capitalist society where the non-businessman gets buried alive and it doesn't really matter if they do, because they can always leave.
It is a keen observation that can be made that when America turned from a very devoted attention to God, it started to go right into the toilet. Like it or not Christianity does bring order without any kind of communistic - or - ahem - socialistic rule imposed on people. Sure, non-believers bitch that Christianity sucks and they hate bible thumpers, but they fail to make note of the fact that while this was the way of the majority, you didn't have socialists telling you where to put your money, if you were allowed to drink or smoke, or what kind of food you were allowed to eat.
"Um, Vince, this is dangerously close to preaching."
No, file this under ironic musings. Yes, I'm making a point. Take it or leave it. No one is forced to read this page, they come here of their own power. I didn't appear anywhere and say "Repaint! And thin no more!" - Err... "Repent! And sin no more!" because it's not my job NOR my right to judge other people.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Every Day I'm Forced To Add Another Name To A Long List Of People Who Piss Me Off...
...And today, Scott Peterson gets that honor....
"On Tuesday, the defendant's former mistress testified that her first date with Peterson included slow-dancing, champagne, and sex at a hotel room. But she says she didn't know he was married.
Peterson is accused of killing his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Connor.
According to Frey, their relationship quickly went from a hotel-room tryst after their first blind date to something serious enough for her to trust him alone with her young daughter just two weeks later.
Prosecutors allege that Peterson's relationship with Amber Frey led him to murder his pregnant wife, Laci.
Frey, the government's star witness, testified Tuesday that Peterson did not wear a wedding ring and she didn't know he was married when they met on Nov. 20, 2002. He poured champagne in his hotel room, putting a strawberry in her glass, and they had sex later that night. The next morning, he left her with his cell number, not his home number. " -A/P
I hope this moron gets prostate cancer and dies. Everywhere I look women are superficial and looking for THIS IDIOT. Why? Read it again: "Frey, the government's star witness, testified Tuesday that Peterson did not wear a wedding ring and she didn't know he was married when they met on Nov. 20, 2002. He poured champagne in his hotel room, putting a strawberry in her glass, and they had sex later that night. "
Oh, yeah the guy is smooth. But this is my point about the whole friggin' country. Women want the player because he's as slick as cat puke. They forget he's as phony as a 3 dollar bill. Try and find a woman who isn't fascinated with the idea of meeting a guy like this who drives the car, who has the job, who makes the dough. It's like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles.
Sorry, but you women are clueless. You don't really have any idea what the hell you want. You've fooled yourself into thinking it's the look, the job, the money, and the ability to act like this guy. "Only, minus murdering the wife and could you make him available please?"
Man am I sick of women in this country. I always see the friggin' Puerto Rican wannabe with the 90% plastic car, loud muffler and attitude problem wheeling the good looking chicks for the 20 somethings.
For the older ladies it seems to be prominent yuppie filth. Maybe you should all take a cue from Amber Frey and realize maybe these smooth talking, seemingly loaded, BMW driving, yuppie pieces of filth are just that. FILTH. Phony and completely material.
Maybe next time the quiet guy who always sends you flowers on Valentines day every year because he really thinks you are something special, you should give him a friggin' chance. Maybe he's the real one. Maybe, just maybe, this is one of the reasons why the divorce rate is so high in this country.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Male Denial And The Under 18 Girl.
Recently, the DJs on a local morning show were arguing about whether or not they check out girls under 18. One of the members, Spaz was saying he did, while the others were somewhat less anxious to admit any appeal to any girl under 18. Let me settle this once and for all.
Male nature is to admire beauty. What one does with this once attention has been triggered is what either makes you a male or makes you a predator. First, let me prove the majority of men in this country do look at girls under 18.
To examples:
1: The national High School Cheerleading Competition.
2: Miss Teen USA
The first is obvious. Teenage girls dancing around in mini skirts, doing cheers and other male appeasing activities. (I mean, come on. Would a woman design an outfit like the ones used in Cheerleading??)
The second just came to my attention last night as Miss Teen USA Was on. Some of the girls were as young as 16 years old, such as Miss South Dakota. http://www.yenra.com/miss-south-Dakota-teen-USA/ . Let's be serious. This pageant is a huge ratings pop and the audience is not made up of middle aged lesbian soccer moms who drool over high school girls (although that's probably some weird male fantasy somewhere).
