Monday, June 23, 2003

"Democracy Is A Failed Experiment" -Hey Stupid, America Is Free, Accept It, Or Leave.

I can't get over certain members of the Extreme Left who think Democracy is a failed experiment. The literal translation is, "Hey, I want to live like a camel like people over in Sandsville, Arabia." Look, if you don't want all this great freedom (which incidently allows you to complain about Democracy to begin with), then get the heck out of my country. Go try to turn some other free nation into a rotting toilet.

As for me, I enjoy all my freedoms that come with living in the USA. Yeah, true, I'm disgusted with with certain members of my society who should really be pulled from the gene pool ASAP, but then that's true with ANY nation and, the truth is, we probably have less over here than in Urinal Ville, Syria.

Hey I'm not too proud to admit I know this is a Capitalist nation. And I'm glad is really irritates everyone over in the Muslim populated nations. They need to accept the fact that while they choose to live like Animals, I don't. And if they have a problem with that, well, then I guess they are just bigoted, racist, Islamic Supramisist, Muslim Red Necks.

As for Kindly Senator So And So who says, "It's time to end the failed experiment of Democracy," well, he can go to Syria.