Friday, October 29, 2004

Yahoo! News - Bin Laden Says He Ordered 9/11 Attacks

Osama, Drop Dead you cancerous camel genital.

For the less Religious minded, you may want to disperse because what I say now 1)Involves Jesus Christ and Jehovah 2)Will really piss of Islam... Say what you want, but I stand for my God...

Osama, you and every other Muslim militant will be judged for your muderous actions against humanity and your arrogant view that yours is the only truth. I now quote Christian sources:

Armageddon is a corruption of the Hebrew Har Megiddo and means literally "the mount of Megiddo." During the past 4000 years, at least 34 bloody conflicts have already been fought at the ancient site of Megiddo and adjacent areas of the Jezreel Valley. Egyptians, Canaanites, Israelites, Midianites, Amalekites, Philistines, Hasmonaeans, Greeks, Romans, Muslims, Crusaders, Mamlukes, Mongols, French, Ottomans, British, Australians, Germans, Arabs and Israelis have all fought and died here. The names of the warring generals and leaders reverberate throughout history: Thutmose III, Deborah and Barak, Sisera, Gideon, Saul and Jonathan, Shishak, Jehu, Joram, Jezebel, Josiah, Antiochus, Ptolemy, Vespasian, Saladin, Napoleon, and Allenby, to name but a few of the most famous.

See, Osama, you will be judged for your crimes. For your hate, and for your actions. You are a hateful little man, and God has seen it. What happens here on this earth means little in the face of eternity. Enjoy your reign of terror while it lasts because whether by man or God himself, it will end. Then you must face God for your crimes...