So why are men running from this statistical fact? Easy. Nature says we're looking at the 16 year old, legislation says, we better not be or it's prison time. I'm tired of Men denying this up and down like they have no pulse and are legally blind. If you've read my blog about "Chocolate Covered Teenage Girls" you'd realize men slip up on a regular basis and make is blatantly obvious they are well aware of these girls. VERY well aware.
As I said before, it's not a crime to notice beauty... It's to what level you go to with this observation and your reaction to it.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
That guy who blasted through the left turn only lane to save a measly 10 seconds.
That bitch from the super market who shoved you out of her way to buy a gallon of low carb milk.
That soccer mom in the Hum-V who doesn't seem to be bothered by the blatant "HUMMER" logo emblazoned on the grill.
That idiot who drives the Jaguar X-Type and whines the his turn signal lightbulb is 95 cents.
That moron that hit the DPW truck and then DROVE AWAY thinking he could avoid the police.
The jackass that parked across 12 parking spaces at the local conveninance store because he was in too much of a hurry to observe decent parking etiquette.
The idiot woman who whined that she MIGHT go to a bar and my cigarettes would bother her.
The ass from town who left his crappy Buick in a neighbor's yard up against a tree because he couldn't drive straight enough in his drunken stupor to get in his own damn driveway.
....And this is all in one week, mind you...
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
The DNC In Boston
Well here we go with another exciting lesson in how to screw off for a week and cost a city thousands. All the Democratic all-stars are here:
John Kerry, Presidential Nominee
Bill and Hilary Clinton
Michael Moore
6000 or so nameless Democrat ass kissers
A local radio personality hit the nail on the head. He called this the epicenter of Worldwide Communism. Because, really, that's what the Socialist agenda boils down to.
These people scare and disgust me. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a prime example of what happens when a Liberal even half gets their way. "We are intervening on your behalf because our paperwork says it's in your best interest."
Right now this action is narrowed down to just childcare and family matters. Any place a child is you will see these idiots with their pages of statistics butting into many situations they are not wanted or needed. There's some truth to the Mike Badnarik ad that quotes John Kerry saying, "I'm John Kerry, and you can trust me to run your life." That's what the Liberals want for this country. Their help even if you'd prefer to do without. Stalin anyone?
Posted by Vince Wylde at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 23, 2004
Teen Modeling Sites.
She's got all the makings of the perfect woman. All the right curves, perfectly shaped legs, perfect skin... Expect when you see her baby face and realize... Holy S, she's 15... Hence the Teen Modeling Sites. They are quite possibly the second biggest non-nude commodity on the internet. Legend has it, it all started with the video of some girls birthday party that logged in thousands of hits in one week.
The market reached it's peak somewhere in 2000 to 2001 although I don't have the figures that represent how many websites there were at one time. However, every media outlet in the country that found out about this ran a story. Most of them citing what perverts built the sites and what even bigger perverts viewed them. I'll give them the second one, but that's it.
Modern day parents all want their daughters to be little stars. Fine. However, in attempt to do so, they purchase a digital camera, sexy little outfits - ranging from miniskirts to lingerie, hire a webmaster and produce a website that gets about 50,000 hits a day.
You pay a webmaster enough money, he'll design whatever you want. Parents take all the responsibility for this. Sure the money rolls in and within a year you have enough money to put little Susie through college... But have you ever thought about who your target audience is?
Boys your daughter's age don't have a credit card. Mom and Dad aren't going to buy him a subscription, because, that's just wrong and creepy. So your audience is over 18. Statistics show that the buyer is an average age of 42.
So because of the media hype, Visa won't offer services for subscription. The sites are now limited to online checking, phone cards, or other payment services. But you know something? This isn't going away... Not on your life.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Chocolate Covered Teenage Girls.
The other day I was driving through town when I passed five girls covered in what was either mud or some sort of Chocolate Sauce. This, naturally, created quite a scene given the male mind and how it works. Men all over town were buzzing about this phenomenon. There was no explanation as to what they were doing or why they were covered in a brown gooey substance.
