Friday, July 16, 2004

Who Will Vince Vote For?

So here comes the 2004 elections. Kerry Versus Bush. People seem to think I don't stand for anything because I've pretty much been dragging both candidates right through the dirt. Well, let's weigh them out, shall we?

Bush: This 4 year champion of oppressed Camel Jockeys has the record to actually look at. So far, he's helped unite a country because of September 11th, avenge his father, and go hunting for non existent WMDS. I'm not going to get into the schematics about the WMDS and their location or lack thereof because, let's be honest, not one American in this country really has any clue and anyone saying they do is lying. Bush cut taxes but then also cut overtime pay to the lower class. He has tried to ban gay marriage to no avail as no one wants to be his co-pilot when this ship crashes in the sea of morals.
Kerry: Kerry is a tool. Let's face it. The only thing you know about Kerry is 1)He doesn't stand for a damn thing - the guy changes his mind at every corner. 2)In light of recent events we also discovered he's homo-erotic. The one thing we do know it that Kerry will ask the U.N. permission to use the toilet and any decision that is any more serious than that as well.
Ok, so who does Vince vote for? Michael Badnarik. Why? Out of the three he has stances on issues that are well thought out, even if I don't agree 100% The biggest is the war in Iraq. What would Mike do? Pull the troops and bring them home. Amen brother. What about the next time terrorism strikes? In Mike's own words:
"The proper response would have been to present the evidence as to who committed the heinous act both to Congress and to the people, and have Congress authorize the president to track down the individuals actually responsible, doing everything possible to avoid inflicting harm on innocents. "
The second reason I would vote for him: "Gun Control Means Being Able to Hit your Target." This guy understands that part of the reason terrorists have a field day with us is that 70% of us are completely ignorant to the right to a firearm. We think people who own them are sociopaths and need to have their guns removed. However, a nation of citizens who are well-armed is quite less inviting to a terrorist as we might just start shooting back.
For more info on Michael Badnarik visit .

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Kids - The Truth

A lot of people walk around thinking their kids are the best. Good looking, smart, and in many cases, perfect. I have a news flash for you. They aren't.

Look, if every moron on the planet who had kids, had perfect kids, well, then there would be no bullies in schools. Let's face it. It's already obvious some people do not live on this planet mentally. The same group is probably going to think their buck-toothed 300 pound little girl is model material while they plop her in front of the tube and stuff their kids full of twinkies.

The educational system has taken a dump in recent years and kids are put on the bottom of the list of priorities. Teachers are under paid and over worked and the problem doesn't get any better. Kids are raised by people who shouldn't even have kids and not taught them basic societal morals.

Hey, society is breaking down, and not everybody's kid is smart, good looking or even well behaved. The bottom line is parents need to wake up and realize this and maybe, I don't know, PARENT for a change. Make your kids exercise, study, shut off the Playstation 2, and take them to a lyposuction / plastic surgery clinic.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The Great Boston Democratic - WASTE OF TIME AND RESOURCES.

Here comes the K-Train, everybody on board. Incidentally, K-Train as in John Kerry, nominee at large. Look, I hate the liberal yo-yos with a passion. Thanks to them, I have to deal with people having a never ending nicotine fit because it was in my best interest not to be inhaling second-hand smoke.

The fact is, Boston will shut down. Business will be on a weeklong hiatus, cops will be working 12 hour shifts... In the long run, the city will spend more money than it makes. Menino is an idiot, we all know it. If you didn't, here's your reality check. We are spending more money on security for a bunch of Liberal wackos "officially" doing something that indicates somehow John Kerry is the man to run for high office.

Didn't we already know that? Didn't we decide a while ago this tool was running against George W. Bush? Or did I just imagine all the declarations that were made announcing John Kerry the winner? Tools. So we now have to spend thousands to make sure a terrorist doesn't hi-jack a subway and drive it into the fleet center. Brilliant.