Friday, August 08, 2003

The Result Of Letting Your TV Raise Your Kids

If you're living in a cave and haven't heard this story, or you live in a state that doesn't report New England news, visit The Boston Herald.

I hope this doesn't suprise anyone. This is the 4th time this woman was attacked, and while the crime is horrific, I can't help but ask, did this mother have her head buried in the sand? Because I hope she wasn't so stupid she just let this relationship continue when she had been attacked before by this kid.

But my focus is the 16 year old daughter who helped plot her mother's murder. This girl is exactly what I've been ranting about when I criticize parents for letting "the Teletubbies raise their kids..."

When you don't take proactive involvement in your child's upbringing, this could often be the result. I don't care how many hours you work, and how over scheduled your life is. You know what? Cancel some activities. Maybe you don't need to be taking that night time basket-weaving course. Or just maybe it won't hurt the throw rug comittee at your church if you step down because you need to raise your kids. In fact, they better understand - family should come first in any church setting.

Point and case: bad things happen when you don't spend time with your kids. Anything from drug use to a murderous teen. May I suggest that this girl's plot against her mother may have spawned from hurt or neglect throughout her life rather than just the fact that she couldn't move in with "Prince Charming" - who by the way - typical to teenage girls who select a man from a group full of eligible bachelors - had all the personality of a handful of poker chips.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Educational Age Descrimination

Don't kid yourself. It exists and companies get away with it every day. Just because there are laws against it doesn't mean there are also no loop holes. There are, in fact, huge loop holes and the fact that government hasn't addressed this enormous problem sickens me.

A man in his 50s with a nice master's degree who's worth six figures a year simply isn't going to beat Mr. 20 Something who has a similar degree but will work for a fraction of the paycheck. It's age descrimination compounded with educational descrimination. And it's another example of how corporate America is f'ing up.

Mr. 20 Something will work twice as long as the older guy and maybe they can rob his paycheck over the long term. The baby boomers are getting screwed by a system run by younger CEOs who believe in cutting costs and reducing overhead by bashing the older generation with a shovel.

In the end, you have a high un-employment rate and the family man with no way to provide for his family who stands out on the road side with a sign that says, "Gentleman with a family will work for food."

This is wrong and it needs to stop. Now. And I personally condemn any company guilty of this. No matter what your reasons are, they are un-acceptable.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Episcopalians Approve Gay Minister

I'm sorry I can't just let this one fly. I'm very careful not to take on the Gay community because of their flamboyant nature and outspoken attitudes, but being a Penticoastal, this sucks the life out of me. There is not one Christian organization out there that can justify this kind of moral compromise. You can read the article at Yahoo! News.

Anyone who really knows their bible knows God condemns gay relations. It's in 1 Corinthians 6:9 "9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

So where does the Episcopal church get off second guessing God? Hey, if you're gay and call yourself Christian - your thinking is majorly flawed. And you can't just take what you want from the bible. Now, I don't want to preach, but this makes Christianity just seem like another politically correct organization that makes compromises so everyone can fit in. Well, I hate to break the news to you, but God is not politically correct. In fact, in some cases it's safe to say politically correctness is straight out of the pits of hell because of some of the compromises that result in its very existance.

So call me a hypocrit for calling the overweight "fat", the handicapped "crippled", people with an appearance deficit "ugly" - but my refusing to lower myself to the standard of politically correctness also keeps me from making compromises like the one the Episcopal church did.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Are You Overweight? Sue "Big Food"!

Are we friggin' serious? I already think lawyers are filthy, scumbag, money hoarding pieces of garbage, and this certainly doesn't help their profile. Seriously, you know that tupperware phonebooth on wheels the Pope cruises around in? Well, Chrysler could make a killing if they made these commercially available because lawyers are going to need them.

What spineless piece of trash can honestly throw his or her common sense out the window and lay down a decent arguement against this simply being a lack of one's own ability to use a little mind power and not eat KFC three meals a day? Shoot. One meal a month is probably pushing it. And we all know this!

So why are people scrambling to get their lawsuit in for their weight problem or fat kid? Well, we can chalk it up to greed, my friends. We can also stop calling the last two generations "Generation X" and "Generation Y" and just lump them together as the "Raised By The Mass Media Generation".

This happens because since the 70's, mom and dad aren't home; and when they are home, they let the friggin' Tele-Tubbies raise their kids. This is un-acceptable.

But the first time I wrote this page, I totally missed something. Employers are at fault, as well. America is working longer and harder for less benefits. And I mean all around. Instead of an eight hour work day, we are putting in ten to twelve hours, and to top it off, we get lousy health care that most employers pay less than half of.

So overall, this is a self causing problem. Parents need to flush the remote control down the toilet, and raise their kids. Employers need to stop being so damn greedy and get back to valuing families. We are becoming mindless money hoarding zombies in this country. The countdown clock is activated and it's going to tick down to detonation.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Molly Bish Laid To Rest - 1983 - 2000

You know, there's tons of things making me angry today that I could rant about. But I was completely disarmed when I sat down at the computer this morning when I found items from the Molly Bish memorial service Sunday.

It yanked at my heart, and begged me to say something. And, what kind of person would I be if I did not fill my obligation as "the voice of those who cannot and will not speak,"? (Political Cataclysm).

God has emblazened the face of this young girl on my heart and I would be lying if I didn't admit that her face will haunt me until the day I die. I know so many kids in her age group and would be mortified if some spineless coward did anything to any of them. What happened to Molly is in-tolerable.

I read the button that was handed out and it nearly brought me to tears: "Found but forever missed." The only reason I am anywhere near this case at all is that WTAG is close to the case, and being an intern, I read every last word that comes in about Molly and her family.

We need to remember that we are responsible to defend our kids.

As such, I'm weilding a sniper rifle (figuratively speaking) with a 500 yard scope on it and I'm pointing it straight between the eyes of any demon who wants to hurt one of God's children.

I'm not sure what I will be called to do, or even if I will be called to action in this war against horrid people who rape and murder kids, but I am open to helping. One thing's for sure. We cannot stand by and let another Molly Bish endure what Molly herself endured.

So, today's blog, just a little remembrance for Molly. As George Bush would say, "Let's Roll." That's damn right.

This one's for you, Molly. -Vince