Today, I opened the paper and there was the article. Five girls ages 13 to 15, had filled a kiddy pool full of chocolate pudding, rolled around in it, and then went around town seeing how many high-fives they could get. The reason for this? One of them was moving away...
I stopped and thought, what Suburbanite yuppie mom thought this was innocent? Even men who were not pedophiles that I ran into were saying "What they would have smeared the girls in..." It was obvious they were younger, under 16 even...
So what mom said, "Oh, it's just innocent kid stuff to smear yourself in pudding and walk all over town high-fiving mostly men..."
I understand the girls being naive. However, I am now fully convinced that parents in America are clueless. How anyone could watch any broadcast TV and see similar connotations of such things being sexual is beyond me... One things for sure, don't let your kids do this...
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 16, 2004
Who Will Vince Vote For?
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Kids - The Truth
A lot of people walk around thinking their kids are the best. Good looking, smart, and in many cases, perfect. I have a news flash for you. They aren't.
Look, if every moron on the planet who had kids, had perfect kids, well, then there would be no bullies in schools. Let's face it. It's already obvious some people do not live on this planet mentally. The same group is probably going to think their buck-toothed 300 pound little girl is model material while they plop her in front of the tube and stuff their kids full of twinkies.
The educational system has taken a dump in recent years and kids are put on the bottom of the list of priorities. Teachers are under paid and over worked and the problem doesn't get any better. Kids are raised by people who shouldn't even have kids and not taught them basic societal morals.
Hey, society is breaking down, and not everybody's kid is smart, good looking or even well behaved. The bottom line is parents need to wake up and realize this and maybe, I don't know, PARENT for a change. Make your kids exercise, study, shut off the Playstation 2, and take them to a lyposuction / plastic surgery clinic.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
The Great Boston Democratic - WASTE OF TIME AND RESOURCES.
Here comes the K-Train, everybody on board. Incidentally, K-Train as in John Kerry, nominee at large. Look, I hate the liberal yo-yos with a passion. Thanks to them, I have to deal with people having a never ending nicotine fit because it was in my best interest not to be inhaling second-hand smoke.
The fact is, Boston will shut down. Business will be on a weeklong hiatus, cops will be working 12 hour shifts... In the long run, the city will spend more money than it makes. Menino is an idiot, we all know it. If you didn't, here's your reality check. We are spending more money on security for a bunch of Liberal wackos "officially" doing something that indicates somehow John Kerry is the man to run for high office.
Didn't we already know that? Didn't we decide a while ago this tool was running against George W. Bush? Or did I just imagine all the declarations that were made announcing John Kerry the winner? Tools. So we now have to spend thousands to make sure a terrorist doesn't hi-jack a subway and drive it into the fleet center. Brilliant.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Farenheit 911 - A Movie By A Fat Meaty Breasted Little Zilch.
Michael Moore. Yeah, what a waste of human life. Farenheit 9/11 is nothing more than propaganda. This movie isn't anti-Bush, it's anti-America. It's obvious from the contents within that Michael Moore hates his country and all of it's inhabitants.
The clip from the trailer that has George W. Bush speaking about taking out your enemies... "BLAH BLAH BLAH - Now watch this Drive." Was actually not referring to Al-Queda but problems existing in Pakistan. But if you are a Michael Moore disciple, you'd think it was about Al-Queda because Moore himself said so.
The Liberal media keeps calling this film, loaded with creative license, a documentary. They even have people in other countries calling it that. But see, a documentary is fact based and Farenheit 9/11 is loaded with fiction. From the fictional Al-Queda quote from above to the debated "7 minutes" in the Florida School room, this film is nothing more than a left wing wet dream.
It does prove that if you put something on a movie screen, get a few people to utter "documentary" and soon people decide it's gospel.
"Moore is unapologetic about the tone and timbre of 'Fahrenheit,' calling it an 'op-ed' piece rather than a documentary. The point he makes best, however, is that if the Bush administration was free to exaggerate its claims about weapons of mass destruction and Saddam Hussein’s supposed connection to 9-11, as a filmmaker he should get a chance to do the same in reverse."
Hey, Bush is no Saint. He stole over-time pay from the lower class blue-collars. But if we're going to just make up facts - then maybe I should make a film as well about how John Kerry blew up thousands of school Children in Vietnam... That's not true either, but if I can get a few people to utter "documentary" maybe it will become true...
