Friday, June 27, 2003

RIAA, Major Labels Vs. The Dangerous File Sharer

Well, you've all been waiting for Radio's Avenger to step up to the plate and jack one out of the park on behalf of musicians everywhere. Well kids, today is that day.

Today's Target: The RIAA. What a disgusting organization. This group of Einsteins is now attacking their very source of income: The music buyer. Now I realize something must be done about file sharing. But charging $750.00 per song found on your hard drive? Are they serious?

First of all, to all you hot headed musicians who think you are saying something by backing the RIAA let me let you in on a few details of this digusting organization.

The RIAA backs Major American labels who are morally guilty of much worse crimes than any file sharer. Major labels create dozens of pre-fabricated bands a year. Most recently they even pre-fabricated a genre: Nu Metal. They search for easily corruptable bands who are signed to a three album deal and then disposed of when the labels are done with them. They steal 95% of the CD Sales Profits, keeping the lump sum for their own pockets.

Upon "scouting" a real band, they have the band sign what is called a "deal memo" - unknown to the band is that this is a binding contract. If a band signs a deal memo, rest assured they will sign a contract that benefits the label or they will be destroyed.

Everything a label fronts for a band in a recording contract must be paid in full. So the band now must pull off a phenominal tour or go into financial ruin.

All this is backed by the RIAA who claim to be acting in the artist's best interest. What a joke. Someday, a rich user with good strong political ties will sue the RIAA for unfair business practice and win. God bless him when that happens. These people are the real crooks.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

SPECIAL EDITION! Left Vs. Right - How Un-American?

Recently, a message board on yahoo has prompted me to respond where I can be heard with out the venom of the anti Bush, anti Republican idiots who plague the net. This is a long one, so settle in.

I said, Does Bush walk on water? No, absoluteley not. But if he makes members of the extreme left squirm in their seats, GOOD.

They said, By the way, you need to get over the left right bit, we are all Americans. But that doesn't seem to matter to you, does it?

Ok, let me explain something. I am most certainly NOT a Republican, nor do I think they are much better than Democrats. I just happen to think, because of their past actions, that Democrats are disgusting animals. They stopped the whole country for a month to re-count ballots because they didn't win. Granted, there were issues in the Florida ballot count, but these clowns would have counted until the early days of summer just to ensure Al Gore won. Republicans have their bad side to, the Democrats just shine through more because it is so blatant. Think about it, they are the ones willing to trade in a little of your freedom to tax FAST FOOD (inevitably leading down the same path as cigarettes) because a bunch of lousy parents allow their kids to be raised by the Teletubbies, and the kids think a steady dies of fast food is safe.

What am I? Libertarian. I think our government is fat, bloated, and greedy and needs to be downsized. Try to prove me wrong.

They said, leading with a quote from me, "I'm really sick of you anti Bush people polluting the internet with your venom. And I'm really sick of you people that think Bush is the second coming of Christ, and you're willing to look past all the lies he told."

This guy is a cop in Flint, Michigan, and evidently, to be a Cop in Flint, you don't need to take a wrtten exam because he clearly can't read. In the post he responded to I clearly said, "Do I think Bush walks on water? Absolutely not," (As above).

The first post was a user who didn't have enough backbone to post where she was from or her name on her profile. You'll notice I posted neither person's screen name. Let me explain why there IS a left and right and why I am neither (and I mean Democrat or Rebublican).

The two are historically contrarians. If the republicans want to do one thing, the Democrats take the opposing side and vice versa. Or, if Bush wants to jump the gun and go to war against Iraq because he's lead to believe by his advisors weapons exist, well, then, the Democrats are dead against it.

Let me ask you something. When election time comes, how do you know what either party stands for? During the off election year, the two are always opposite in opinion. So when it's time to vote, how do you know who to vote for?

Enter the 3rd parties. The 3rd has nothing to lose. You can be certain that if Libertarian so-and-so thinks we should have gone to war, he wasn't just opposing the Democrat and supporting the Republican. What can he gain from that?

So go ahead, ridicule me for thinking of this as being about left versus right. But it is, and at least I will know what my party stands for.

Taxing Fast Food, The Overweight, And The Threat Of New Jackpot Jurys

Taxing junk food and filing lawsuits because your fat kid doesn't know enough not to eat 3 meals a day at McDonalds is ludicrous. Just because a bunch of parents let their kids get raised by the television doesn't mean that justifies what would undoubtedly spin out of control.

Who thinks this stuff up? Do we really need to be told with a big neon sign that a steady diet of fast food will lead to heart attack? Who is really this stupid?

Bad habits are your own, they are not owned by some large corporation. Practicing moderation should be a no-brainer. And yet, we have a group of people out there who start opening their wallets, waiting to cash in on the latest lawsuit craze.

