Thursday, November 20, 2003

Michael Jackson: How Does This Guy Get Away With It?

Today Michael Jackson surrendered to authorities over the alleged molestation charge. Hooray. Wait, let me get excited about this. Ok, I'm done.

I cannot get excited about something like this when I know darn will Michael will shell out a lucrative amount of money to get himself out of trouble again. The difference between Michael molesting someone and Uncle Fred molesting someone is that feds would have kicked in Uncle Fred's door, drug him out into the street and shoved his monkey ass, head first, into a waiting cruiser. Michael is given the option to surrender.

Michael will more than likely make a huge settlement again, because as you know, money always erases emotional scars, and fixes all the world's problems (that's why we've been so successful with Korea). I think it really has to do with the fact that he's so ultra huge that people view it as just being Michael Jackson at it again and who really cares? However, if the court systems don't do something, then it looks like we are just massaging his ego.

The truth is Michael Jackson's unit should be removed with a chainsaw and he should get a lobotomy. He sucks as an artist, and he's a circus freak show. Game over, it's time to retire, loser.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Gay Marriage In Massachusetts.

No, unlike the previous times, I'm not going to take a religious stance. I'm going to take a purely homophobic stance (although if there's one thing I'm not afraid of, it's a flaming homosexual who more effeminate than my own sister.)

I'm sick of the homosexual agenda. I'm tired of people who really want to carve this planet up finer amongst themselves. You can lump them together with pedophiles as far as I'm concerned. They are just the same because they want something no-one is comfortable with NOR finds moral, and because they can't have it, they all shove it down our throats.

Next it WILL be pedophiles because they'll see all the success the gays are having. In fact, the pedophiles ALREADY have a petition to eliminate the age-of-consent circulating arguing that pedophilia, like homosexuality is a "lifestyle". Yeah, the conservatives said 20 years ago gays would NEVER allowed to be married. Now look. Pedophiles are next.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Bush Sucks.

The Bush administration is pushing for a major trade deal that would hurt ordinary working Americans by exporting even more jobs. This deal, called the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), is like the NAFTA agreement of 10 years ago but much bigger. The FTAA would trade away millions more U.S. jobs. -A/P

Great, just as the economy gets better little Georgie drops this bomb. What an ass. He's been cornered with the question about large corporations moving operations off shore where they can save by paying people in toilet countries 30 cents a week, and he returns with this solution? Where the hell is this guys head, the sand?

Jobs are few far and between in this country as is. Former software VIP's are stealing jobs from blue collars because they can't get back into their own field. This puts blue collars out of work. The FTAA will only move the remaining survival jobs over to Toiletstan where we can't get them. In essence, George Bush is causing the country to self destruct.

This guy just doesn't f'ing get it. He keeps making bad decisions that hurt our soldiers, economy, and ultimately, the USA's own citizens. He won't get re-elected, and if he does, he may very well be assassinated by someone who has been directly effected by his extremely poor decision making.