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 05, 2004
Sheer Ignorance Is NOT a New Style Of Panty Hose.
Stupidity comes in droves. The walking undead. The societal breakdown because people can't be bothered and figure ignorance is always a good copout. An example?
Well, traffic always works. There's this intersection near by that has an obvious left turn only lane. When painted, no one ignores it. One or two people may get the deer in the headlights look, but most people appear to be observant. But the paint is faded, the sign really only says "Left Turn Signal"...
So a few people park in the lane and the light turns green. They don't move. The traffic behind them gets irritated and honks their horn because the idiot in the Green Suburban is going straight.
This same moron has been commuting through this town for 10 years. He's always known that lane was strictly for a left turn. Today, he's in a hurry and he notices the paint is gone indicating the left turn only clause. Traffic is a good 50 yards back, so he jumps into the left lane with one goal: To cut out a bunch of traffic and make better time home from work. If he's stopped by a police officer, he can just claim he didn't know.
This is just an example of how people are becoming more and more self centered. Sure, traffic is an easy example but you can spot this kind of mentality everywhere. In the store, at the amusement park, at the car show. People using ignorance as an excuse to do what normally is simply un-acceptable.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 03, 2004
In Closing...
You know, after reading the posts of this Morat idiot along with his next door neighbor and fellow Star-Trek / Goth pal Matt - I've decided this must all end.
One of the things a good debater possesses is the ability to admit when he's wrong. We'll, I'm wrong. I was wrong to enter a debate with these two dead batteries. They are both entitled to their own opinion, but let's face it: This whole thing was a pissing contest with each contestant trying to show how much more brilliant than the other he was. All that was accomplished is six people from Matt's side got very apathetically pissed off, and Morat was one of the six.
What did I learn? Well, Matt taught me to remember my audience. Matt has this habit of using large words that the average person wouldn't understand. He's tossing insults around but most don't get it because they need a dictionary to define what he's saying. Here's a clue: When zinging someone, it only counts if they actually know they've been zinged. I did, but I imagine because it's because of my vast English vocabulary gained from being a Talk Radio student for so many years. Most people's vocabulary are not as advanced as Matt's. The only other I've witnessed is Zion's.
I also learned some things aren't worth arguing over. While I truly believe in the music of Spit Like This as it is unique and a step away from the garbage the U.S. has been spewing forth, to keep on in a battle of wits with two un-armed opponents is not only pointless, but it's kind of dumb.
So if it makes these two high-school buddies happy, I give you the win. I simply have much more important things to write about such as current events in my country, Michael Moore (the douchebag) and music... As always. So there you have it.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 01, 2004
3rd Opponent In The "Goth" Wars.
Enter: Gurgeh Morat - some drone who a)doesn't know where the legendary page itself exists on blogger, b)obviously is starved for attention and c)wants everyone to be afraid that he might break into their computer. I have your ISP address so I already have enough to send the hounds of hell after you should you try anything.
Let's review this zero's entry.
"VinceWylde" posts a challenge blog ve blog but then completely fails to get the link correct and (the resultant) no ping to weblogs.com causes the message to fail to get home.
Alright, we've successfully beaten this horse to death. Evidently, these two are making a reach. Our friend Gurgeh seems to think he is some kind of referee. Well, I for one didn't invite him anywhere. However, like Matt B, he's entitled to his opinion. He makes a weak attempt at making me look like the fool...
The round is not over yet and the "VinceWylde" jock from round 2 comes for a pop he weaves in and out lays a few insults down and generally looks like he is going for gold when (as I have noted) he lays the knockout blow on himself.
I'm glad to see this guy will never make sports casting. He's just way to opinionated. Well, let me address this. He attempts to point out that I get a real good rant going and then - ultimately - have nothing.
Ok, so these two want it kicked up a notch. Fine. As of 9:00 EDT Friday Night, go to Vince Wylde's Audio Blog Entries and lets see if the Pen is mightier than the Shock Jock from the USA. You guys want a fight? Then grow a pair and step into my arena. Behind the mic, no one is my equal.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Art Of Pain And Matt B, The Vampire.
