Saturday, August 30, 2003

Email Scams, Hoaxes, And Worms - This Is A Late Friday Post.

Not a day goes by where someone doesn’t email you an email with specific instructions for good luck. “Email this to 400 people in your address book and you will have good luck for the next year. But, if you ignore it, a Scandinavian cockroach will molest you."

And then there’s the “SoBig,” and “MSBlaster” worms, that wiggle their way through your connection and rape your computer’s hard drive.

And of course, who can forget the recent email sent to people with the subject line, “Vital Microsoft Update”. Should have clued people in that it was sent to POP3 accounts.

I have spent hours of time thinking about what reasons could prompt any human being to sit down and write a hoax email, worm, or Virus, and I’ve come to this educated conclusion. People are assholes.

Hoax emails are my favorite because they require thought and creativity. A few examples of this:

*The US Post Office is making a commerative Muslim Stamp! Remember September 11th? Remember Iraq? Blah blah blah? Mail this to everyone you know! Let’s stop this!!!

Ok. This one is dumb because it’s worded badly. An obvious racist also writes it. While I personally hold the belief that 90% of the Islamic population hates anyone who isn’t Muslim based on things I’ve read from their own bible, the Koran, I also don’t believe this email. First of all, the Post Office is wise enough to know this would piss most of the population off since most of us believe the nation of Islam hates us. Secondly, this guy obviously has an axe to grind, and he wasn’t smart enough not to let it show in his email.

*If you email this to 1000 friends, a $30.00 gift certificate will pop up on your screen for Outback Steak house. (also Steakloft, TGI Fridays, Applebee’s, or a pop culture-esque restaurant in your area.)

This one is particularly dumb because there is no way to trace email from one user to another. Yet, this one never goes away. And someone always falls for it. It’s also dumb because the number of people you have to email it to almost always exceeds 50.

*Subj: Better Send This Along! Not Cool! Found It On My PC. Text: If you search your computer, you will find a program called Watson.exe on your computer. It’s set to run on 1/1/2004 (or whenever). When you find it, delete it. I searched all of my computers and it was on every one!

This one annoys me. This was obviously written by some computer savvy dork that hasn’t had a date since the stock market crash of 1984. He thinks its hysterical to get people to delete non critical windows installed programs that have some very obscure and un-important task. Tee-hee. The program itself varies, but the threat is always the same. It will run on a certain date, and your computer will explode into flames.

Yeah. These idiots have no life. What’s depressing is how many people they are able to fool. I can say with every degree of honesty, they have not fooled me in at least 5 years; I’ve only been using the net for 6.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Music, Money, Mayhem - Shut Your Trap

I'm tired of religious zealots donning the name of God and saying certain music is of the devil if it has a certain tempo and beat. As a Christian, I do not now, nor have I ever agreed with this thinking. To sum it up: It's neanderthal and puts limitations on a God who's supposed to be all-powerful.

Now there are bands that read this page that have issues with Christianity which may spawn from this very thinking - so I challenge fellow Christians. Because of this kind of mentality you have done less to win people to your cause than to draw them in. Hell. They already have to give up pre-marital sex, why would you add more to that already exhaustive list?

The biggest target for a long time was Metal. And this is a mammoth genre spanning over 10 sub genres - one of which includes Christian Metal. Oh, don't think the zealots haven't attacked this one, my friends. One person told me, "I think Christian Metal is an Oxy-Moran." Well, there's a moran in there for sure...

Life is too short to categorize every little thing in life as good and bad, and no deity - living or dead - ever left us at the helm to decide such matters. Further, when it comes to music - unless the artist adds subliminal messages ordering you to go out and kill in the name of the Iron Gypsies - or whatever the band's name is - then, you shouldn't go make value judgements. Instead, if you think a music style is bringing you to a certain place, don't listen.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Get My Gun, Mama

Ok, I know I'm going to step on some toes this morning. But, quoting the movie Biloxi Blues, "When you start compromising your thoughts, you are a canidate for medocrity."

Guns. The left hates these things, and for that matter, so do some of the right. But let's face it, if every American citizen was carrying a loaded weapon, well, terrorists would be a little less anxious to get over here and cause trouble. Hell, a plane may have gone down on 9/11 because a passenger discharged a firearm in attempt to stop an act of terrorism, but then thousands of lives lost in the twin towers would have been saved.

