Friday, August 01, 2003

Insanity: Here's Something That Bugs Us All

We've all heard them. They draw an irritated groan and an instinctive switch of the dial. In the industry we call them: Commercials. Yes, there are the ones that make us chortle, chuckle and giggle. But then there are also the irritating, awful, "Why the ?@#$! did they even record this damned thing?" commercials.

Now, it wouldn't be me unless I bashed a couple of these with a shovel, so here goes. Let's start with Ernie Bach Junior. "Sorry, you have bad credit... Sorry you have a reposession," etc. etc. This commercial rubs me the wrong way. First of all. If I have bad credit, I don't need some irritating salesman (who I don't trust to begin with, the lying sack of s), reminding me all the ways my credit sucks. Make your point. "You need a car, I can get you approved. Offer good from A to B." Then shut up, and get off my screen. Channel 7 needs to stop airing this before we all destroy our TVs with the nearest chair.

The next one is a radio ad for "Carl's Diner" in Worcester set to the music of "Mission Impossible" with some guy who is NOT a singer, belting out very poor lyrics which paint the picture of what Carl's Diner serves. "Eggs and ham, toast and Jam..." blah blah blah. This song was irritating the FIRST time I heard it. And every Worcester affiliate airs it. So now, I'm switching to Boston stations to escape this moronic drabble.

The last one is the notorious McKinnon's Meat Market ad that airs primarialy on weekends on WBZ in Boston. This commercial is another guaranteed channel changer. A bunch of guys chant every damn item McKinnon's offers at their butcher shop. Ok. It's a butcher shop. I think I can figure out the rest.

Point of fact: If your commercial irritates me; 1. I won't use your product just to spite you. 2. I will shut you off which is the opposite of what you want.

Stations who air these awful ads have an instant loss of listenership and should probably heavily advise against the client airing this for the above reasons. It simply brings no benefits.

So how can I sum this whole thing up? Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Thursday, July 31, 2003

Kansas Woman A Piece Of Garbage For Playing Cruel Joke Posing As Missing Daughter

Where these people come from and who they think they are I will never know. But if you read The Herald's Article that reveals that Donna Walker was committing a hoax, you realize there are some real wastes of life out there.

Who the heck are these people? The man that has been on the news, filled with a new sense of hope that his daughter who was abducted at age 8 may be alive, was devestated on last nights newcast. He fell apart on the air, overcome by grief.

Man, someone should beat this woman with a shovel. Maybe it will knock some sense into her. And if this was just another cruel joke for her, well, then upgrade your weapon to a backhoe.

I have no use and zero tolerance for people who would commit such a foul act. And if any of you out there actually think this is funny, God have mercy on you - because I wouldn't.

The most time Donna Walker will see is 3 years. Man. Give her life! Make this digusting pile of refuse stay in prison. There are murderers who have long since reformed I would let out before this piece of trash.

This disgusts me.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

U.S. Security Experts Asleep At The Wheel

Despite all the new threats coming from U.S. Intelligence, Air Marshals are being pulled from key flights as of August. The question is why?

My guess is that common sense has been thrown out with the baby and the bathwater. We make all this fuss about needing to be security consciences, and yet we do dumb things like this. Shoot. Why don't we just invite al-Quada over and hand them the keys to the ignition of every jumbo jet at Logan?

This is typical of the U.S. - scare the crap out of everyone with "intelligence", but don't raise the terror threat level or beef up security. In fact, just lower security all around. While were at it, let's start selling Nike's with compartments for shoe bombs.

I don't care if the reasoning is simply a nudge and a wink to al-Quada that says, "Hey, we know what's up." It terrorizes people in this country when it's done. Rather than saving a few bucks, just take the precautions and make it difficult over all to hi-jack anything to begin with.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Tuesday Special Double Edition!!!

Bob Hope

I wanted to take this brief moment to salute one of America's greatest entertianers: Bob Hope. We all have heard the stories for the past 2 days about how he started in Vaudeville, had his own radio and television show, and how he entertained the troops.

Instead, I would like to call on some of those classic radio fanatics to help release, not just the greatest hits from his radio era, but everything so we can all share in the memories.


The regular column follows below.

Terrible, Awful Video Games Are The Spawn Of Satan

Friday afternoon I spent 4 hours playing Grand Theft Auto Vice City. I think I understand why parents are losing their minds over this game by Rock Star. Maybe it's because it's the video game equilivent of buying an NC-17 Movie for your 10-year-old.

Seriously, would you go out and buy a copy of "Bloodfest 12: Obliviated Bodies - by Riot Act Pictures" for your kid? Not likely. But there are "parents groups" who have a big problem with this game. Hmm. Let's use a little logic here:

See, GTA 3: Vice City wasn't designed for kids. It's clearly designed for stressed out adults who would never act out violence in the real world, but are seeking that stress release they need after battling it out with stupid drivers on Amierca's Highways, bosses with ego problems, and way too long office hours. That, or the game is just designed to be a bloodfest and your typical shoot-em-up theme, reminicent of N.A.R.C. But N.A.R.C. was ok, because THAT game was a bunch of cops slaughtering drug dealers.

Video games are entertainment. Nothing more. And, as with anything, if hi-jacking someone's IROC, running down pedestrians and taking sniper shots from a 3 story building for hours on end is going to cause you to fly over the edge, you should probably steer clear.

Experts argue that such suggestive pursuasion is not possible. It's like saying Van Halen's "Jump" is going to prompt you to commit suicide. Although video game graphics are much more suggestive, I doubt Mr. Suburbanite is going to weild a chainsaw in the name of vengeance just because he owns GTA: Vice City. In fact, I think the opposite would be true. Due to the satisfying graphics of people being blown in two, it should alleviate some of that stress.

And, if you have to find some justification for destroying people and blowing things up, just enter the cheat code for the Tank or hi-jack a police car and go into vigalante mode. Point and case: Just in enjoy the game. It's only fantasy.