So Matt emails me and tries in his own un-clever way to entice me to his website indicating I will be terrified by what he's written. Let's review his review of my last post.
?so what are you? Goth, anti-Goth, vegetable or mineral. At a guess I would say that the co-ordination of a large brick have done them no favors in the credibility stakes. Hell, I wasn't even going to go further than my general rant about "mansonite" style moronity but after the reveller demonstrated that these clones (seen one mansonite - you've seen them all) had gone to all that trouble I felt I should at least return the link. One had gone so far as to lay down a challenge to a blog duel (what-ever the heck kind of offer that is. The dude can?t even hyper link to this blog correctly [hint you have too many dots knob-scratch])
After this anti-Goth rant (location: no links for you until you fix yours!) he goes on to say "Chicks frustrate the hell out of me." which goes a long way to explaining the website itself - it didn't work! At least I make no claims about the quality of this place. He/She/It needs to spend more time leaning a semblance of skill and less time on frustrated masturbatory activities. I did try to follow the link to ?the rules? but all that happened is a new pop-up with the home page.
Well, I'm an Individual, jackass. I follow no crowd, I do my own thing. See, here's some truth: Goth is NOT original. People all over this planet do the same thing you are doing and it's just not that un-usual. Great, follow a crowd.
People like this "Matt B" are such zeros. They've never kissed any girls (or guys), they never emerge from their 2 square mile town, and they think they are intelligent because they can - sort of - use the English language.
He attacks my recent post on "what women want" failing to realize the ironic musings within the post itself. Anyone who frequents this page realizes the irony of it and is endlessly entertained by the contents within. He also accuses me of "masturbatory practices" when he himself is spanking it with a thumb up his ass while drooling over Vikki Spit's picture on Spit Like This' website.
Ask yourself, "How did this zero, Matt B, find SLT to begin with? And what can he gain by 'reviewing' their music?" Nothing. He probably suffers from some personal in-adequacies and is trying to make up for them by doing something that he considers amazing.
Let me clue you in on something, junior. You picked a fight with SLT - bad. You picked another fight with Vince Wylde - WORSE. I'm a relentless, angry, sociopathic lunatic who DOES get off... But only on the suffering of those who choose to take me on. And your stupid link is fixed YOU ZERO.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 26, 2004
The Amazing Matt B: What A Pathetic Zilch
So I've never used my opinion page for something such as this, but now that this little zero has emerged from his alleged coffin, I guess I HAVE to...
The whole thing started sometime this past week. Some guy who desperately wants to be "a cursed walking dead blah blah blah" has decided to take a sucker punch at Lord Zion and the MIGHTY Spit Like This because he thinks they are trying to be a Goth Metal band... You know like maybe Sins Of Thy Beloved or something...
The Goth crowd desperatley wants to be taken seriously... They have no REAL leader, just a whole plethora of fictious ones, such as, Dracula, Blade, etc. Many of them believe (get this!) that Cain (as in the biblical Cain) was the first vampire. Something to the fact of "if anyone tried to kill him, they would be cursed."
They walk around in white face paint, looking very much like mimes with a serious skin condition. They hang out anywhere death looms, such as cemetaries. The Goth lifestyle is pretty much a full time job. Without pay, FYI...
So I Challenged this Matt guy... Think Matt is his last name. His first is Door. Anyway, I challenged this Matt guy to a blog duel. He probably won't accept. The rules are stated at Vince Wylde Dot Com.
So now I summon you. His pathetic little waste of the internet is here: Art Of Pain.
Heh. Let the games begin.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Dating: What You're Doing Wrong
Chicks frustrate the hell out of me. It's not just the fact that you can't figure them out no matter what you do, or even the fact that everything seems to be one big friggin' mind game. Nope, it's the trying to find one who might give you a chance in hell because her priorities are way to high. This was taken from an actual personal ad:
I'm an artistic student that also is into health and being active. I would like a guy that would play b-ball or racquet ball, go for hikes, or go to the gym with me. I like an active person but someone who still has time to hangout. I am busy with school and such but I always try to make time. I would also want someone who likes music and arts especially photography since that is my major at RIT. I don't consider myself as very athletic but I guess I am since I go to the gym almost everyday. I would like a guy who is talkative since I have a hard time starting conversations. I need someone who is not afraid to make the first move. I am friendly and very social. I love being in groups and parties. I do not drink though. I would like someone who doesn't drink much or none at all and is social like I am. I would want someone who is open minded and ready to try anything. Someone who I can go to a club with and dance with on the floor. Someone who is not afraid of public affection since I love to be hugged, kissed, and have my hand held. Also I just go to school in New York so they would have to deal with the fact that I live in Mass during the summer. Anything else you want to know just ask! IM me if you wish. I've been played in the past so if you just want a short thing for a week or so don't even bother I don't want to deal with that.
