Friday, August 08, 2003

The Result Of Letting Your TV Raise Your Kids

If you're living in a cave and haven't heard this story, or you live in a state that doesn't report New England news, visit The Boston Herald.

I hope this doesn't suprise anyone. This is the 4th time this woman was attacked, and while the crime is horrific, I can't help but ask, did this mother have her head buried in the sand? Because I hope she wasn't so stupid she just let this relationship continue when she had been attacked before by this kid.

But my focus is the 16 year old daughter who helped plot her mother's murder. This girl is exactly what I've been ranting about when I criticize parents for letting "the Teletubbies raise their kids..."

When you don't take proactive involvement in your child's upbringing, this could often be the result. I don't care how many hours you work, and how over scheduled your life is. You know what? Cancel some activities. Maybe you don't need to be taking that night time basket-weaving course. Or just maybe it won't hurt the throw rug comittee at your church if you step down because you need to raise your kids. In fact, they better understand - family should come first in any church setting.

Point and case: bad things happen when you don't spend time with your kids. Anything from drug use to a murderous teen. May I suggest that this girl's plot against her mother may have spawned from hurt or neglect throughout her life rather than just the fact that she couldn't move in with "Prince Charming" - who by the way - typical to teenage girls who select a man from a group full of eligible bachelors - had all the personality of a handful of poker chips.