If congress doesn't approve the new bill that will not allow such lawsuits they should be shot. There is no reason to let a bunch of angry, suburban pieces of garbage cash in on their own neglect. Stop allowing the teletubbies, poorly written sitcoms, and cheesy Japanimation cartoons raise your kids and take some friggin' responsiblilty.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

The Nigerian Scam

I don't know what is going on over there in Africa, but it takes a pretty un-creative individual to think this one up. Let's look at this:

Someone (Usually a woman with a dead husband who was some kind of Dignitary) emails you out of the clear blue saying she got your email from a business source (in my case this is bunk, radio personalities are not listed in business boards, sites, etc.). She tells your her sob story which is usually husband died, and for security reasons she can't get to the money unless it's transferred to an American account. So she wants you to transfer the money, which is usually between 1 and 15 million American Dollars, to an account you open. For this you get 10%. Hey 10 grand for a transfer? Wow... Who wouldn't look into this.

Except, when you email her back, you find you have to go to her Country for the transaction. This is where it gets shady. The deal will get threatened once you get there and you'll be asked to contribute a large amount of money to save the deal. People in the past who have fallen for this gem have been subjected to beatings and even murder upon refusal to donate funds to save the venture.

For your edification, here are the details of this email:

In almost every case there is a sense of urgency;

The victim is enticed to travel to Nigeria or a border country;

There are many forged official looking documents;

Most of the correspondence is handled by fax or through the mail;

Blank letterheads and invoices are requested from the victim along with the banking particulars;

Any number of Nigerian fees are requested for processing the transaction with each fee purported to be the last required;

The confidential nature of the transaction is emphasized;

There are usually claims of strong ties to Nigerian officials;

A Nigerian residing in the U.S., London or other foreign venue may claim to be a clearing house bank for the Central Bank of Nigeria;

Offices in legitimate government buildings appear to have been used by impostors posing as the real occupants or officials.

I recieved an email from a genius trying to pull one over on me. I kindly told him I knew who he was, what he was doing and reported it to the Secret Service. I further told him in the email that as long as I drew breath he would kill no Americans.

And for the rest of you idiots who think this works. Go ahead, make it as elaborate as you want. Include spots of land, airplanes, officials, rare works of art, animals - whatever... And I'll keep exposing you.

Now you know why they call me, Radio's Avenger.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

We Are Food, Not Creations With A Purpose

Ok, I rarely share anything Christian based, but this show "Coast To Coast AM" has got my head in a spin. Well, more appropriately, it's got me steamed. George Noory had a guest on who had "proof" we were all food for a master race of aliens. Ok, break out the rope and hang yourself right? How idiotic is this?

Now, I realize most people would rather deny the existence of a God and wouldn't accept the existence of aliens much easier, but lets look at something here.

George's guest said we were food for master race of aliens and even went as far as to say this accounts for many of our planet's missing people. He said from time to time this "race" abducts a bunch of us for consumption. Let's be real, this takes an extreme leap of faith. Much more than the age-old belief in a deity. So let's compare the Christian God, Jehovah to this alleged master race of aliens.

Jehovah loves every single individual on this planet. He has "a plan to prosper, and not to harm you..." (Jeremiah 29:11). The other side, we are a steak with a side order of gravy fries for some green guy with long eyes, no nose, and depending on your description, no vocal chords who populated this planet millions of years ago for random harvests for this ingestion. They are way more technologically advanced than us, they are responsible for crop circles, and they used the Egyptian pyramids as communications beacons.

Which of the two takes more of a leap of faith to believe? Are there facts supporting Alien activity? Sure. I guess... BUT if you check out -you will find this could simply be demonic activity...

Monday, June 23, 2003

"Democracy Is A Failed Experiment" -Hey Stupid, America Is Free, Accept It, Or Leave.

I can't get over certain members of the Extreme Left who think Democracy is a failed experiment. The literal translation is, "Hey, I want to live like a camel like people over in Sandsville, Arabia." Look, if you don't want all this great freedom (which incidently allows you to complain about Democracy to begin with), then get the heck out of my country. Go try to turn some other free nation into a rotting toilet.

As for me, I enjoy all my freedoms that come with living in the USA. Yeah, true, I'm disgusted with with certain members of my society who should really be pulled from the gene pool ASAP, but then that's true with ANY nation and, the truth is, we probably have less over here than in Urinal Ville, Syria.

Hey I'm not too proud to admit I know this is a Capitalist nation. And I'm glad is really irritates everyone over in the Muslim populated nations. They need to accept the fact that while they choose to live like Animals, I don't. And if they have a problem with that, well, then I guess they are just bigoted, racist, Islamic Supramisist, Muslim Red Necks.

As for Kindly Senator So And So who says, "It's time to end the failed experiment of Democracy," well, he can go to Syria.