Hello? Still with me? This is a snippet from one of thousands of personal ads on yahoo and I think I've discovered why there are so many damn people using these things. Because these women want to much!
Look, love isn't about your perfect match. TRUST ME. The old adage about "opposites attract"? Well, there's some truth to that.
While it is more advisable to find someone you have a little in common with, it isn't necessary nor advisable to date a carbon copy of yourself. It's also probably a bad idea to think you will find Mr. 5'9", With a $50,000.00 car, $400,000.00 a year job and all the right moves and words. A little imperfection makes another person all that much more interesting to be with.
If you really must have a spot on match, then I advise to hang out in your bedroom and make puppy eyes at yourself in the mirror all day. You'll be much happier and you won't have to look any more.
Finally, a word of advice to all. Never let ANYONE tell you, "She's / He's not right for you" based on materialistic compatibility. It's stupid. And for that matter, don't tell anyone "They aren't right for you." I mean, really, who the hell do you think you are? Dr. Friggin' Ruth? I don't think so... Nor are you Dr. Laura or Dr. Joy Brown... And they would both most likely tell you, it's all about outward acts of affection and plain friggin' doo-da chemistry (which by the way can develop over time).
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Ronald Reagan And The Liberal Spin
Listening to the news this week was sickening in ways I can't even communicate. One of our nation's greatest leaders Passed away over the weekend and before his body was even cold the news media started making him out to be some kind of ill-perceived hero. Or, in other words, Reagan wasn't the hero we all thought he was.
Now, to be honest I remember very little about Ron Reagan and it would be presumptuous for me to make any statements about his leadership. What I have read makes me believe he was more Libertarian than anything else. "Government isn't the solution to the problem, government IS the problem." I've heard this clip about a dozen times over three days and I've never agreed with anything more in my life.
Other things I've read tell me Reagan had a backbone etched out of cast iron. He stood up to his enemies, and lead the nation the best he could.
If I listen to Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather I would more likely believe that Ron is getting way too much fanfare and wasn't that great. But rather, he was a great verbose actor. In other words, a classic bull shitter.
I'm not surprised that the Liberals hate this man. I'm saddened that they are right in front of the line at his casket to defecate on it and spit in his face because he steered us away from Liberal thinking. Too bad for you. Not that I was believing any of your BS anyway...
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Partial Birth Human Slaughtering
Ahh, another day of tuning in talk shows and hearing Liberal minded women who want to Slaughter already born babies because, "Dammit, it's my right!" Hey lady... Screw you and your rights... If you don't respect human life, you don't deserve one yourself, much less an abortion...
I suppose you could argue the age old debate about when life actually occurs... I believe, incidentally, upon conception. However, no human on this entire planet has the right, nor the authority to say, "Now that the baby has seen daylight, pierce it's skull with a dagger, because, dammit, it's my right to want that done! It's my body."
Hey lady, shut your arrogant hole. I'll concede (for now) the dumb argument that during the fetal stage YOU think the baby is some kind of cocoon that's not living... However, when that thing exits your body via either caesarian section OR natural child birth, game over. You get nothing, Good day ma'am.
This selfish game of women calling the shots for reasons of pure selfishness and arrogance has got to stop. They hide behind the mask of "freedom" so they can go out and sleep with 400 men, get knocked up, and then just "remove" the problem manually. How about this: How about no sex if you can't handle the responsibility?
However, The Honorable Judge Wench decided George W. Bush was being some in-human monster by saying that a halfway born baby cannot be murdered with a pair of scissors because that's just murder. You know, I'm none to happy with Bushy Bushy these days, but GOOD CALL.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 31, 2004
Voting Time Again
Oh goodie. Time to throw my vote away. How excited am I? Not very. No matter who I vote for, someone thinks I am throwing my vote away. Vote for Bush, then I want a power hungry dictator in office. Vote for Kerry, then I like guys who can't make up their minds about anything.