Now the left argues that we need to make guns unavailable to people who would use them to hurt others can't get them. So, in effort to do this we have all kinds of gun control. Some would like to see guns erradicated in this country. Let me think. Would this work?

Well, controlling an item has been attempted before but it didn't seem to stop it from being widely available. I mean, the FBI, CIA, and ATF have done a bang up job keeping illegal narcotics off of the street. And I don't mean Marajuana, I mean the big ones like Heroine and Cocaine. If I wanted a fix right now It would probably take me 20 minutes to find a dealer.

So it's irresponsible to think that anyone could control guns. I hate to quote over stated bumper stickers, but it's just so true: "If they outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns." Very very true. Just look to the friendly neighborhood drug dealer to see that.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Islam: Loaded With Lies And Hypocrisy

It's time I let you in on the religion of the Muslim Extremeists. Terrorists hide behind this faith doing acts of terror in the name of Allah. Well, first, you should know about Allah. Allah was actually a title of a local moon god. Hence the crescent moon as their "cross". Islam is simply a re-birth of the Moon God Cult. And What of this Mohammad, the prophet who spoke directly to Allah himself? Well, this is where the religion gets really ugly.

First, by modern day definition, Mohammad was a pedophile. Mohammad the "father" of Islam took a wife who was the ripe old age of 6 Mohammad was also a common thief. He would order followers to attack caravans, rape the women, kill the men, and bring back a 20% payment to him. Their reward for this would be young boys for sex and, rivers of wine, and so forth and so on.

Yet, this tool was quoted in the Hadith as saying, "Be honest because honesty leads to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise. Beware of falsehood because it leads to immorality, and immorality leads to Hell."

So why does it not suprise me the angriest bunch of people on the planet follow this religion, loaded with loopholes, hypocrisy, and double talk? The problem is, anti religion zealots will lump Christianity into the same slot as Islam, and the two are totally different in contrast.

The Koran was written in 500 AD, whilest the Old Testament, or the Torah, had always been on record and in existance. Mohammad attempted to re-write the ancient scriptures to fit the mold of what he himself wanted. Mohammad didn't talk with God, he had voices in his head. In our era, he would be talking to God on a two way radio in an Asylum.

For those who want the Christian side of this, you may go to This Web Site for more information.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Monday Double Edition!!!

Gas Prices Spike in the U.S.

Well, let them blame the blackout, a blown pipeline and various other copouts, but AAA seems to be leaning towards greed, and so am I. It's late August, the vacationing season is about done and American gas companies are scrambling to give themselves a nice post summer bonus for all their "hard" work *ahem*. Um. No.

See, this is the second notable time the American gas industry has taken advantage of the American people by spiking gas numbers through the roof. It happened about 3 weeks before war was declared despite the president pleading with these greedy losers not to "take advantage of the American people".

Numbers are declaring prices to go back down after Labor Day. I doubt it. When did the prices ever drop after Iraq? It's an excuse for American gas companies to slip a little more coin into their fat, bloated, greed-infested pockets. This one we can't blame on the Arabs.

The double edged sword that is Capitalism. Well, I'm suprised these bastards can sleep at night. When you jack the gas price up by 18 cents in a single day, your just as filthy and un-American as a terrorist. Sure, it may be completely legal and within your right, but it doesn't make it acceptable.

Yeah, we can't go without gasoline, but that doesn't mean the less moral of our society won't get pissed off at you and just fill up and drive off.

Agressive Drivers: Your Time Is Up

We all see them. Angry, cell phone using, excessive speeding, tail-gaters on the freeway, shoving their BMW up your ass, flashing their lights and screaming obscenities out of the window of their car. And in the state of Massachusetts, they seem to be allowed free reign, terrorizing us all. Making that pit in our stomach all the more sour because of how arrogant they are.

Well, the clock's ticking down. Because, if you read this article at MSNBC, you'll see that cops have their number, at least, in some states.

And being the money grabbing whores they are on Beacon Hill, Massachusetts is sure to follow suit much to the dismay of the excessively angry, no doubt forcing them to leave. Now I hate anything that gives this state more coin it's pocket, but in this case they are the lesser of 2 evils. I really hate agressive drivers.

So, keep driving like an ass. Your time's coming, junior.