But here's the catch. I don't vote for either. Oh, I do vote. Only with my vote, I get both the left AND the right saying I'm wasting my vote.
I guess since the Libertarian party doesn't garner a ton of votes, some think it's the same as not voting at all. I have a different opinion.
Voting for someone I can't stomach would be throwing my vote away. So am I really throwing my vote away? No, not really. Throwing my vote away would be to listen to a Liberal or Conservative minded person who thinks Kerry is a re-incarnation of Muhammad and Bush is the Messiah.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2004
Ebay And Why It Sucks
I know, I know. "But I like Ebay." Well, you can thank the cheating losers for this entry of hostility.
Ebay was originally founded as a cheap way to buy that item you just can't afford to shell out the $1000.00 for. Make your bid, wait and see if you've won. Except now it's not that easy. Little thick framed glasses wearing pieces of shite have taken this joy away from you.
With the invention of programs like "Sniper" (courtesy of dateless hackers), you can now spend your time doing other productive things, because, you just flat aren't winning anything on Ebay. I spent 28 minutes watching an item for someone and bidded in the last 20 seconds only to find I had been outbidded by 1 measly dollar.
Now I realize that a sound rack is a big item you just have to win, and God knows, getting that bid in within the last 10 seconds so you don't get outbid on an item that is a dime and dozen throughout the internet is vastly important, but gimmie a break.
Get a date and Kiss a girl for crying out loud. You are a loser if you need Software to bid on Ebay.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Blog Page Moving Soon
.12 Gauge will soon be moving! Yes, that's part of the reason updates have gone right into the toilet. The other is my ridiculous scehdule. For those of you curious HOW ridiculous, you may go to Point Blank and read all about it. The old link is Here.
So until then, keep tuned in. I promise to write something soon. -Vince
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
2003's Jackass Awards Vol. 2 - # 9
I don't have anyone to single out in this one, but this is a group that makes some of the dumbest people on the planet. For my English readers, a Yuppie is a full grown townie.
Yuppies are Jackasses because they shoot their mouths off without engaging the mind first. They hate smokers, are angry at everyone else for their fat, stupid, out of control, ugly kids. And they think they have the perfect idea of what a flawless society is.
Well, as far as their kids go: Their kids are fat because they aren't outside playing anymore, they're inside playing Xbox. They're stupid because parents let the friggin' teletubbies raise them from age 3. Their out-of-control because with lack of child raising skills comes kids who commit crimes, screw each other at age 12, and take drugs. And let's face it, they're ugly because their mom and dad were no Miss America and Mr. Universe.
Their idea of a flawless society was tried earlier in the 1930's and 1940's of which you can find old educational reels that are a little hard to understand because they are in German. Yeah, a yuppie's view of a perfect society is one of Non Smoking, Non Caffeine Consuming, White Collar, cublical trapped zombies who aren't allowed to think for themselves: Uncle Sam does it for them
So Yuppies make my number 9 position on the 2003 Jackass Awards List.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 02, 2004
2003's Jackass Awards Vol. 1.
The year was a big one and there are a lot of stupid people out there. It's tough to pick the ten best but I'll have a stab at it.
Let's start with Angry Helen from Worcester. While I was working for WTAG over the summer, I observed a very new and un-usual kind of stupidity. People who hate what they are listening to on the radio and won't change the station. Helen makes this list by virtue of the fact that she is the picture-perfect example of this.
Yes, I realize she's probably been listening to WTAG all 89 years of her life on earth (which is a record since WTAG is only 75 years old), but she probably should have probably complained when "Lux Radio Theater" went off the air back in the 1950's rather than waiting until 2000 to complain about The WTAG Morning News Team. What she should do is just let it go, turn the dial to Swing 830, WCRN, enjoy the classic swing bands from the 30's and 40's, and just move on.
So Angry Helen, representing the League of Extraordinary Adamant Radio Listeners, makes the number 10 slot of 2003's Jackass Award winning a simulated leather wallet.
Posted by Vince Wylde at 6:23 PM 0 comments